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    IntheSky, the sweating is gross, but necessary to eliminate the toxins and many swear by a hot bath with Epsom salts (magnesium) to relax and help those toxins escape. Good Luck.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Hey SKendall, nice to meet you. I have been vitamining up today. Today is better than yesterday but I still feel like a sack of sh&t I'm just amazed that I did this to myself it's being along time so I imagine it's going to take a bit to put my world back together. I'm trying to keep this anxiety at bay. I may try an AA meeting but I'm petrified as I have never been to one. Don't really know what to expect.. Off to have another bath.


        Good afternoon Nesters!

        Just checking in after attending my granddaughter's pre-K graduation ceremony. These are fun times & I am so grateful to be free & clear- headed to enjoy them

        If you are just starting out & dealing with sleeplessness, sweating & all that stuff - don't panic. Detoxing is serious business, you need to take care of yourself the best you can. Drink lots of water & tea to stay hydrated. Melatonin & Benadryl helped me out at night. I used the hypno CDs nightly to help me relax. Guided meditations are great too. Everything will work itself out, you just need to give yourself a little time. Your efforts will payoff in a big way, I promise

        Hello to everyone & wishing a great AF rest of the day for all.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hey nesters!
          I survived day 1 of the trade show. I avoided my old company's booth and stuck close to my new company. Saw a few friends who wished me well, so thats good. I know my old boss is attending but havent run into him yet. About to go to the cocktail reception here shortly, I am so glad I have serious AF time behind me, I am not concerned about not drinking. Being on my feet all day in heels has been a killer!
          I love my new company!
          If I can do this, I know you can! Stay strong all, and welcome to the newbies! We are so glad you're here! Byrdie
          Last edited by Byrdlady; June 17, 2016, 01:33 PM.
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Well now I'm technically into day 3 (doesn't quite seem right to claim that at just after 1 in the morning though!). The sleeplessness got to me to start with last time and I coped with it in the end by going to bed late and then when I woke up at "stupid o'clock" went downstairs, had some OJ or tea and read a book until I got so tired I couldn't read any more and went back to bed.
            The day before yesterday, after the REALLY messy weekend, my wife called the Doctor and he came out straight away (we're really lucky with the quality and speed of health care in the Highlands of Scotland) and between them they persuaded me to take the Antabuse and I asked if I could also take some tablets I had left for detox help. He said yes so I took a couple and an hour later came out in an all-over itchy rash. Straight back to the clinic and he gave me 2 injections to get rid of that and put me on these other tablets. I think I was so full of all that stuff that I did sleep that 1st night but still woke up with the sweats in the morning. Apparently this is normal in early days of detox.
            The big difference this time is that I expressed something to the Doctor and to my wife which I have never put into words before. That is that I have been stopping for a couple of days, or a week, or 2 even but even when I first stopped I was aware of when my next "opportunity" to have a drink would be. The Doc explained that this is a true and undeniable sign of addiction and it made me realise just what my situation is with Al and I can truly say that I am not looking at this in the same way now. Some one said above that you can intellectually 'know' you have to stop but I do now KNOW I have to stop, and very selfishly, not for anyone else, but for ME.
            Sorry this is turning into a bit of a self-targeted rant!
            Anyway - the first goal is to get through the rest of today.


              Good for you Tony, you are doing very well!
              Acceptance is a huge hurdle but once you're over it you are well on your way to freedom!!

              Byrdie, rest those feet & have a nice evening

              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Well starting Day 3. I'm angry today not because of being AF or NF but because the very person that is suppose to love me brought home more alcohol and cocaine and stayed up all night doing it knowing full well it would upset me. It's like he likes me to be the messed up drunk woman. Then all our drinking buddies can say I'm the one outta control and poor him having to deal with me. What they don't understand is he is very ill also and his doctor is putting him into treatment or he will die. Sorry for the rant it's 4:30 am and I was woken by something I don't think I can tolerate right now.


                  Hi again, Inthesky. I've read and re-read your post and cannot think how I would be able to cope with that. It's bad enough that my wife and I own a restaurant so therefore I have my own bar which is only a 2 minute walk from home! But, to cope with the situation you describe would be so amazingly hard. I am too new here to offer any proper advice and hopefully someone with more experience in sobriety can offer some help for you but my immediate reaction would be to ask if you have somewhere else you could go and stay for at least a couple of weeks until you are through the first stage of detox and are better able to cope with this. A friend? a relative, anywhere to just take yourself away from what must be a huge temptation.


                    Thanks Tony,
                    I'm much better with 4 more hours of sleep and a fresh cup of java. I've done a bit of reflection on myself after seeing him in the state he was in was definetly not flattering. (To know I smell that bad, slurring, incoherent and stumbling) made me more committed to staying sober today. To be honest we don't even do drugs that is what through me off the most. I'm very proud of myself for not joining in as all I can see what would have came from it is more self loathing and an epic fight. I think I will go to my friends out of town this weekend and sit on the beach they understand my love hate for alcohol.
                    I see too that it would be so easy to slip back into all these bad habits without support.
                    Last edited by Inthesky; June 16, 2016, 10:52 AM.


                      Good afternoon Nesters,

                      It's a rainy day in my portion of the nest but that's OK. I'm chasing dust, dog hair & cat hair with the vacuum, ha ha!

                      Inthesky, I am sorry you are dealing with so much. A weekend with friends might be just the thing to give you time to build your AF strength & relax a bit too. I wish you well.

                      Tony, you are going to need to build-in an 'ignore button' in your workplace, wow.
                      Honestly, I long ago taught myself a mantra that just plays autimatically in my head whenever I see any AL. 'I don't do that anymore'! Simple yet quite effective & has kept me AF for 7+ years. You can do it too

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday afternoon!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hi Inthesky. That sounds like a great idea - hope you have a really chilled out weekend with your friends. Enjoy the beach!


                          Hi Lavande. Thanks for the advice. It can be difficult seeing all the lines of bottles, the wine cabinets, the beer on tap etc but the thing is I can usually ignore it when anyone else is around - it's when I'm there on my own when the place is closed that I have the issue, so we've changed things around a bit and the plan is that I will stay in the office at home doing the paperwork etc when there's no-one else in the Restaurant. Once again it's only 1.10 am here but I've got to the beginning of day 4 which is ok so far. I'm not even looking further than that - I just need to get through today for the moment...


                            My new saying is going to be put my mask on first before we crash. It's been a long tiresome day sure hoping tomorrow is better.


                              Learned something today, kinda profound. My BFF sent me some pictures from her birthday party in April she quoted "wow you are the most beautiful woman, but you take the worst photographes they don't even look like you" then she went on to say how many throughout our friendship and that she could find one for her wall.. I guess the camera captures the inside as well as the outside. I didn't mention I don't drink anymore but maybe the camera can give me some insight in this.


                                Woke up this morning after a reasonable night's sleep but having had an incredibly clear and vivid dream of having been on a marathon drinking session. When I first woke I was quite scared as to what I may have done until I realised that I was stone cold sober and that it had all been a dream.
                                Is this normal at this stage (day 4 today) or could it be a side effect of detox drugs? Has anyone else experienced this?

