Here was what I said at that time and it holds true:
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Newbies Nest
Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
Here was what I said at that time and it holds true:
Originally posted by frances View Post
Good Tuesday after oon Nesters
We finally have a warm & sunny day in my portion of the nest, nice!
I went & meet some good friends for lunch which is always enjoyable. None of us drink so that is never an issue
I wanted to quit drinking long before I actually did as well. It was the fear that held me back. That's when I read, somewhere here on MWO that we need to want to not drink more than we want to continue to drink. How does that happen & how do we get there? For me it was a combination if things - reading threads, the MWO hypno & the thought of never being able to sprnd quality time with my newly born grandson. Whatever it takes to get your minset there, just do it & forget the fear. The fear won't kill us but AL will.
Wishing everyone a wonderful AF rest of the day!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
You are welcome, Nora, but I hope you know what a huge asset you are to this site. It looks like l "got it" right off the bat. I joined, quit drinking, and never looked back. The fact is, all my day 1s - and there were many- occurred before I joined. I've even been told that I don't know what I'm talking about because it was "easy for me". I don't think we can compare degrees of difficulty any more than we can levels of pain but I understand why it might look easier for some people than others.
You, on the other hand, have allowed others to witness your repeated attempts and best of all, your current and ongoing success. You are PROOF that no matter what has come before, success is possible! There always is hope. Many people have briefly participated on MWO, decided to drink, and then disappeared. You, on the other hand, had a strong enough ego to come back and try again - even to be the leader of a thread! I am so impressed with your commitment, tenacity, and ability to handle disappointment and adversity.
Although I wish it were otherwise, I suspect that if I'd decided to drink in those early days, I'd have slunk away and no one would have heard from me again. It seems kind of silly but even my alter-ego NoSugar wouldn't have been able to handle what she'd have perceived as failure. But thanks to people like you, and to regaining my self-confidence by not drinking, I know that if I were to make that YUGE mistake now, I would come back. And try again and again and again like you've done, until I had the life I want and that we all deserve.
Thank you so much. xx, NS
Hola mi amigos and amigas
Not much to report in God's country. More big storms on the horizon.
Started the budget process for the city I work for, municipality budgets fiscal year begins in October.
A whole new world for me in the Public Safety world. Applying for grants, multiple presentations to present to City Council on the need to increase our staffing, the need to purchase new Apparatus and Ambulance. Lots of number crunching and politicizing. Very challenging but I have absolutely zero doubt that had I been drinking over the lady couple of years, this new position/ chapter in my life would not have happened. In the last couple of years I've attended many college classes, in order to finish up on a degree in public safety administration and other things.
When I was out there binging I lost all my career and Family ambitions. It was all about me and my next drink.
I am very grateful for my sobriety today for these reasons.
NS- Thanks for sharing that blog, things I like that are great in adding another nail in the Alcohol Coffin.
Great to see everyone and stay hardAF 08~05~2014
There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me
I love you all! Awesome post NS - so right on. I'm working hard this week so I can play next week - LOL! No desire to drink. A definite desire to sleepThank you all for your encouraging words about my husband - specially the fellas. Lav, YES - distancing myself works. He has been better the last couple days. Hypernova - YOU CAN DO THIS. That is all.
Nighty night...Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Hi Nest
I had real difficulty posting - the joys of living in a third world country!
Still going strong here. Not sure which day 😄.
Lots of great posts in the nest!
I saw my ex again. He asked some questions about me not drinking. I realized too that I pushed drinking in our relationship. He drinks a lot less when I don't drink.
Had some triggering moments. Comments from old landlord who won't pay back my deposit... Stress at work. I want to escape even though I don't want to drink. It led to me feeling actual emotional pain yesterday. It was weird. Strange to admit to myself that I feel hurt and lonely. Told myself to get some sleep.
And this morning I was just so glad to be sober.
Besides that two new opportunities arose that I would have missed or declined if I was still drinking.
Life is better without daily poison. Curious to see where it will lead me.
Have a great day!Last edited by Justme Again; May 25, 2016, 07:30 AM.
JustMe, these past 3 weeks I could write a book on feeling pain and loneliness. Feeling those emotions is human (and normal). NOT feeling them is the problem we had!
I'm going to watch some videos on YouTube today on interviewing. It's been 28 years since I've been on one....UGG.
Daisy, I'm so happy about your grand baby! I can't wait to hear all about it! Give the girls a hug from us!!
Hope everyone has an easy day! xoxoxox, Byrdie
Yea Daisy!! I'll bet you will be a great asset to your daughter, especially without the distraction of booze. Happy for you!
It wasn't long ago that I couldn't WAIT for the workday to be done do I could stop by a liquor store and get wine that I drank half of on the way home, sometimes with kids in the car (said shamefully). I would engage in shallow conversation and get through the tasks of the evening with a haze, only to read my kids books with slurred, boozy breath. I would stand away from my husband so he couldn't smell me, I would sneak down to our bar and top bottles and it was never enough. I would awake at 3 am with a sweaty nausea (GOD I don't miss that!), and try to push through it, only to awake and being another day looking most forward to drinking hour.
How sad.
Now, though often tired, I appreciate the opportunity to provide healthy dinner for my family and look forward to giggling at the dinner table. I look forward to whatever show my husband and I can relax watching, or whatever book I'm reading. I sometimes do more work :cuss: but I then revel in the feeling of slipping into the sheets and NOT awaking with nausea.
I've learned to appreciate things in life that I didn't used to, and I view each day as a gift. My priorities are in line (mostly) and I am happy to go through the day enjoying moments. I'm so glad to be alive and I don't want to "escape" anything.
THIS is what happens when you stop drinking... Inner peace and renewed value for the good stuff life is made of.Last edited by KENSHO; May 25, 2016, 09:49 AM.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.