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    Strapping on the 'Euro sports 500 extreme' model toupe with an extra coating of rubber cement. It may come slightly adrift in heavy weather, but it never fails me.

    Get well soon Rahul.

    Day 13 here. As my friend and absolute marvel Byrdy says, it's the day that things turn around. Have i been here before? Yes, countless times. The human spirit is an amazing thing eh Daisy? No looking back. Not for my toupe, past events, nuthin!

    Take care out there.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      I've been on and off this site for too many years to count (with long lapses in between visits). It seems that the number of posts on a daily basis have diminished greatly. Have a lot of people moved to a new site? Was there turmoil here? I can't find many conversations I fit into. Many of them seem almost private/established for months/years. Not many new threads. Am I missing something?


        Welcome back Tessy. You are missing nothing. Only gaining by being here. Ebbs and flows like anything else. 8 years or more of useful info and reading in our toolbox if all else fails. Link below.

        Here is a list of tools that have helped me maintain my sobriety. This is short and incomplete, help us all out and add your sobriety tools to the list. Make a written list, write down: The reason/s you want to be al free. How bad physically and mentally you feel after an adventure with al. (be graphic) A list of your

        Have a gr8 weekend friend.
        Last edited by Guitarista; April 7, 2016, 10:07 PM.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          I struggle to post... Test


            Originally posted by Justme Again View Post
            I struggle to post... Test
            Received! Hi JMA. How r things?

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
              Received! Hi JMA. How r things?

              Thanks for all the replies. I am calmer now. Got booked off by dr for other ailment. Will return on monday. Gives enough time to load up on H2O, activated charcoal and L- Glut. You know... Just in case I have to blow oor pee in a cup!🙈

              Lets see if this sends...


                Many hoped that this would be my "enough" point.
                And it is! This is it for me!!!!

                What always held me back was that question: Is it really THAT bad??

                When that coworker screamed it to me in the meeting my heart stopped, but my alcoholic brain WOKE UP! After 20 hungover years I received a very quiet inner answer



                  I tried hard previously. For myself, my children, a happy future, but this is my point. There is really no other way to excuse or hide it anymore.

                  I used to be "Steady Hands", but can't get that profile to work anymore. I recognize many of you guys. And looking forward to the journey with new friends too.

                  Relieved to be back. This truly feels like the only "family" that understands...


                    Don't know yet if I will be reported, but I will have to fight my coworker.

                    But from deep inside my heart I also silently say: thank you. I got my answer!

                    Will be crunching through day 2.
                    Happy sober day to all of you.

                    Sorry for not greeting everyone. Typing really fast before I loose signal again...


                      Great work on day 2 JM! Keep it going and stay close. G :thumbsup:

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Originally posted by mtess View Post
                        I've been on and off this site for too many years to count (with long lapses in between visits). It seems that the number of posts on a daily basis have diminished greatly. Have a lot of people moved to a new site? Was there turmoil here? I can't find many conversations I fit into. Many of them seem almost private/established for months/years. Not many new threads. Am I missing something?
                        Welcome back, mtess. Was that your name before?

                        The site isn't found very easily on google searches anymore and some people were lost during a site migration but those of us remaining are motivated and committed!

                        None of the conversations are private but it seems that way because people are friends and in my opinion, that is one reason this place works as it does. However, we all love it when a new person joins a thread so please don't be shy! You'll be welcomed anywhere but posting here, also, is a good idea if you're starting out.

                        Anyway, it's great to see you here. NS


                          Good morning Nesters, happy Friday to all

                          JM, is really is all about acceptance. Once you have made that hurdle you have owned up to your problem & can make a plan for success! Good for you!

                          Hello & welcome back mtess. Feel free to jump in anywhere & introduce yourself. We are all here for the same reason.
                          The longer we hang around the site the more we get to know each other
                          The nest is always a perfectly safe place to settle for a while.

                          G, great on 13 magic AF days for you!!!
                          Hang on to your wig hat now, ha ha!!!

                          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Happy Friday everyone! I kept myself busy, therefore out of trouble, yesterday, so I didn't have time to visit for a post. Had to meet my ex-wife in the morning to sign some real estate documents and had a nice visit with her and got to spend time some time with the dogs. The irony is if it weren't for my last relapse, we would probably still be at odds. I posted this earlier, but while drunk and messed up on my Ativan (legitimately prescribed by a psychiatrist - not buying them off the street ) I fell, went to the ER and was referred to a psych hospital for detox. The hospital still has that home number listed as my primary contact so she got a call, a discharge survey, from the hospital the next morning. She knew SHE hadn't been to the hospital and immediately knew what happened and called my cellphone and asked what was going on. I told her I was voluntarily checking myself into detox and asked if she could come see me while I was being admitted. That opened the door for a reconciliation (we had been at each other's throats up to then). After I was discharged I met her at a Starbucks and we talked for about two hours and I was able to do my ninth step amends and we are friends again, something unimaginable prior to that.

                            As I mentioned before, the weather has been glorious this week in Central Florida. No Arctic blast for us, nor have we been pummeled by the storms that have devastated other parts of the southeast, so I took advantage of it again and went on a 20 mile bike ride with my cycling group in the evening. It is great to be back to my old healthy hobbies rather than my other hobby, drinking and abusing my prescription meds until I pass out .

                            It's back to the salt mines today for me after three days off in a row. My AA homegroup meets tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. We are a tight group of friends and frequently go out to eat together after meetings. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
                            First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                              I have joined the new site, Otter. It seems to be a group open to a discussion about the relationship between diet and addiction, a topic near and dear to my heart (and mind). That association holds true whether or not a person is using a medication to stop or reduce drinking. See you over there sometime :smile:.


                                Otter, if the new site is so wonderful in comparison, why are you still here? I'm not pointing fingers and saying you are responsible, but I don't enjoy the drama and trash-talking of others. If you think someone is a troll, try ignoring them. Most of the time they go away if they don't get a rise out of you. Honestly, even though I am on baclofen (along with several other psych meds), that is why I generally avoid the medication forum. Too much fucking drama.
                                First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb

