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Newbies Nest

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    Waking up not hungover has to be one of the greatest rewards of being AF.
    Welcome Price - don't lose hope , I know that hopeless feeling well and it's hard to shake but we are all here for you,
    Interesting conversation w hubs that I'll post later but have to go to exercise class .
    Charlie- good on you for day 6 starting - getting your 7 day hat tomorrow ! Read through entire toolbox - it helps
    Thanks old timers for all the wisdom
    Just me I'll be looking for your post!


      Good Morning, Nesters! Charlie and Price, great to see you posting. You better believe we understand. The lengths that I went to drink are now unbelievable to me. I can share them here, but I would be mortified in the 3D world if people knew the obsessive nature of this addiction. No one understands an addict like an addict and only WE can help each other (my opinion). I wouldn't take diet tips from a 600 lb person! As Ava said, we have 6-7 years of history in this thread alone...every possible scenario to learn from. The date may be older but the story is the very same. AL is out to kill us!

      Day 5 was a bear for me, but Day 6 was better....once I got to Day 13, things got much easier. Hang in matter what!
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Another AL free rehearsal last night and now up early and refreshed which means I can start my early AM practice sessions again before work. Yahoooo!

        Have a great day, all.

        Being supremely good,
        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

        Go forward boldly and unafraid


          Good morning. Had a great nights sleep and now heading back to the salt mines. Thanks for all the kind words. I'll check back in later.
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Overit - I'm really happy to see you back. I've missed you! Take care of yourself today and I will too - AG


              Thank you for responding to me. I have been reading the tool box and ya'll are right in that its really helpful. And I've found some other posts of folks like me that had a ton of day ones without success and then it finally took so I am more hopeful now than I was. So glad to not be alone!


                Hi, Nest:

                GREAT to see you, Overit. Glad you got through the night and feel better today.

                Charlie - one piece of advice I got was to write down in as much detail as possible how you felt that day that you came here. If you're in the mood to drink, pull it out and remember how much you never want to feel like that again. Posting and reading here were good for me, as well as looking at videos on YouTube about addiction.

                Price - mom of two here, also. I know you can find a way to make this one stick. I'm not sure your financial situation, but I found 1:1 counseling very helpful when I first quit. In my small town, AA wasn't anonymous either, but it really helped me to have a face-to-face person who knew everything, and to hold me accountable. I was pretty good at lying to myself, but I would have found it impossible and unproductive to lie to her. We're here for you, too.

                Great post, Kensho, and my experience as well. I had NO idea how much alcohol was actually getting in my way and thought I was High Functioning. So much is better in so many subtle ways.

                Off to work. Happy SOBER hump day.



                  Originally posted by Price View Post
                  Thank you for responding to me. I have been reading the tool box and ya'll are right in that its really helpful. And I've found some other posts of folks like me that had a ton of day ones without success and then it finally took so I am more hopeful now than I was. So glad to not be alone!
                  Hi Price,

                  Don't forget to head over to Roll Call as well :-) See instructions below in my signature. Great to have you aboard.
                  Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                  Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                  Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                  Go forward boldly and unafraid


                    I'm so disappointed in myself...... I gave in day 5 because I got too upset and emotional about my 4th child being diagnosed with server autism , that's 2 out of 4 of my babies with autism. And I can't keep it together...... I should be there for them, not sinking into a bottle. My emotions got the better of me..... Not good. I should be there to support my kids not f**k up mine and their life by drinking my sorrows. I'm so sorry for letting myself and the group down....l must be stronger. ....... So disappointed in myself.


                      Charlie one of my huge regrets is that at times i was not there for my children due to al. They are all adults now and luckily grew up to be beautiful adults. Yes you should be there to support your children but al addiction is a bitch and what doesnt kill you makes you stronger i say. 5 days was great work and you are back. I got to the point where i had to stop disappointing myself and the ones who were helping me. Take it day by day and minute by minute. Get rid of the al and if you feel like a drink post on here or read. Worked for me in the long run. I had one child with ADD/ODD and now aspergers and he has grown into a gorgeous man and 3 so called "normal" ones. They are all different in their own way, some just need more of our love and attention.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Thank you available. I just need myself to GROW up and stop using al as a comfort blanket to hide my emotions. Life is tough don't get me wrong but I should be an example too them too be strong , But all I show right now is weakness. I LOVE my babies however different they are to one another . But I myself feel and see the diffence and struggle and it gets too much.
                        Last edited by Charlie2016; April 13, 2016, 03:23 PM.


                          I did... thank you!


                            welcome price i feel for you. it can and will get better and before you know it you'll be the one encouraging the newbies!


                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Great to see so many folks checking in today.

                              Charlie, I am sorry about your little one's diagnosis, that is rough. I quite imagine you were quite shocked & resorted to AL without even really thinking it through. We have to break those automatic responses & begin to use healthier new coping methods & you will. Glad you came right back to the nest for some support. Have you had a chance to look through the Tool box yet? You will many great alternatives to replace AL. Were you given a plan of care for your child? You will need to focus on that as well. Stick with us so we can help if possible.

                              Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. We are still getting nightly freeze warnings here which is delaying spring, oh well.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Howdy all. It is an 11 hour day so far and still working hard. AL thoughts are definitely running through my head.
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


