I just heard that we are actually supposed to have a partly sunny day tomorrow, ha ha!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway.
Byrdie, take a breather lady - you deserve one

Everything is going to be OK, I can feel it in my old bones!
Kensho, your description of your day sounded a lot like mine used to be. It is hard to wear so many hats, amazing that any of us survive those years when the kids were growing up. Somehow we do though & live to talk about it here & there. You are doing great!
Justme, it still feels a little like winter around here. It has been one weird spring. There's a possibility of frost next week - seriously!!
Stay close to the nest regardless of the season, we will weather it together

Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!
I have to be up & out by 7 am to go watch my granddaughter for the day - oh the fun!!