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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    I'm still alive, wounded but still kicking.
    Just wanted to send thanks to all my loyal friends here - you are helping me thru this crisis, believe me!

    When I get seriously stressed I tend to lose my appetite. That's not necessarily a bad thing because I've already lost 4 pounds this week. Your taco talk this week will probably keep me off food for quite some time

    Welcome to the newest nestlings! Glad you are here with this crazy group. Just stay close, use a nest belt to keep you safe if you need to - we installed them a while ago

    Keep helping each other. The continuous support I've received here is invaluable!
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday in the Nest!
    Luv you all,
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Troublemaker #1 reporting for duty......Fennel....that Candy bra fellow is so much hotter than Russell Crowe. All nestlings are required to open that link.
      Sorry you indulged last night Butterfly....I still do it too....more out of habit now....but we are still here for you.If it was easy to quit, we wouldn't be here, neither would AA or a zillion other places.
      Hello Mama Lav.....still thinking of you....
      Tranq and Miss X sittin in a tree
      k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!!!!!!! is my look for my interview.....I think it will work!!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Chook and Mama
        Guess I just fell of the nestlings 'perch' but have been gathered up again by family at MYO
        Actually starting to feel better and even pleased with myself for stopping at the 3 glasses - could have been several more after all.


          Newbies Nest

          Lavande;841079 wrote: Good morning Nesters,

          I'm still alive, wounded but still kicking.
          Just wanted to send thanks to all my loyal friends here - you are helping me thru this crisis, believe me!

          When I get seriously stressed I tend to lose my appetite. That's not necessarily a bad thing because I've already lost 4 pounds this week. Your taco talk this week will probably keep me off food for quite some time

          Welcome to the newest nestlings! Glad you are here with this crazy group. Just stay close, use a nest belt to keep you safe if you need to - we installed them a while ago

          Keep helping each other. The continuous support I've received here is invaluable!
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday in the Nest!
          Luv you all,
          I just did a seat belt check, Lav...they're all good. Plus, somebody brought some butt velcro up here last week!

          I left the tacos down in the truck, but I've dragged some complimentary coffee, diet coke, pastries, bagels and other assorted goodies up to the nest. You should have a little something to eat.


            Newbies Nest

            mama bear;841087 wrote: Troublemaker #1 reporting for duty......Fennel....that Candy bra fellow is so much hotter than Russell Crowe. All nestlings are required to open that link.
            Sorry you indulged last night Butterfly....I still do it too....more out of habit now....but we are still here for you.If it was easy to quit, we wouldn't be here, neither would AA or a zillion other places.
            Hello Mama Lav.....still thinking of you....
            Tranq and Miss X sittin in a tree
   is my look for my interview.....I think it will work!!!

            Mama, I LOVE
            the hair...but don't you think the makeup is a bit understated? Maybe you could jazz it up a little? :H


              Newbies Nest

              Gonna try the seat belt and the butt velcro to make sure I don't fall off the nestlings perch again and stay in the nest. Pleased supplies have arrived in the nest, now no need to stray!


                Newbies Nest

                Butterflybe;841096 wrote: Gonna try the seat belt and the butt velcro to make sure I don't fall off the nestlings perch again and stay in the nest. Pleased supplies have arrived in the nest, now no need to stray!
                We have breakfast, lunch and supper entertainment!


                  Newbies Nest

                  sunshine_gg;840900 wrote: : Get that back relaxed a little and disperse the 'eau de horse'

                  Ya'll remember 'Fried Green Tomatoes'????

                  Eau de horse!!! Love it! Can only be topped by Eau de Colon!

                  And oooooh Sunshine - Now I have to order Fried Green Tomatoes from Netflix - that movie was the best
                  . (And actually I think I still have the book kicking around somewhere. I should try reading it now that I will remember what I had read the night before!)


                    Newbies Nest

                    JACQRABBIT;840886 wrote: Good Morning All,

                    I am confident that I have (at last) worked out these boards, and that I have successfully navigated my way to the 'Nest'
                    It has been trial and error (who would believe I'm very accomplished and competent around a computer)

                    I am day 10 AF.. YEY!!! Never thought it possible, and it's 14 days since my last uncontrolled (more than 1 glass) drink.
                    Don't worry I don't think for 1/2 a second that I can mod yet, and to be honest I'm not sure that I want to, I'm quite enjoying the feeling that comes with complete sobriety.

                    The starter pack supplements arrived 2 days ago and I have started taking them today.

                    Last night was a little tricky, my daughter shared a packed of Roasted 'chick peas' with me add to that a beautiful Melbourne Autumn evening and the only thing missing was a glass... so I took one any filled it with soda water, not very satisfying at the time but I'm happy with that choice now.

                    I have noticed that I have developed a slight shaking of the hands today that has not been present up to now, would this be normal or related to the supplements...does any one know please.

                    Thank you in advance for reading and I hope to make room in the nest for myself on a regular basis.

                    Hey JacRabbit - welcome!! We needed a bunny!

                    This Nest is a tad crazy, but it's the best place in the whole world for us critters!


                      Newbies Nest

                      ohhhhh....i think i shall spritz some Eau de Colon before I walk into my interview.......
                      that was a great book
                      btw...I pm'd Twitch and Sophie 75 last response yet....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        dancingon;840938 wrote: Nobody should have to work for Satan indefinitely.
                        Erm... well actually KatieB's ex should!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          mama bear;841087 wrote: Troublemaker #1 reporting for duty......Fennel....that Candy bra fellow is so much hotter than Russell Crowe. All nestlings are required to open that link.
                          Sorry you indulged last night Butterfly....I still do it too....more out of habit now....but we are still here for you.If it was easy to quit, we wouldn't be here, neither would AA or a zillion other places.
                          Hello Mama Lav.....still thinking of you....
                          Tranq and Miss X sittin in a tree
                 is my look for my interview.....I think it will work!!!

                          Yes YES YES
                          - Dahling you are a SHOE-IN!! (And the new look is just right for the Mama and Coco Show.) As far as the inerview - How can they possibly resist?
                          Good luck - let us know how it goes!!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            JACQRABBIT;840886 wrote:
                            I have noticed that I have developed a slight shaking of the hands today that has not been present up to now, would this be normal or related to the supplements...does any one know please.

                            Thank you in advance for reading and I hope to make room in the nest for myself on a regular basis.

                            Welcome, Jacrabbit! :welcome:

                            What are the supplements you're taking? Have you taken any over the counter meds for cold or allergies? Any heavily caffeinated drinks?

                            I had a slight tremor related to my alcohol use, but that dissipated after a week AF.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Coco-Nut;841110 wrote: Yes YES YES - Dahling you are a SHOE-IN!! (And the new look is just right for the Mama and Coco Show.) As far as the inerview - How can they possibly resist?
                              Good luck - let us know how it goes!!!
                              Make that "interview." With the way the external looks, I don't think we want an inner-view!!! Ha! (Good luck, again!)

                              PS - I loathe and despise spelling errors. I just got so excited over the new you I had tringer fouble.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Coco-Nut;841107 wrote: Erm... well actually KatieB's ex should!!!
                                Yah...his eternally damned soul should have to show up at the gates of hell on a daily basis...after we cook him up down in the "Banos y Gatos" truck...:H

