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    Good evening Nesters,

    No kids under foot today but I was still plenty busy!
    There's always something that needs to be done around here

    Justme, my dog is dealing with a host of issues, mostly age related. 13 1/2 is old for a Swiss Mountain dog & the summer heat is extra hard on her. She has some serious arthritis pain so I get to help lift all 100 pounds of her when she stands. I'm hoping the new medicine kicks in soon. She has also developed a leaky bladder situation but that med is working already, thank goodness. She is on a thyroid med & an antibiotic right now as well. The Benadryl I gave her last night suppressed the coughing but she's been sleeping all day, ha ha! Enjoy your dogs while they are young!

    Tony, glad you got thru the Dad visit unscathed!
    I have 2 1/2 acres of 'garden' to take care of here. There's a ton of grass that gets cut with a tractor but we have several veggie gardens, three raised beds & an herb garden. Oh, and a chicken house, Lol. My husband is awaiting delivery of a greenhouse that he is going to put together & attach to the garage. Busy here!!! I often post photos here, it's easy if you use Photobucket or something like that.

    Byrdie, don't hurt your brain with all that studying, ha ha!

    Hello to Eloise & Kensho & everyone stopping in.
    Have a safe night in the nest! There's a thunder storm going on here, oh boy!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      Byrdie - press the start button; type "snipping tool" in the search box; click on this (in the highlighted box at the top); a box will appear click "new" then click "whole screen" and you are there!. I'll see if I can contact Mick. I have no experience in the garden and just thought it would be a great new distraction! Now just into day 16 so every day is now a personal best!

      Eloise - I've thought about this a lot today and I guess that the other thing is that the longer we stay sober, the more people recognise that there is a change in us - take the bar girl yesterday querying why I didn't want a Shiraz - I guess it's going to be more common as time goes on. I am still really fed up that, for whatever reason, someone I really trusted and loved would do something I specifically asked them not to - but the anger side is dissipating. Onwards and Upwards

      Kensho - I'm not "good with plants" as this is a whole new experience and everything I plant will have to be able to survive our very harsh winters - we have temperatures that go as low as the minus 20's sometimes! - I'll take any advice I can get and other than that, my good friend Google will have to help! - Maybe I'm missing something here but what do you donate your hair for? What is it used for? I've never heard of that before

      Lav - it's difficult to overcome what I pervceive as "going behind my back" but I have begun to rationalise that in someway by realising that I am being quite hypocritical when I consider how many times in all the years of drinking I've done that behind peoples backs!!! It's probably "just desserts"

      Goodnight all - I'll be back later!



        Lav - Our posts crossed (posted one minute apart) I have around 22 meters by 19 and its half grass (well long weeds) and half gravel and a bit of a nightmare. I'll have to get used to the phraseology - you put "garden" in inverted commas - I suppose you use "Yard" which has a slightly different meaning this side of the pond (A builder has a "yard" where he keeps all his tools and equipment). Anyway, I'm wanting to do raised beds and have some veg and some flowers, a shed (essential) and a small greenhouse. BUT it's all got to be dog friendly (2 border collies and a Shih-Tzu).

        Just tried to attach the "before" picture, taken yesterday - a lot of the "grass" (very long weeds!) have gone today...
        Attached Files


          Tony, what a space! Lots of potential - what fun it would be to create something beautiful there! I want progress pics!! People can donate their hair here to organizations that make wigs for people with cancer or alopecia (hair won't grow), and some of them give the wigs to kids with these conditions for free (Wigs4kids). I can't imagine what it would be like to be bald! I'm running out the door today - have to get the kids to camp and go to the city all day. Hope everyone has a good day!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Good morning from God's country

            Africa Hot here in North Texas, we had a very mild winter so it didn't feel like much of a transition to Summer.
            Heading to higher elevation next week 10,000 ft in the mountains of New Mexico. My mother has a house up there. With highs in the 70's (F) and lows in the 40's.

            Kensho- You sound great, I'm glad things are moving in the right direction with your husband. When you find that parenting manual please send it my way. I'm pretty sure I'm going to parenting Hell.

            Tony- I believe you just inadvertently signed on as the resident Windows 10 support rep, thank you for that. 😆
            You sound good sir keep on keeping on.

            Lav- hoped you survived the storms

            Justme- Thank you, it seems like yesterday I came crawling in here. You keep checking in here and stay involved, I'll be here to congratulate you soon enough....

            Hello Byrd, Eloise anyone I missed.

            Stay Hard Freaks!
            AF 08~05~2014

            There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


              Tony, there isn't a START button! There's that windows thing down there now and when you push that there's no SEARCH box in sight!! I really miss that start button, was the key to all!

              I feel like I'm in over my head with the new job. I'm just LOST. It isn't helping that I'm working from my personal laptop instead of company issue stuff. I thought my new laptop was coming yustaday but it was delayed. I feel as if people are looking to me to have information (forecasts, forms and reports) and I don't even know the price of our stuff! NUTS! I'm still working on that licensing stuff and that's a pain. Sorry to complain....I hate being lost.

              Hope everyone has an easy day today. If I can do this, I KNOW you can! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Byrdie sorry it is the windows button. Press it and your cursor should be in the search box. Then follow as above.
                I'm attaching a screenshot of this screen - it does work!
                Attached Files


                  DAMMIT, Tony, so that box IS the search box??!! I thought it was the voice activated Cortana Tool (like Siri, only MORE annoying!) I will give this a shot!!!!

                  IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!! (I'm going to write this down!) Byrdie
                  Last edited by Byrdlady; June 29, 2016, 01:07 PM.
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Starting out... again. Feeling hopeless and terrified. I just want to be alcohol free. Why is it so hard? Any words of wisdom are appreciated.


                      Good afternoon Nesters!

                      Ha ha Byrdie, you're making the whole Windows 10 thing way too hard!!!
                      I remember years ago when I got my first iPhone & iPad I did the same thing because they came without instructions. Then I realized my 2-3 year old grandson knew how to use them just by pushing a lot of buttons. So, push enough buttons on your laptop until you make it work

                      I am enjoying a free day, even went out to exercise & get a hair cut, yay!
                      Tomorrow I am watching my grandsons ALL day again BUT I am so grateful to have them to hug instead of a wine bottle

                      Tony, your garden looks about the same size as the pictures we've seen of Mick's! I'm sure he will be happy to give you some great ideas for the types of plants & greenhouse, etc.
                      True, over here we have backyards & the one I have is big - too big, Lol

                      Hello & welcome back dejafoo!
                      I know you feel scared & helpless right now but you are in the right place. Settle in & stay put for as long as it takes. Let's get a plan together to help you succeed. Take a good look thru the Tool box for great ideas.

                      Have a fabulous AF day everyone!

                      Last edited by Lavande; June 29, 2016, 02:28 PM.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Deja! Hi, so glad you are in the nest again.

                        Terrified... I remember that feeling. It wasn't long ago.
                        Part of it is still due to the physical effect of alcohol in your system. As al leaves your nerves will settle. Other part is your emotions. You are breaking up with your abusive lover (or friend) and things will change. Humans resist change. In that regard it is normal.

                        Why is it so hard?
                        I think it is because we remember when al did work for us. We could over do it often while keeping everything together. But as this disease goes - it doesn't stay that way...

                        Hope you feel better and find some calm. You know- you are not alone.


                          Can you Nesters believe I am considering buying my second job?
                          It is a practice.
                          I want to, but I don't want to.
                          Byrdie - I will feel like you do now for a couple of months. Learning all the systems and figuring stuff out. Career wise I should do it. Sobriety wise - maybe it is too much?

                          Tony - I love gardening! Will try to post a pic of my mini veg garden over the weekend.

                          Lav - hope your dog is doing better. The sad thing about loving dogs is that you will love a couple in your life time.

                          I need some sleeeeep...
                          Till tomorrow.


                            Hi all

                            Byrdie - I think the confusion over the button may be one of those Transatlantic semantics things - I don't know many people in the UK who call it the "windows" button - it's in the same place as the start button, and performs mainly the same functions - the only difference being that every time you look at it you see the windows logo,

                            I was thinking about this - windows (and Microsoft as a whole) is a bit like alcohol - loads of people use it every day and it takes over their lives!!!!

                            As to the new job - I'm sure you'll be fine when you get used to it (all you gotta do is get thru THIS day!!!)

                            Matt M - I have reluctantly had to get to grips with Windows 10 ever since a couple of months back, when drunk, I clicked "ok" to the free Microsoft upgrade. Once done, unless you are organised enough to create regular restore points, there is no going back!

                            Kensho - I will share pictures as the project goes on.

                            Dejafoo - I am a newbie here. I have currently got to my Personal Best length of time without alcohol in many years. I am determined, more than ever, this time and it's not for me, as a very newbie myself, to give out loads of advice. However I'll just say that I, too, have quit and then relapsed several times. Just make sure you take every single bit of help you can. If you are having a hard time detoxing, you can get medication to help. If you need to talk with, or shout at, someone about your problems then you can come to this site. This place has been an absolutely invaluable help to me and I know it will continue to be so.

                            Deja, you CAN do this - how do I know? because if I can stay sober then ANYONE can! Good luck to you. Keep putting posts on here and were ALL behind you!

                            Lav - I'll talk to Mick and hopefully share some ideas with him when he's back. 2 1/2 acres would be WAY too much for me right now!

                            Justme - Look forward to seeing those pics!

                            It's been a good day here - had a lot of work to do, but the sun kept out so I snuck off for an hour or so continuing with the initial clearance of the wilderness which will be the garden. 12.15 am and time for bed - just into day 17.

                            Goodnight all



                              Just after 11 pm here so I'll wish everyone a safe night in the nest.
                              Hang on if the ride gets bumpy, you'll love the destination, I promise

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                I thought you were in the UK Tony, -20 in the winter? I didn't know it got so cold there.
                                I think folks will warm up to the new you quickly!

                                Oh Brydie, I am right there with you through this new job transition.

                                I have gotten no art work done all week. Not sure what I have been doing? Worrying I think and feeling tired because of it. I can't imagine where I would be if I was starting a new quit to get it together before this next big move?

                                Welcome aboard Dejafoo- have a look at Brydie's signature at the bottom of her posts, links to resources to get started there.
                                Last edited by Eloise; June 30, 2016, 01:10 AM.
                                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

