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    Hey Overit - my day was the same. I finally emailed my boss and said I wasn't going to meet my deadline. I just knew I needed to stop working and relax for a bit. Otherwise, I would give in.

    You got this!! Think of how much more you will get done tomorrow with a clear head.

    Price and Charlie - welcome!


      Thanks AG, I needed that. I came straight home and have my diet 7up, my AL brain offered to run to the store and get bread for lunches tomorrow but my husband found an alternative. Not going to say I'm completely relieved but I'm now in my PJs and settled in. I will feel good tomorrow and I'm gonna need it. 12's all week. Good night nesters.
      The easy way to quit drinking?:


        Morning, all!
        I've been running 11 hour days myself, but mine is in preparation for vacation (which is baffling to me). I let all of my customers know (6, mind you, 6 customers) I was going to be out until May second starting Toosday and they did the classic 'Dump and Run'. All the stuff that has been on their desks for me to deal with has been dumped!

        I am amazed at fellow nesters who are/were able to drink while working. That last year or two when my '5 o'clock' started coming at 4....then 3, I had to make sure I wasn't doing anything important because the next day, I couldn't remember what I had done!!! I had to make sure my day was 'front end loaded' so that the important stuff like quotes and phone calls were done in the morning. At least I understood that once I started drinking, the quality of my work went in the toilet. I used to say I needed it to take the edge off, but can you imagine a surgeon or pilot doing the same thing? NO! It's really no different for my job, either, I was doing half-arsed work. I tell you, in hindsight I can see it, but at the time, you'd have never convinced me. I defended AL to the bitter end, I'm afraid. It's scary to me the power of this addiction.

        I was talking to some MWO friends the other night (email talking) and I made mention that at the time, I didn't think I was THAT BAD. I was carrying around a hairspray bottle full of booze and nipping at it when I went to the public restrooms! I routed my flights thru airports that had wine stores in the concourse! I had booze hidden in the lining of my suitcase! I couldn't remember conversations so I wrote everything down best I could, I looked like a dang court stenographer! Yet, I wasn't THAT bad. 'Things could be worse', I'd say....and I was right, they got worse. I feel as if a giant weight has been lifted from my life. It is not an easy journey but I will tell you, it is one worth doing. Get rid of this ball and chain. Don't look back, you will turn into a pillar of BOOZE if you do. The only way out is THROUGH! Power on!!!

        Hugs to all, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Ha ha Bird! I used to do the "writing things down" too with the hubby so he couldn't accuse me of being too drunk the night before.

          I'm glad I'm sober this AM. Up early and to work soon.

          I'm still shaky and I really think it's from this medication that can cause it so my AL brain is saying if that's the case then drink! Seriously right now, bring to get rid of this is the only thing keeping me from drinking right now. My mom had "tremors" and didn't drink and my brother takes Meds for it now too. UGH! I hate to be like that.

          Anyway, I hope I head off the beast tonight.

          Have a great day everyone.
          Last edited by Overit-still; April 14, 2016, 07:28 AM. Reason: Stupid I phone!
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Good morning Nesters, happy Thursday

            Frosty but sunny here in my portion of the nest but I hear a rumor that real spring weather is on the way, ha ha!

            Overit, plan on an AF evening, hope doesn't work.
            Make sure you don't let yourself get too hungry & get at least a few minutes of mindfulness in too. Put the work in now, you'll appreciate your efforts later.

            Byrdie, we sure did some dumb sh*t when we were drinking. I am never going there again

            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day. I am watching my granddaughter today - fun times

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Good Morning All. Here I am on Day 2 and its amazing how in one day, I can start to feel like a human being again. I hadn't been drinking quite as hard on this past seven day "slip" or the day 1 would have been much more painful. Instead, it was the usual jittery, night sweats, depression, hating myself, and scared to death that I'm going to have the memory loss like I always do of just how bad things are when I drink and I'll pick up again in 8 days, or 10, or 3 weeks, or 6 weeks (which is the longest I've been able to go). I spent a great deal of yesterday reading through these MWO forums and couldn't believe how many of you I could relate to or have the same story as me... which was really comforting.


                Today I get to take a trip with my boy...a very special trip. We fly to the mid west, pick up a car and drive back together on Route 66! Not a thought of AL has been factored into this trip. I feel so blessed to be going into it sober and committed to sobriety going forward. The quality of the trip will be so much more memorable vs. hitting the beers each night at the hotels and awaking in the fog. No way. Not me.

                Happy Motoring and Staying Good,
                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                Go forward boldly and unafraid


                  That sounds very pleasant Fin. I hope you get great weather and that the two of you really enjoy the trip! How old is your son?


                    Hi Fin! Have a great trip with your son!

                    Number 1 item on my bucket list is to drive Route 66. I want to do this in a mid-60's vintage Ford Thunderbird. The plan is to do this next April. Calgary to Chicago to LA and then drive up the coast to British Columbia and drive home through the Rocky Mountains. Can't wait!

                    And the best part? The money I don't spend on al will go a long way in covering the cost of the trip!

                    Safe travels Fin!
                    AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                    F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                      Hi, Nest:

                      Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                      ... plan on an AF evening, hope doesn't work.
                      Make sure you don't let yourself get too hungry & get at least a few minutes of mindfulness in too. Put the work in now, you'll appreciate your efforts later.
                      Lav, you slipped that in, but I wanted to highlight it. I agree with you - hope DOESN'T work. I would have tamed my drinking a lot earlier (AND I'd be skinnier). That is the truth. Whichever way out we choose, it takes focus, attention and work to get and stay sober. The rewards are so worth it in the end, but it is not easy.

                      Charlie - believe it or not, I have reached the point that when something stressful happens I don't first immediately think of drinking. I never thought I would see that day, but here it is. The truth is you are not getting rid of those feelings, just postponing them for another time. As humans, feelings, both good and bad, are a part of us. Learning how to work through them has made all the difference. As Mr. G says, the only way out is through. This is where the serenity prayer comes in for me - accepting what I cannot change (the diagnosis, for example), while having the courage to change the things I can (taking that drink, for example). As I said above, this reconditioning is NOT easy, but use us for support and I know you can do this.

                      Overit - Stay the course - you will not regret it! I hope you give yourself some small breaks now and then in your long days. Mindfulness is an amazing thing. Great that you posted instead of drinking.

                      Ok, I have been working those 12 hour days, too. Off to the salt mines.


                      And have a fabulous trip, Fin. Sounds like a great time.


                        Hi all...on day 6. Thoughts creeping in again but I have to say that my late nightly painting changes my thought process as I do it. I go to bed happy, so even though right now I would love a drink, I also know I will feel differently once I get into my next project.
                        Couldn't get an appointment at docs until next week. Very hard week at for the next 3 days and going to see my son on Sunday.
                        Ava, did you read the article about the girl who cried with happiness on Sober Nation? It helped me today. I would recommend this facebook site.....lots of good stuff.
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Morning nesters

                          I so agree Lav hope so does not cut it with addiction. For me it was accountability and plain grit and determination.

                          Daisy acknowledge you want a drink just dont have one. I was so clean when i stopped drinking, want a drink, have a shower, want a drink have a shower ha ha. Want a drink, come on mwo. That al brain is a bitch but as we know the thoughts eventually pass. As Pav says we dont think about a drink day in day out now and we deal with stress without those thoughts. I never thought that would happen and how easy it must have been for those that stopped before me. Now i know they went through exactly the same thoughts and feelings as i did. I will look at that post on Sober Nation missed it for some reason. They are on you tube and give a weekly talk by questions that people send in.

                          Charlie keep plodding along. We get a few days up and then think oh a drink would be nice and the cycle starts again. The first week is hard but so doable and i felt such a sense of achievement doing 7 days when i could not even do one.

                          Friday here, busy day but nothing different from any other.

                          Take care x
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Ok, now I have to add showering to my distraction list! My kids will be in shock...I moan for 2 hours before I actually get into the shower.
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Aggravated- for
                              Some reason everything my husband says or does right now is pissing me off and he's not doing anything.... Eating like crazy! Sleep is shitty .....feeling weak


                                Originally posted by Fin View Post
                                Today I get to take a trip with my boy...a very special trip. We fly to the mid west, pick up a car and drive back together on Route 66! Not a thought of AL has been factored into this trip. I feel so blessed to be going into it sober and committed to sobriety going forward. The quality of the trip will be so much more memorable vs. hitting the beers each night at the hotels and awaking in the fog. No way. Not me.

                                Happy Motoring and Staying Good,
                                Originally posted by Quit wining View Post
                                Hi Fin! Have a great trip with your son!

                                Number 1 item on my bucket list is to drive Route 66. I want to do this in a mid-60's vintage Ford Thunderbird. The plan is to do this next April. Calgary to Chicago to LA and then drive up the coast to British Columbia and drive home through the Rocky Mountains. Can't wait!

                                And the best part? The money I don't spend on al will go a long way in covering the cost of the trip!

                                Safe travels Fin!
                                You boys are getting me fired up! After a recent drive down the coast here through some wild uninhabited country and beaches, the fire was lit to take a much longer trip sometime real soon. Safe travels Fin. Your boy will never forget it, and neither will the sober you.

                                Sounds magic Qdubbya!

                                Hang in there Ican. Distraction can help, and maybe a read of the toolbox?

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

