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Newbies Nest

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    Hello, I am returning after a long absence (unfortunately not an abstinence) and determined to make this my final and forever quit
    One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


      [QUOTE=Getting in some agitated moods.Hopefully I can snap out of it this week QUOTE]

      Neo - I had this too. I actually almost sacked someone at work for the tiniest of reasons. I think it is a phase that your brain goes through at about that time, for a few days, when the new lack of alcohol in the brain re-awakens certain emotions and feelings which then go into overdrive.

      I actually have been taking meds which have a positive side effect of helping with this and when the incident occurred my wife asked when I'd last taken a pill. I worked out it was about 10 hours earlier and I was supposed to be on 4 a day - I went home and took one and came back an hour later and apologised to the guy in question.

      If it's REALLY bad then I think you should see the Doc, otherwise I think it's a stage we all go through on this journey.


        Thx, It's actually about somethings in the past that I didn't handle well and a family member who doesn't fully understand what there doing but goes and does it and wonders why they have no money and some let downs by people around me .Family ,u can't see to get rid of but the other people are gone and I'm just getting over the whole smokes and beer in 1 go. I'ts now 12 days


          Neo, I salute you for quitting both at the same time and I'm sure that does bring a lot of anxiety. I've just checked back and it was 10th February when I finally admitted I had a problem with Al and went to the Doctor. I've crashed out again a few times since then but at the time I recall the Doctor asking me "are you still smoking?" I looked him straight in the eye and said "One addiction at a time, Doc"!!

          So it was 3 months and 3 days until I got to my quit day for Al after trying and failing several times. I do want to quit smoking as well but that can wait (although curiously I am smoking less since quitting Al).

          I imagine you are going through double the stress levels - are you using nicotine patches? I remember when I gave up smoking for a while a few years back that they really helped with the stress.

          I take my hat off to you for achieving 12 days on a double quit!


            No Patches,No Sugar(well very small amounts) , no coffee,cordial or anything that puts my blood sugar level out of whack. I have been mixing 5g of L-glutamine in with staminade (a kind of gatorade) powder mix with 1 Litre of water . Might have 1 or 2 of these per day. I also have megadose high Potency Vit B complex I take at least 1/day with a meal. And I'm eating a lot more too. Drinking good tank water too. Not the fluorided town water

            It would have been 143 days on 1st July had I stuck with it and even longer in early 2014 when I quit for a few months. It does normally take a few goes but am fully armed with the right foods. I find it easier to quit both at the same time as there is always potential for1 or the other to get you back where u started.

            I also had 5mg of Valium on hand when I was drinking for emergency anxiety. Interestingly, the last I had any was the first night I quit. Think the staminade L-glutamine helped. (I would check with your doc 1st if you have had kidney problems or 1 out or liver problems / check bloodwork) before you took this too.

            Also too, I was a very heavy drinker. I could do 10-15 full strength cans in a sitting. Usually Id drink till I didn't want anymore. I have never vomited ever while drinking either
            Last edited by Neo; July 4, 2016, 08:31 AM.


              Welcome back madonmehndi. You CAN DO this!


                Neo, getting over that Day 13 hump made all the difference for me. Hang in there! It is natural to be anxious and irritable, fter all, we arent getting our fix. I promise it gets 1000 times easier with each day.
                Welcome back Madon. Stick close to the nest and you will be celebrating YOUR VERY OWN Independence Day!
                Hope everyone has a wonderful day today, it's hottern 40 yards of hell today. UGG! Happy 4th! Byrdie
                Last edited by Byrdlady; July 4, 2016, 01:16 PM.
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Hi Nest

                  Madon - I wasn't in the nest for 5 horrible years, but thats what it took for me to realize that al cannot work for me in any way. Glad you are here!

                  Neo, wow! Quitting both must be tough. Wish I could. You are doing great!

                  Hi Tony, Byrdie, Lav...


                    Good Monday afternoon Nesters.

                    4th of July here in Lavland
                    This afternoon's cookout will be cooked inside, we have flash flood watches issued & it hasn't even started to rain yet, ha ha!

                    Great job on both of your quits Neo!
                    You have found something that works for you so stick with it & please stay close to the nest too.

                    Welcome back Madon!
                    Just getting here is the first step so good for you. Put a good plan together for yourself & stick with us.

                    Wishing everyone a great AF rest of the day!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      This birdie is flying into say hi to the nest! Day 3 AF for me!!
                      "Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" ........


                        Happy 4th of July everyone. Still one handed, hope all is well, enjoy a sober day, I have broken mquits on the 4th before. Constant vigilance.


                          Morning all.

                          Hope all of you on the other side of the pond had a great July 4th weekend... I'm off to town today to see the Psychiatrist - I think she might stop or cut down the medication today so we'll see what it brings.

                          Have a great day everyone and I'll check back in later.



                            Good afternoon, Nesters!
                            Welcome 20/20! GREAT job on those 3 days! So glad you found us! When you feel comfortable, feel free to share what brings you by. You'd have to go a long way to surprise this bunch....we've seen/heard/DONE it all when it comes to AL. Keep up the great work!

                            Dutch, how much longer will you be in a cast? I can tell you plenty of July 4th's that I drank myself to oblivion, too. We used to do a neighborhood weenee roast (which I hosted) for about 130 people and I would drink from sun up to sun's a wonder I functioned in the heat. Like Matt said, it was sort of a free pass to drink that day, since everyone else was I figured I could get away with it. I much prefer my quiet sober holidays now.

                            I have a 7 am flight in the morning....I gotta get up a 2:45! My butt is going to be dragging! On the flight home Thursday, I have 53 minutes to make my connection in Atlanta. My new boss made these flight arrangements I think he is trying to kill me. I am so lost in this new job....I feel like I am in college and walked in on a second year foreign language class and they are about to take the final! Everyone knows what's going on but me! I hope I get the hang of this stuff.....

                            Happy Toosday everyone! Hang in there! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Hi Nest

                              Good for you 20/20!

                              Today means a lot to me... 90 days ago I searched the internet on how long al stays in your bloodstream, urine and hair. Today I know they can test what they want, I am totally AF!! Phew!
                              Never ever want to feel that way again, and the good news is, I don't have to!

                              Hope you all had a great day.


                                Good evening Nesters,

                                It's heating up in my portion of the nest, ugh & it's humid too. Typical mid-Atlantic summer conditions, ha ha!

                                Hello & welcome 20/20!
                                Glad you found us & congrsts on your 3 AF days, excellent start

                                Dutch, I hope you continue to heal!

                                Tony, getting off some of those meds will be a good thing in the long run. I hope it all works out for you,

                                Take lots of deep breaths Byrdie. I know you will be OK :hug:

                                Wow Justme, you are at 90 days? awesome!!!!,

                                Widhing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

