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    Good evening Nesters,

    I still have my house guest & her parents here at 9:30 pm but wanted to check in with everyone!

    Justme, I set out on a mission just prior to quitting where I was determined to stop any & all negative thinking! I had become aware that I had picked up the negative thinking habit from my husband. I never used to be like that & I believe it led me into a destructive, self-hating drinking pattern. That is all history now & I won't ever let that happen again. My life depends on staying positive & on a healthy self-care program

    Ican, there's no need to struggle if you simply remove drinking as an option to handle the situations in your life. What else can you do to help you handle stress & uncomfortable feelings? Eat, exercise, sleep, meditation, etc. Do anything but drink. You can do this but you have to make the choice.

    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Quick check in. Last day in Dublin, today we are going to a farm and will see sheep herding. Heading to Killarny. We met with our tour group yesterday and had dinner with them. I already miss Mr and Mizzus Mick. We will see them briefly this morning before we head out. It has been a wonderful experience to meet two friends from MWO. It was incredible to realize these are REAL people woith real lives.
      Last night at dinner, there was a shot of Irish whiskey sitting at our place setting and the dinner was capped off with Irish coffee. There were plenty of takers for mine. I am so glad I fought thru those hard days to get to where I am now. All I can say is STICK with us! Im so glad I did!!
      Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Yoohoo just read your post.....We feel eggsackly the same. .It was a real pleasure
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Morning Nesters!

          Made it safe to bed with a belly full of hot chocolate. Thank you NS, Matt and Lav for your wise words.
          It is great news to know that with enough AF time my past won't bother me anymore.
          I also thought after posting that I don't have excuses anymore. As my diseased progressed from being a party girl, to black-out drinking to health detoriorating and other people noticing... while I always wanted to stop .... THE GIG IS UP!
          I even don't experience anxiety as much as before. I litteraly ran out of excuses. I worked hard for a better life. I have it now. Don't want to mess it up with alcohol.
          Now it is a CHOICE.
          Just have to accept there will be hard days while adapting.

          Positive Saturday to the Nest! X


            Ican - hope you are standing strong. Just know you are not alone!


              Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
              Quick check in from vacationland. We are spending the morning with Mick and Mrs Mick then we meet up with the tour group at 2 this afternoon. I cant tell you how special it was when Mick, Daisy and I sat together on a couch for a photo. AL tore us all apart and MWO brought us all together. This internet thing is amazing!

              Traveling without the extra baggage of AL has been such a blessing. Hang in there and get the 'hard yards' done, I promise it is worth it on the other side.

              Hugs from Dublin! Byrdie
              This makes my happy!


                Good Saturday morning Nesters!

                Raining in my portion of the nest but that's OK. This light rain is watering my veggies & flowers so I can stay inside & vacuum up a ton of dog & cat hair, ha ha!

                Byrdie, it sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I am very happy for you
                Same to you Mick!!!

                Justme, make the right choice each & every morning & you will never disappoint yourself again.
                I am more grateful for my AF life than I can ever say & you will be too

                Hi there Mr V!

                Ican, I hope you are feeling strong & staying with us.

                Have a great AF day everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Byrdlday - welcome to Ireland and glad you are enjoying it. You will love Killarney - it's beautiful provided it doesn't rain too much.

                  I'm happy to have gotten past my 100 days, despite not managing to check in for them. Only realised when I posted last night that they'd gone by... but hey, whose counting! lol
                  I've been so busy with other things that AL is not on my mind at all recently and any urges to stop at the shop etc have not being happening.
                  However, in a few weeks I won't be as busy and have a few things coming up such as a holiday, a wedding etc... Need to prepare myself for that and ensure I don't let old habits slip in.

                  Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                    Hey Moni!
                    Congrats on those 100 days sober, wow. Well done, wishing you 100 more days of independence.
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Day 38 here ....

                      Facing the world and all my problems is tough going whilst sober ...

                      But it would be 100 times harder whilst managing a hangover and the inevitable 'Irish cure' I.e more booze ...

                      Take care all ..
                      AF 17th March 2016


                        Sounds good Laeot, all I can say it is gets easier and it won't take long.
                        Once you get a handle on those drinking thoughts, that love to creep up on us, you will start to feel a bit more relaxed. At least that was my experience.
                        Saturday night, yup, gotta come up with something else :newflip: to do?
                        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                          Just back from visiting my sister who lives 90 mile away....went shopping and had dinner. Catching up with family and friends is yet another benefit of being sober.
                          Was invited to my friends house last night. She lives beside me and other friends were going. Wine thoughts crept in so I knew I had to stay home. These are friends who really don't understand and since I have been having sober time I feel we have parted ways....that's ok with me. Getting sober has given me the opportunity to find out who really cares.
                          They are good people but most of our time together was drinking. I appreciate the ones who know I am not drinking and still want to spend time with me.
                          Got most of my blood results yesterday....all clear. Good news! I do know there is something as I have been so ill.....after reading Lizkers Candida thread, it is looking like this could be my answer. Got my supplements in the post today, so I will soon know if that helps.
                          Saying that, this is the best I have felt in a long time......staying positive!
                          Painted stones for 2 of the kids I mind yesterday....I even done one for their cat! They went home happy.....these are lovely kids who appreciate the simple things.
                          My intention for tomorrow is to do very little....big fire and a book I have been wanting to new bliss!
                          Moni, congrats on your 100 days!
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            The rain stopped & we even ended up with a bit of sunshine

                            Moni, congrats in your 100+ days, :yay:
                            Being busy is good but stay in touch with us, OK?

                            Laeot, great job on your 38 AF days!
                            Not drinking is becoming your new norm & that's the goal

                            Hi Eloise & Daisy!
                            Glad you are staying strong Daisy, you won't be sorry!

                            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Hey to you Lavande.
                              Lovely post Daisy... rock painting for kids and cat, great!
                              I think a day of rest is in order for today. :victorious:
                              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                                Morning Nest

                                Being sober feels good. I feel more in control and haven't felt that way in years.

                                Think I just expected more. When I started drinking early on weekends I would be functional up to drink 3. Then would not be able to do more after that.
                                I still struggle to do in a day that I have in mind, but I tell myself I did a lot- I stayed sober!

                                I have a need to get organized. Al made me lazy, procastinate everything. Guess it takes a while to adapt. Just a bit frustrated with myself and the goals in my head.
                                But will get there!

                                Daisy- I am also going to try the candida cleanse. Spent a lot of money last year on allergy tests which showed no allergies. Sinus a constant problem.

                                Let me get going and do something good with this Sunday!

                                Happy, sober Sunday. X

