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    So proud of you! I need to learn some new tricks, apple juice that rocks! Today I found I reached for a wine glass at lunch time (I was pouring myself a glass of milk) the little drunken sailor on my shoulder that whispers to me was a bit manipulative today it made me uncomfortable. Also, make me understand that I need to be extra vigilante. (Crazy how our minds work). But the good news is they say New habits are formed in 28 days.


      Outta curiousity anyone have any issues with teeth and gums during detox?


        Sky, I'm no expert on this but if you google "alcohol detox teeth gums" you will see a load of stuff which suggests that long term alcohol intake can affect the gums. Alcohol will also anaesthatise you against the pain that causes so now you've stopped drinking, maybe, just maybe, you've uncovered a problem caused by, but also hidden by, the alcohol.

        I guess it must be worth a visit to the dentist to get it checked out!


          Hi all,
          Off to work now so will check back in sometime after midnight UK time. Hope you're all having a great weekend!


            Sheesh,not only the alcohol effect on gums but really how many of us brushed before bed during a drink session? I didn't,now I'm dealing with sensitive, weak teeth
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Good Morning all,
              Day 5 and it feels good to wake on a Saturday morning somewhat clear headed. Thanks Pauly and Tony i will be this morning. I actually see my dentist every 3 months. Maybe I won't have to go so often after I get these gums under control. Now it makes sense why they were referring me to peridontal specialist, even though I wasn't experiencing any pain. I don't really wanna tell them I've being bathing my gums in alcohol for many years. Lol


                Good Saturday morning Nesters!

                It's so nice to see everyone checking in with positive progress notes
                I am having fun getting my new flock of chicks situated. Keeping 41 new kids fed & watered is a lot of fun, ha ha!

                Byrdie, sounds like you had a most amazing adventure!

                Sky & Tony, you are both doing great, yay!
                Being prepared for for unforeseen bumps in the road is smart

                About the teeth & gums issue - my dentist recommended an electronic brush & using it for the full two minutes on the timer. You need to really focus on the gums & they will heal from the inflammation. I went in for more frequent cleanings for a while too.
                Yet another reason to be grateful for kicking AL out of your life.

                Have a wonderful AF day everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Quick check in. Helping my step daughter clean out her condo so my neice can move in. I'm not sure she has dusted in the last 12 years!

                  Great at to see everyone hanging in. Those first several days are a challenge but you will love the results of pushing thru! Nothing worth having comes easy, this is no exception. Keep it going! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Hi all, well another day AF.

                    This may sound a bit silly but I am so pleased with a particular 34 hour period from 8.00 am on Friday until 6.00pm Saturday because that was the time I was "home alone" which has always been my biggest problem time since I acknowledged my problem and started trying to quit.

                    I remember going on a training course when the trainer asked one of the delegates to "try" to pick up a pen off the table. The person just picked up the pen, of course. The trainer then said that he had not tried. We were all confused until he explained that he didn't try to pick the pen up because he didn't need to because he knew he could do it and just did it. The trainer's point is that there is no "try" there is only "do".

                    I think this last 2 days has helped me turn that corner with Alcohol. I didn't try not to drink, I just didn't drink.

                    This may sound like a load of rubbish but to me it has been a huge thing.

                    Sky - how is your weekend going? did you get to the beach? Hope you're ok!

                    So, it's 1.45 am here in the UK and so I am officially in to day 6.

                    Had a couple of customers in the Restaurant tonight who were a little the worse for wear. I asked my wife if I looked like that when I was drunk. Her reply was "I wish! you were 10 times worse than that". I definitely don't want that back again!



                      Tony, you have totally cracked the code! Taking the choice off the table really did the trick for me, also. There wasnt any TRY to not drink, it just was no longer an option for me. Im so proud of you, this is exactlyvthe mindset it takes! Keep up the great work!!! :welldone:
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good job Tony!
                        Just keep doing what you're doing & you will succeed

                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Good Evening everyone,
                          Each day just keeps getting better and better. I didn't make it to the beach but stayed close to home and baked, cleaned, yard work and drove neighbourhood kids to their year end dance recitals. These are all things I haven't done for a very long time because of AL. It was nice to be helpful to my friends and to nourish me and hubby with great food.

                          Feeling a lot of gratitude today for another day AF.

                          Tony, my hubby did his first day AF today. It was hard for him but I was able to be compassionate as my first 4 days are still very fresh. Lol


                            Very happy for your successes Tony & Inthesky.
                            Stick close and post a lot, it helps tremendously.
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              Eloise - thanks for that
                              Sky - I am really REALLY pleased your husband has had his 1st AF day
                              and to anyone who can help with this - I am finding that when I first get up in the morning I am getting stomach aches and for around an hour feeling really low and fed-up - bordering on depressed when right now I should be feeling good. It passes after around an hour or so but is this anyone else's experience and if so is there anything you've done which has helped with this?


                                Maybe go for a walk Tony? I was never a breakfast eater but I now swear by a cup of Greek yogurt to settle a nervous/upset stomach.
                                You are going to experience so many weird feelings, both emotional and physical.
                                I bought an electronic book ' Mindfulness, finding peace in a frantic world.' It has an 8 week mindfulness program to follow and it has done me a WORLD of good. What has helped the most is reminding me to feel whatever it is I am feeling. Don't squash it.
                                After a short time I feel better. I don't have to 'take action' or solve anything. I just feel it and it goes.
                                You are doing Great Tony!! Hurrah.
                                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

