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    Good evening Nesters,

    We finally had a real spring-like day today & no frost warning for tonight, yay!

    Great to see so many positive posts & folks moving forward in their AF lives, one day at a time. That's all we can do

    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hi all! I think today is Day 6? Now I can't remember - anyway, had a good day but was really aggravated w my kids and mom for no reason / worked through that - I probably had the worst craving today but I just let it be there and made sure I ate and kept busy. I am sooooo tired ; is that normal? Thanks for posting, NS! I'm guilty of "drinking and priming" and having surprise Amazon packages 😁


        Good Sunday morning!
        2 more sleeps and its vacation time for me!
        I am grateful for sticking with my commitment to be AF, there are ao many things I am trying to do before I go, worrying about how Im going to get my fix isnt one of them. Rahul, I so identify with your beautiful post, life is 1000 times easier without AL.
        Hope everyone has an easy day. Fight thru with all you've got, you are building your immunity! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Good morning All, Today is Day 5 and Happy Sunday. Yesterday was a bitch. I got into a big fight with my brother. Whom has been working for me for 14 years. I had to "relieve him of his services" in February (although he has done a mediocre job for several years) and he had a meltdown in reaction. I didn't do this years ago out of fear this would happen. He's attacked me personally in every way possible and told me what a terrible person I am and how I have no friends and on and on and on. It was pretty ugly and rough. I'm so thankful yesterday is over. All of it was over text. He has been my tech/software development guy so ending the work relationship is taking awhile to migrate to my new system and every time I need a code or detail on something, it ends in some personal attack or rant and he can't seem to remain professional. I've only interacted with him this one time in a month and usually have my employees deal with him because he keeps his cool with them. I won't deal with him again, that's for sure... We will see what happens next, because his wife works for one of my companies and so I'll have to deal with him at family functions. In that text he asked me if I was drunk. Nice!
          I woke up this morning, feeling worlds better with the sun shining and happy about my new MWO community that I can "rant" to -hahaha!
          I started on the MWO topo program that has worked so well in the past and I can feel the topo kick in and no cravings now whatsoever. Like poof, gone! I ordered and received that shake that I read about someone using for the first several months "ultimate meal" plus running has always been "my thing" so I'm going for a 2 mile run this morning. Starting slow but happy to go out. My outlook today is good.
          I hope everyone has a great Sunday sober and happy.
          xoxo Price


            Hi, Nest:

            Sorry about that, Price. Mixing family and business seems like it can be fraught. Glad you weren't drunk, or imagine how that text would have landed...

            Yes, Ican, tired is "normal." Take good care of yourself. There is a post in the toolbox about urge surfing - sounds like that's what you did.

            I am busy this lovely Sunday. Off to work and get some stuff done around the house. With a clear head. Hooray.



              Checking in. Back in a bit...

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Good afternoon Nesters

                It's a beautiful day in my neck of the woods. Yay!
                The whole morning got away from me, budy, budy.

                Price, I am sorry your brother is so difficult. One of mine is dead now, the other two I don't talk to anymore. I feel more peaceful now than I ever have, go figure.
                Congrats to you for getting thru yesterday unscathed!

                Hi there Pav, Kendho, Byrdie & everyone!
                Let's all make it a great AF Sunday.

                Last edited by Lavande; April 17, 2016, 08:32 PM.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hi all....thankful to see day 9! Again!
                  A busy weekend doing things I definitely wouldn't if drinking was involved.
                  Painted a door number stone for my neighbour and a couple of things for my mum. Went to see my son and his newly pregnant girlfriend. She has blown up since I last saw her 3 weeks ago. I am thinking she is either further on than we thought or that she is having twins.....won't know for a while but twins run on her side of the family.
                  I so want to tell but have to wait until they let least I can spill the beans here!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Day 7 done - tired but proud


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Daisy, I am really happy for you - 9 days AF & a baby or two on the way. It doesn't get better than that. Staybon plan & stay with us

                      Ican, great on your 7 AF days :yay:
                      You will be feeling stronger soon, I'm sure!

                      Wishing everyone. Safe & comfy night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Morning Nesters

                        Its Monday morning....
                        Work schedule changed and I am stuck with the colleague who accused me of being a drunk...

                        Not nice, but. Another thing I have to face.

                        Hold your heads high this monday, Nesters! X


                          Good Monday morning Nesters,

                          Justme, keep your cool today & focus on your work. We can't do a thing about other people's thoughts & reactions, only ours, right?

                          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day. I am starting out with some exercise then plan to get some work & gardening done too. It's a good time to be AF

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Just me - just do your aren't drunk anymore so .....what's he gonna accuse you of now? Being too sober? Glad he called you out actually bc you are here!


                              Good morning and happy Monday, Day 6 for me.
                              Justme... that sucks! Doesn't matter what your past was, that is totally inappropriate and out of line for a co-worker to do. Only a supervisor can do that to an employee and they have to have "just cause" and do it in a private way. What a jerk. I'm sorry that happened to you. My brother accused me of being drunk on Saturday night because he didn't like what I was saying. I think its an unfortunate part of what we have to contend with as part of the reality of our past (even if our past was only last week).
                              I'm happy to be almost to my one week mark and feeling good.
                              I smelled booze on my husbands breath yesterday and it didn't even bother me. It usually totally pisses me off because I would ask him about it and he would lie and then I'd go on a tirade wanting him to admit to it and he wouldn't and then things would go downhill from there. This time I shrugged it off and moved on. I thought about it and thought it might be that he drinks and I don't. He cooked for me and the boys all day and I got my nails done and then we watched a movie in the evening together. He loves to cook. I know several couples (well two couples actually) where one person drinks and the other doesn't and they have maintained good marriages for many years.
                              I don't know if its really pre-mature or what, but this time feels different than any time I've ever quit before, this time it feels like for real. It feels like how they say its supposed to feel. I feel happy. It's just clicking.
                              I hope everyone has a great day.


                                Morning, Nesters!
                                Justme, chiming in here, too....I try to remember that as long as I stay sober, no one can ever use AL against me again. Yes, I made plenty of excuses for it in the past, but that's all behind me. I will never forget my former boss making a comment about my drinking in front of a customer! (and he is an active alkie!!!) This was years ago, but I will never forget it. I was mortified. As long as I stay sober, he can never use that again. I don't understand how someone in active addiction can cast stones at someone for the same thing they are doing, but alas! As they well is the best revenge!

                                So today is my last day at work before vacation....I am expecting the worst, but hoping for the best! I'm going to put my 'out of office' on this afternoon, that should send them into a panic! There always seems to be at least ONE crisis pending when I try to take some time off and this is no exception!

                                Great to see everyone sticking to PLAN! If I can do this, I know you can, too! Just HANG IN! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

