I still have my house guest & her parents here at 9:30 pm but wanted to check in with everyone!
Justme, I set out on a mission just prior to quitting where I was determined to stop any & all negative thinking! I had become aware that I had picked up the negative thinking habit from my husband. I never used to be like that & I believe it led me into a destructive, self-hating drinking pattern. That is all history now & I won't ever let that happen again. My life depends on staying positive & on a healthy self-care program

Ican, there's no need to struggle if you simply remove drinking as an option to handle the situations in your life. What else can you do to help you handle stress & uncomfortable feelings? Eat, exercise, sleep, meditation, etc. Do anything but drink. You can do this but you have to make the choice.
Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!