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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dang it..the Nest is on fire and I've missed most of it!

    Katie..I've done Paediatrics,just for your info Emla cream is used as a local/topical anaesthetic for needles etc. But it has a down side, which is why alot of Dr's & medical types don't use it..basically it can collapse the vein that you are aiming to prick and defeat the purpose of obtaining a blood specimen! (For f*#tards info actually).

    Fennel- I was SOOO craving one of your tacos this morning..the sound of that truck rolling up was music to my ears!
    Roamer- welcome and no don't change the Avatar, Mama is right..Russell Crowe is a hotty and I am gearing up for Robin Hood...........*sigh*
    Good luck to Mama & K9.......just don't eat those tacos before the interview Mama,you already look dangerous to me...could seriously inhibit your chances if you start 'passing that kinda wind"
    Lav- love to you!
    Sunni- I fully get the cravings for AL & everythng else in the pantry/fridge when PMT raises its ugly kids and Mr.Chook keep their hands out of my way..or loose them in the feeding frenzy that happens! (It's a scarey thing!)
    Running & Nora,Nemed and all the rest.....CLUCK for Thursday AF!
    Does anyone else get the feeling that Tranq is slightly distracted these days?


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone. I've got 8 minutes before I need to leave for work, so it will be a quicky!
      Sunshine - hormones had a lot to do with me drinking. I knew when I was due because I craved AL (even more than normal). However since I have started on the supps (and I am taking everything in the starter pack) I have not only stopped having PMS - which I suffered from for 30 + years - stopped being so cranky and I have not had a cold sore on my lips which I get every month with the craving for AL just before I am due. So I am not sure what it is that I am taking in the supps but something is helping HUGELY (is that a word?). Do you take the supps? Might help with your symptoms.
      Good luck with the interview Mama
      K9 - welldone on your 20 days AF. It is a huge achievement and I hope you are proud of yourself.:goodjob:
      Fennel - I hadnt thought of ebay or amazon, so thanks, will give it a try tonight. (I thought Amazon sold only books?? I get my kindle books from there but didnt realise they sold other things too).
      Well that is my 8 minutes.
      Love to Lav, Tranq, Katie, Meech, Molly(where are you??), Mazzie, Pap and everyone else.... running out of time.........



        Newbies Nest


        Really hope the interview goes well. We'll all be thinking of you.

        Just DON'T think of Fennel. Every time I do, I start laughing, even when I'm on my own and then I look like a complete loony.

        Katie - Hope the playgroup goes well.

        I'm not sure what to do today....there is some paper work to be done and some washing but I might just watch some TV instead.

        Back later.

        Spam xx


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning All,

          I am confident that I have (at last) worked out these boards, and that I have successfully navigated my way to the 'Nest'
          It has been trial and error (who would believe I'm very accomplished and competent around a computer)

          I am day 10 AF.. YEY!!! Never thought it possible, and it's 14 days since my last uncontrolled (more than 1 glass) drink.
          Don't worry I don't think for 1/2 a second that I can mod yet, and to be honest I'm not sure that I want to, I'm quite enjoying the feeling that comes with complete sobriety.

          The starter pack supplements arrived 2 days ago and I have started taking them today.

          Last night was a little tricky, my daughter shared a packed of Roasted 'chick peas' with me add to that a beautiful Melbourne Autumn evening and the only thing missing was a glass... so I took one any filled it with soda water, not very satisfying at the time but I'm happy with that choice now.

          I have noticed that I have developed a slight shaking of the hands today that has not been present up to now, would this be normal or related to the supplements...does any one know please.

          Thank you in advance for reading and I hope to make room in the nest for myself on a regular basis.

          Happy to be back


            Newbies Nest

            :welcome: Jacqrabbit! By all means, do pull up a twig and join this nut house
            Can't help you on the shaking question.... I only had those after a night of you-know-what.

            Nemed, I have the supps (*hanging head in shame*) and I started them wayyyyyyyy back when. Didn't like how I felt (of course, I was also taking Chantix at the time in hopes to quit smoking) and ... GAWD, they're awful! :H But maybe I should give them another whirl.

            Well, taxes did NOT get done BUT... I had an AWESOME riding lesson tonight! Wheeheeee! With an olympic level dressage coach (not that I rode dressage, I actually had my aussie saddle on) - I just LOVE LOVE LOVE her! Mr. Wonderful is asking me to wipe that grin off my face! :H Fun, fun, fun. Ohhh, oh.. I almost forgot! We had a filly born at the stable this afternoon! Holy cow is she tall.. I missed it by about 1/2 hour... apparently, she 'crawled' out and tried to stand up while her hind end was still 'being born' :H And now I need to hop in the tub. Get that back relaxed a little and disperse the 'eau de horse'

            Glad to see everyone is so chipper - MamaBear... will be thinking of you tomorrow, Katie... hope you'll have a great counseling session, Chook... your 'feeding frenzie' made me chuckle - thanks! And who suggested chopping and serving Katies tosser up to people we don't like? Ya'll remember 'Fried Green Tomatoes'???? :H Lav.. how are you holding up? Thinking of you lots!

            K... I shall soak these old bones now - chirp at you in the am! Night night, fledglings near and far!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hey JacRabbit - So happy that you found a twig. We are not always this wild & crazy but we do always care about each other. It does take a while to figure out these threads.
              Not quite sure about the shaking. I can get that way related to caffeine so I think it could be related to the supps.
              Congratulations on Day 10! Way to go!!!

              Take care all.......catch you in the morning for me. Coffee pot is on the timer and Diet Coke is in the fridge. Went to the market and bought bagels so I think we are all set until "Dos Gatos" arrives.
              We are missing you Lav. Big, big, big hugs sweetie. Take good care of you!!! 'Night Light is on'
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Just figuring out the "nest" too and enjoying a good chuckle before bed as a result!:thanks:
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor


                  Newbies Nest

                  ChickenNumber3;840875 wrote: Dang it..the Nest is on fire and I've missed most of it!

                  Katie..I've done Paediatrics,just for your info Emla cream is used as a local/topical anaesthetic for needles etc. But it has a down side, which is why alot of Dr's & medical types don't use it..basically it can collapse the vein that you are aiming to prick and defeat the purpose of obtaining a blood specimen! (For f*#tards info actually).
                  Thanks for the info Chook.. I have actually heard of Emla cream, but I forgot all about it.. its been 3 years since I did hospital nursing, and we never used it with adults anyway.. with my ex, any excuse to show I am a "bad" mother.. even though I have done way more for our son than he ever has.. he has bought back our son in all states; covered in mozzie bites, with a soaking wet nappy that hadn't been changed for hours, dirty and unfed.. he's a right and total tosser.. I sent him a text last night saying how ashamed he should be of his behaviour towards his son's mother.. he doesn't give a shit about me or our son - or he would be more reliable for starters.. I'm going to mediation next week.
                  I had a fab time at playgroup this morning, everyone was so friendly and my son couldn't stop playing with the Thomas train set they had there!
                  Take care all.. good to hear everyone seems to be doing so well,
                  Katie xxx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    mama bear;840845 wrote: ditto...Fennel I am so proud you would look at a man in a leather skirt!!!
                    Am I out of line by saying that? You know I don;t mean to be disrespectful....

                    Goodness no, you're not out of line! Just to prove it, here's a link to one of my favorite
                    men in skirts...[/video]]YouTube - It's a CANDY BRA!!! By Loco Mama


                      Newbies Nest

                      Nemed - it's also good to drink a lot of water after a massage to flush all the toxins that get released.

                      K9 - Whoot! 20 days is great! Good on you for doing counseling - I never had the nerve to spill all... except here - among friends!

                      Good luck Mama. I don't know how anyone could turn down that cute face of yours!

                      kb - you said "I am just so frustrated that every week he does or says something to me that uses up a whole counselling session - when I really should be doing work on myself! he is wasting so much of my valuable time.."

                      Another good reason to put any thoughts of him on the mental trash-heap. Yes, do mention the texts to your counselor, but do focus on your own issues. It's great of you to recognize how he's wasting your time. Nice.

                      Welcome Roamer, daybyday and jacqrabbit too! Don't let the wackiness here put you off. I think someone leaked laughing gas into the nest, that's all.

                      It is fun to see everyone so playful!

                      Sunni - taxes - bleh.

                      Lav - luvya!

                      "Does anyone else get the feeling that Tranq is slightly distracted these days?"

                      Good read Chooks!

                      Yes, I admit that I've succumb to the wiles of a very lovely lady. But really have been working late the last couple nights - but it was a "wiley weekend". Can't believe the weekend's almost here already! It's been cold here, but I made myself get out this evening for a run. Felt good - I've been slacking-off lately on my workouts. My yoga class starts up again tomorrow evening - that's a ton of fun.

                      Take care everyone!
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        So now I have to avoid my hormones as well? I'm 49, so I don't know how much longer they'll be around, but no signs of abating yet. Has anyone done any research on the effect of hormones on alcohol intake? I suspect not.

                        KatieB, I know how you feel and it's hard. My ex has moved from being verbally abusive to regaling me with his every emotional hardship, which is my fault. He's going away to stay with family for a while, and much as my kids still need him I will be glad to not see him for a while, as every time I see him I want a drink. Stick it out and prove to him and his family that you are a worthy Mum.

                        You sound happy, Tranq. Yay.

                        Mama, I hope that job interview goes well. Nobody should have to work for Satan indefinitely.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Afternoon all,
                          dancingon - Sorry to hear you have a horrible ex as well.. enjoy your time when he's away.. i wish my ex would go away too (forever would be great! lol..)
                          I like that name "f**ktard" - is that a cross between fu*kwit and *b**tard?.. it definately sums my ex up.. he's been quiet today but after last night I should hope so.. he was awful; i've not been that upset since well, the last time he went verbal on me 2 weeks ago when i had to call the police to have him removed from my flat.. i only hand our son over in a public place now..
                          Tranq - pleased to hear things are going well with the lady in your life! Yep, the weekends keep coming round really fast!
                          I'm working again tonight.. and im looking forward to seeing my counsellor tomorrow..
                          Take care all,
                          Katie x
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoon all.

                            I see the trouble makers havent made it to the nest yet.

                            Welcome Day by Day and JacqRabbit (we spoke in chat on the weekend). Glad you found us here in the nest. As Tranq says it's not always so crazy... just letting off steam I think. Come visit us often, amongst all the laughter we do actually do some work towards getting and staying sober. Ask us anything, someone will come up with a solution... just dont mention taco's around Fennel... One of our mantra's in the nest is we dont judge people by what they say or do - which means everyone is entitled to speak their mind.

                            Hope everyone is staying strong with their desire to remain AF. Will catch up again tomorrow. Hope your job interview went well Mama.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Why did I succumb to the 3 glasses of wine last night? Nearly didn't come back here today as felt a failure after not even completing 3 days AF! Then I thought that not gonna help, so thank goodness I have returned here now as starting to feel stronger again having read lots of posts.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Nestlings!

                                Butterfly- don't stress it, it is all a learning curve! I am having a few drinks tonight, but letting it become a booze-up! Give yourself time to process triggers and to make a plan about your approach to AF-ness! You are safe here and no one judges anyone if they fall down, they just help you up again!

                                Also welcome Daybyday and Jaq!- newbies are what make this nest......flourish! The old hands (a.k.a Fennel-just become senile and cooky..but don't let that put you off, it doesn't happen for awhile).

                                Hey Fen- speaking of which, this tree-sap is good stuff! Maybe you should add that as a sauce to the tacos? Just a thought

                                Lav- girl how you doing? Hope you are okay there?
                                Tranq- don't work to hard! We are all totally happy for you!

                                Night night folks, the light is on for the late roosters!
                                Luv Chook

