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Newbies Nest

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    Hello Everyone, just got home from a 16 mile bike ride at Canaveral National Seashore then had lunch at a well-known fish camp restaurant in New Smyrna Beach where I got my oysters on the half shell fix and a cajun fried fish sandwich. I would have made an additional loop and made it an even 20 miles, but pedaling against the headwind on the return back to the north was just too taxing. It was great when it was a tailwind though. I was flying and thinking "Wow, I'm more fit than I thought." Never occurred to me the huge assist I was getting from the wind, lol. So that makes roughly 66 miles this week. I can't believe it's been over a year since I've been to a beach on the Atlantic side given I only live about an hour away. But you can't be bothered by doing things like going to the beach when you're drunk at home.

    Last night was great. My AA homegroup meets on Friday and Sunday evenings and we are a really tight group of friends who go out to eat together afterwards. Someone mentioned a Cuban place in Orlando's SoDo neighborhood (South of Downtown) my ex-wife and I used to eat at all the time and I started raving about it, so I got my fill of Arroz con Pollo and Tres Leches cake.

    Going to a Florida Trail Association potluck and night hike this evening. I was going to make a pasta salad, but I am too pooped to go to Publix (grocery store) and actually make anything, so I think I will just stop at Fresh Market's (another grocery store) deli and buy some. I need a nap! It is a beautiful Saturday here and hope everyone is having a great day.

    Last edited by aihfl; April 9, 2016, 02:20 PM.
    First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


      Aih, it is GREAT to see you enjoying life! The Fresh Market is a great store, I have been trying to make them a customer for years! Congratulations on feeling great! Im so happy and proud for you!!! Keep up the great work!! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Nice pics Guitarista and aihfl!


          Morning nesters

          Check in for me. Still sober and getting on with life. The end of daylight savings has wiped me so been taking it easy.

          Welcome to the newbies. Stay close and post a lot. Worked for me being accountable daily.

          Great pics Mr G.

          Off to make another cuppa and think about what to do today. Oh the table, thats right! I think i will go and visit my daughter, sounds more appealing than sanding.

          Take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Good evening Nesters,

            Almost 10 pm here, it was a good day. I have my grandson staying overnight, he's a great kid.
            I feel so blessed to be enjoying these years with him, fully present & loving every minute we spend together.

            G, gorgeous pics but please don't run too close to those cliffs, ha ha! Life is good

            Ava, the table will keep on waiting, enjoy your day!

            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Good evening everyone. The night hike was fantastic. I've lived in Florida for about 20 years and I had NO IDEA until tonight that we actually have fireflies here. My dad died three years ago on Monday so my mother and I are going out to the Veterans Cemetery (he was a Navy physician) in Jacksonville tomorrow. Wish me luck because she is a difficult person to deal with (she was emotionally and very violently physically abusive when I was a child). I just have to remind myself it's only for a few hours and I will be back in the safety of my AA home group's Sunday evening meeting.
              First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                Hi Everyone

                Aihfl, hope your evening with mom went great.
                I have broken all contact with my family for almost 2 years now.
                They all have alcoholic issues and our relationships are highly toxic. Always drama and accusations... Think it is to keep our addictions alive.

                Not saying anyone should break contact. Hearing about dealing with family while sobering up just rings a bell. Think this is why I am less emotional this time?

                Interesting thoughts on day 4. Everything that was lulled by AL are now clear.
                I can even see how my coworkers must have seen me.

                AL messes with everything!!
                I don't want that anymore. Lulled into stupidity where I can only see my own point or so hungover I can only react with anger. Not to solve anything, but to get people off my back. My commitment to my secret.

                What a waste of life!

                Actually quite happy over here. My brain awake and the thoughts endless.

                Planted veg garden. Even cooked!!

                Maybe now I can sort out some stuff I let laying around for


                  Good Sunday morning Nesters!

                  Chilly but sunny here in my portion of the nest. We are still getting freeze warnings every night so no gardening for me yet!

                  Aih, I hope the day with your Mom goes well.

                  Justme, I totally understand putting space between yourself & toxic friends relatives. I have had to do the same. Don't feel bad about doing what you have to do to create a positive environment for yourself. Your healing takes top priority!

                  Wishing everyone a great AF day!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good Sunday Morn, Nesters!
                    Lav, I couldnt agree more, I love my family, but they will drive me nuts if I let them. They want to bring me down to their level of suffering.....I keep a safe distance, I want to live now that I have a second chance! I try to surround myself with people who contribute to my life, not those who contaminate it.

                    We are heading to vacation next week and I cant wait. We are touring southern Ireland. 10 days of no work (I hope). I am determined to let it go while Im gone. I am warning my customers that I will be unable to check. Wish me luck.

                    As I was packing yesterday and being mindful of my suitcase weight limit, I couldnt help but remember my drinking days and how anxious I would be getting about this trip. My tolerance was HIGH so it took more to get where I 'needed' to be. How many 5th's would it take me to cover 10 days??? Aye, aye, aye.....and how would I keep it hidden? How would I get thru the security checkpoint without hubs seeing??? Could I shift to another line?? Then on the plane....$7 a hit to buy it, a girl could go broke! Sneaking it in the bathroom and brushing my teeth after gulping it down. This is no way to live and a good way to die. I thank my stars every single day that I fought thru those cravings and got to the other side. It took TIME, but it did happen. I have no anxiety in regards to AL on this trip, that is such a blessing. I had to earn that. It has been worth it.

                    Hope everyone has an easy day. MindPeace....there is NOTHING like it. Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Thank You All

                      Hello Everyone

                      Well today I hit my 100 days AF and I wanted to say a thank you to a few people

                      I do not post much on this side of the Forum anymore and I am sorry for this but my heart is always with you guys for the help and support you all gave me 100 odd days ago when I came here needing help

                      My first two friends here were J-vo and NoraC - I really warmed to NoraC, her compassion, understanding and respectful demeanor (in amongst all the other stuff she has going on) was like a beacon in the darkness of my soul - I have read most of her posts (several times) and she is a leading example (with Byrdie of course) of why this area of the Forum is SO important to lost souls such as I was

                      Similar to NoraC, J-vo has a eclectic manor which also warmed me too her - I am sorry about your recent problems J-vo but I am sure, with your honesty and determination, you will fulfil your goal of abstinence - I will be watching your posts on the Nest - So you had better keep posting your progress!!

                      All of you in this area are true troopers - The help and support you give to each other is unrivelled on any site I have visited and for this you all, as a collective deserve a great thanks

                      And finally to my dear friend Idef - We were neck and neck in the start of our journeys and we chatted a bit about stuff and that - I was so upset when she "fell off the wagon", we chatted after but I have not heard since

                      I have found myself in the Meds area more and more, trying to understand more of the science behind why my dependency has changed so dramatically, squabbling with Spirit and making other friends

                      But at the end of the day - There is no place like home for solace and comfort - The Nest

                      Best Wishes and Regards

                      Last edited by Baclofenman; April 10, 2016, 10:42 AM.
                      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                        Good Morning, Nest.

                        Congratulations, BacMan! 100 days is an accomplishment. I love your sincere thanks, too. That is the power of community. Thanks for checking in.

                        Love all of the outdoor exercise. It is truly what got me through those early times. I hiked everywhere, getting to know trails around here that I didn't even knew existed. I had plenty of time for contemplation, listened to the Bubble Hour podcasts, cried, got exercise and loved nature. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

                        I have the dreaded spring cold - my sinuses feel like someone poured silly putty into them over night. Beats a cold with a hangover, though.

                        Byrdie - I live by this when I can. Thanks for the reminder: "I try to surround myself with people who contribute to my life, not those who contaminate it."

                        Hi, Ava. Give that table a break and see your daughter!

                        Stay strong marathon, Aihfl, Justme, Lae and all you newbies. You'll never regret not drinking.

                        Off to do some work around the house and then cook for family tonight.



                          Good evening Nesters,

                          I ended up having all three grandkids & some of their parents here for the afternoon & dinner. Fun times

                          Congrats on 100 AF days Bacman! That's great work, keep going. Those days turn into years

                          Byrdie, traveling without AL on your back will be a pleasure, I'm sure! Have tons of fun!!

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Yo Nesters near and not so far.

                            Congratulations on 100 Bacman. That is a huge accomplishment my friend. Keep it going.

                            Pavi, i love how you mention hiking and nature as a part of your sober oddyssey. I was reminded of the raw healing power of nature/something much bigger than me on the weekend when i went trail running at a remote beach. The terrain, wind and surf where wild and just......'WOW' material. Every city slicker needs to git out and git some nature regularly. More of this for me.

                            Lav, your family is so lucky to have such a cool badass granny.

                            Byrdy, your Irish trip is very exciting! Have you been before? I love that country and the people and i know you will too.

                            L8tr g8trs.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Congrats Bacman! 100 days for me was huge, it's when I knew I was good to go

                              Welcome Aifl and marathon, hope you both stick around

                              My wife surprised me with a pregnancy stick this month, we had been trying for one month so I was shocked. We will have a December baby, I hope, and I am both excited and terrified of something happening again as I just found myself out of the miscarriage depression a few months ago. Still if it all works out I would be super happy to go into this AF


                                Good evening everyone. Having a late night dinner. Don't like eating so late but if I go to bed hungry I'll just lay in bed awake with my stomach growling. Visit with mom went ok. I got a free meal out of it and I'm using the coping techniques learned in therapy to distance myself from toxic people and situations so every time she started to needle me, I succeeded in dispassionately shutting down that line of questioning.

                                Anyway, had a nice visit with dad. I can't believe three years have already gone by. The National Cemetery in Jacksonville is such a peaceful and serene place.

                                Congrats, Bacman. Here's to another hundred and beyond.
                                Last edited by aihfl; April 10, 2016, 10:24 PM.
                                First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb

