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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mornin' Y'all,

    Hope everyone had a good evening/night. Day 4 for me.

    The weatherman was right. Thunderstorms as predicted. Made me late 2 1/2 hrs late. Made my job 10x more stressful. Good news is that I stopped at 2. Usually can be up to 10. Bad news is only 3 days a/f. I know that we all have issues beyond our control. It how we handle them. I am weak. This can certainly help. With all that's going on this may seem trivial, and it is, but I'm just sharing my thoughts.

    J. Congrats on 7. Awesome. I got next. I can do that.

    Lil & Dill, I hope this last round of weather did not aggravate the situation and that you're high and dry. ( Can we do that?)

    Off to the Gym.

    Last night I kissed a girl, and I liked it.:new: still. Is this ok?


      Newbies Nest

      Woh, did you get much hail last night? It was noisy here...LOL!!
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Newbies Nest


        Hello all.....LTG, I hike on a place called South Mountain, here in AZ.....beautiful terrain.
        My hike was nice today, but man I'm pretty sore ALL OVER between lifting weights yesterday and the walk today. Can't take any ibuprofen or anything as I'm having a colinoscopy on the dentist tomorrow. Jeez, I know how to have a good time, eh?? No wonder I'm single............hehe..........Sun....sheeeesh, why ya gotta call me old?? Just 7 years dog years.....wonder how that computes in bird years?
        Papa Renewal


          Newbies Nest

          Renewal, I am the same age as you...LOL!!
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Newbies Nest


            Hello all.....LTG, I hike on a place called South Mountain, here in AZ.....beautiful terrain.
            My hike was nice today, but man I'm pretty sore ALL OVER between lifting weights yesterday and the walk today. Can't take any ibuprofen or anything as I'm having a colinoscopy on the dentist tomorrow. Jeez, I know how to have a good time, eh?? No wonder I'm single............hehe..........Sun....sheeeesh, why ya gotta call me old?? Just 7 years dog years.....wonder how that computes in bird years?
            Papa Renewal


              Newbies Nest

              Seems like the nest has been a busy place today. Were you all waiting for me to leave before you started to party!!! LOL! I just want to check in and say hey. Losing a laptop is a very sad thing! I had to send it away to be fixed.

              Renewal, I've never been to AZ. I would like to go there sometime. Woh, I have been to Texas. Saw the grassy knoll. And Lil, I've been to Indiana, to the Dunes. Beautiful! Oh, and Shipschewanna (sp?), too.

              Sunshine, I'm glad you're sounding a bit more chipper!

              Sorry, I haven't time to respond to all! Check in later if I can.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Newbies Nest

                Renewal I didn't know you were here in AZ with me?? That is great, I have done the South Mountain hike, I love it. I love hiking in AZ, it is great weather to do so.
                Last night out of control February 3, 2009. I'm not doing it again, I'm doing this for my daughter.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Renewal and all Birdies
                  Just checking in u all sound chirpy delighted sunshine u are feeling a bit better. Renewal I can feel ur soreness but it is a nice type of soreness of a job well done. U will sleep soundly to night. I had winter vomiting bug for the past two days thankfully it seems to have subsided, havent eaten anything in 48 hours, hopefully lost loads weight! Talk soon im off to bed. Nite Nite


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey, nesters

                    A brief check in before heading out to dinner with my daughters--we are spending lots more time together lately...hmmm, wonder why?

                    BTW--I love Arizona eespecially Phoenix, up the mountain to jerome and of course Sedona. Plus it's warm there LOTS.
                    We are having a heat wave--mid-50's...but snow tomorrow, go figure.


                      Newbies Nest


                      Nice to see Arizona get a little love.............Dill. hope you make it here one day.....if you do, lunch is on me (birdfood can't be too expensive...). Jamieaz, who woulda thunk it? Howdy neighbor. Irisheyes, yeah it is a good soreness.....'bad soreness' will be tomorrow when I go to the dentist (ha)......Sun, miss seeing you around much lately. Well, the nest seems pretty chipper seeing that.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dill-how you doing you ole buckeye girl you. Have you been getting alot of rain? It has poured down rain for the last 2 days. With the worse coming tonight. I am surrounded by water. We have flood warnings out.

                        Hi there Jami, UNG, and Irish Eyes. I see you sitting all comfy on your twigs.

                        I've been struggling a little today. But I've been on here reading alot. Did a bit of walking on my treadmill.( I guess I should have taken the boat out and rowed around the neighborhood. Taken advantage of all the water out there.) Stayed close to the nest. I did a pinky swear today. So that's that.

                        I'm going to get into my jammies and go to bed. I know poppa R will be around soon to tuck us all in.

                        Night peeps
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          Newbies Nest

                          hola mi amigos

                          greeting all ye birdies. I hope you all feeling full of good health and wellness. I just finished "the book" thanks to all those who 'pushed' it on me.
                          Today is day 4 AF... not easy but I am learning that the tools are inside me and the choice is in every nanosecond of everyday. I can choose positivity if I want it. It used to be that I believed that I have been somehow subjected to whatever is around me and i must just deal or cope or overcome whatever it is that brings me down. Today, I believe that I can choose to be the person I want to be. I believe we have that power within and the more time I stop and think and focus on my true feelings, I can move closer towards my ideal life. I dont need to react and protect and defend....its not about fighting the dark side.....its about moving towards the light.
                          thanks for listening....your little birdie ears are playing a very important role in my transformation.
                          With much gratitude and warm wishes for good health-
                          a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                            Newbies Nest


                            Very well put 'within'....obviously the book has served you well your new attitude! Lilmea, you got it girl.....of course I'm here as always to tuck all of you in. Gonna hit the hay a little early tonight as my body feels like.....well, we'll just say it doesn't feel great. I wish all my little ones a peaceful sleep. Rest your head on the twig knowing that you are all doing the absolute best you can to improve your lives. For that, I am one proud papa.


                              Newbies Nest

                              night night

                              thanks...and sleep well.
                              zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz
                              a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wake up Renewal!!

                                I didn't get to say tweet to you and goodnight

                                Oh, well--I'll hop over to your branch in the morning.

                                Had a great dinner with my girls, sitting here drinking water and wondering how to change it to wine (kidding).

                                Still debating about the Antabuse.

                                But won't drink--need that 72 hours to start Antabuse.

                                Good night all.

