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Newbies Nest
Good morning all, I am on day 4 today and starting to feel like the fog is lifting a little, still feeling achy and a bit flu-like but I know that is to be expected, feeling slightly more cheerful than I did and trying to eat plenty and keep busy, I know my first major hurdle will be the weekend so I am going out in a minute to buy myself some non-al treats I can have if I feel a craving coming on, weekends are my danger time for definite!!! Hope everyone is well todayOne day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...
Originally posted by Choices View PostHi nesters I've been away and coming back... I am so sick of being in this come back rut.. But I'm here. I feel pretty positive aside from going through a physically painful withdraw.. Maybe it's because I know, well have learned the hard way.. Beating myself up isn't going to help. Hope everyone is doing well.. Just jumped in so haven't done any reading.One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...
Hi Choices and Madon (or do you prefer "Mehndi"?) and Beaches
I think that almost everyone one here, whether they are really new or are long term AF, have at some point been rebounders. Unfortunately that is the nature of Alcohol and addiction. I really hope that the 3 of you have the determination and back-up to keep on at being AF. I am a newbie myself and when I came on here this time, I had in my mind 15 days because I'd only ever hit 14 before.
I am sure that Eloise and Byrdlady will be on here later because they always have some fantastic advice for newbies. I followed that advice (even writing a "plan" when I didn't really know where to start with it) and here I am 24 days later, still walking on a tightrope and knowing that I could fall off it at any time, but determined and with a better mindset than ever before.
It really is one day at a time. I said to someone else on here recently and I don't care about being repetitive, because it is so important... I did not drink yesterday but that day is gone now. I KNOW I won't drink today, but tomorrow can just go and take care of itself for the moment. I'll deal with that after midnight!
I hope you will all be looking back in a few weeks at the number of days thinking "I did this" and I know, already, after the short time I've been AF that, although sometimes it would be easy to say "to hell with it" and go and get a bottle, that life is so much clearer, things that have been neglected in favour of AL are now getting done, and life is much MUCH more enjoyable at work and home now I am back in control.
Take any bit of help offered to you, whether that be meds to help with the withdrawal/detox, counselling, and most definitely on here. Whatever peculiar experiences you have, whether psychological or physical, just a quick mention on here and someone else will definitely have had the same experience and will be able to tell you what they did to get through it.
Look forward to seeing you check in on the roll call each day!
TonyLast edited by tonyniceday; July 7, 2016, 06:50 AM.
Great post TonyI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Keep on Keeping on
GM Nesters. Just jumping on for a quick hello and then need to get on with my day. I'm realizing how unproductive I've been as the drinking thoughts, planning, action took up a lot of time. Then - once the drinking began - well the ability to get anything done slows to a crawl. So I'm feeling like become productive again. I've been spending hours reading on here. Today is the first day I feel like taking on an over due project. Yeah!
Thanks for the post Tony ... At day 24 you are now talking from the real you. I think when we drink day after day - it's not even us operating. An alter called Alcohol takes the driver seat. The saying goes ... 21 days to break a habit. You have now accomplished that! Now you need 21 days to install the new habits! (Like downloading a computer program!! LOL) And with that you are already 3 days into that 21 day reboot!!
Choices .... Today is the perfect day to be Al Free. Don't look at yesterday ... its gone. Today is the best day to not drink!
Beaches1 - HI! The nest is my daily fix right now - I'm reading back pages and pages!!
Madonme - Day 4 is a turning point in feeling better. At day 6 I am no expert - but each day is getting better and better!!
Lav - Eloise - Byrd .......... looking forward to reading your tidbits for today later.
A great Thursday to all"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" ........
Good morning! Hi Choices & Beaches, glad to see you back. Hi 20/20, Madon, Tony, aihfl.
I think we can all agree as fellow addicts that less medication is better if we don't need it - but that it can be very helpful when prescribed correctly. Tony, it sounds like your current Dr. is double checking on decisions and ensuring your good care. That is good.
I'm so glad to see everyone here making a difference in their lives! It is hard to fight addiction, but SO WORTH IT! There isn't a single person here that I've seen who has had substantial AF time and hasn't sung the praises of a sober life! I've said this before, but being sober for 6 months opened doors for me that I didn't even know were there. That means you have to take a leap of faith, and move toward a better life, even if you can't see what that is right now. I can promise you that it is MUCH MUCH BETTER. My recent lapse in judgement on my vacation was only a reminder that I don't want that life. Keep up the good work everyone!
BTW, I drove past a liquor store yesterday and I was rushed with the memory of coming up with an excuse to go in and buy the little whisky shots (had a headache, was bored with current client, worked hard yesterday, etc.) - at 2pm. I thought about alcohol ALL OF THE TIME, around the clock - how bad I felt first am, how ashamed I was that I didn't keep my word to myself, how my husband must have smelled it on me, how I would have to replenish the bottles in the basement, how tired I was of thinking about it, when would I get it next, what I would drink that night, could I drink it openly that night or would I have to hide it, was it late enough in the afternoon to buy it / drink it, could I get a little more and not feel terrible in the morning, how could I sneak it without my family knowing, where could I hide it, how aweful I felt at 2-3 am awaking with sweats and nausea, how much ibuprofen could I safely consume to avoid hangovers..... Life was secondary to my relationship with alcohol. WHAT A WASTE OF HEAD SPACE.Last edited by KENSHO; July 7, 2016, 12:21 PM.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Happy to see the Nest so busy!
One thing that stood out in the posts is that by consuming too much al day after day we become someone else. Very, very true.
I have a situation now, at work that is tricky to handle, but every excuse I find not to do it, is related to al... Weird! Amazed at what al did in so many areas of my life.
Now I look at my non-alky coworkers and wonder what the hell is their problem??
Good evening Nesters,
I hope everyone had a good day like I did
Thanks for your post Tony. I'm afraid jumping in & responding to someone's post without knowing the whole story can be confusing. Aihfl, just so you know I worked my entire 30 year career in healthcare & would never tell someone to stop their meds!!! You didn't know the whole story & I wasn't being rude.
Hello & welcome back Choices & Beaches!
Make yourselves comfortable & let us know if you need a hand
There's still some daylight left so I'm going to try to attack some garden weeds, ha ha!
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Quick fly by. Just got back in from south Florida. Had a great couple of customer visits with new boss.
Im so glad I don't drink. Nighty all, Byrdie
Hi Nesters,
On day 2 and feeling much better. I'm glad I decided to post yesterday and come back as well. It's so easy to feel terrible make a deal never to drink again and then... days later just do it again. And, I love sober life. It's a lot easier to stay sober checking in with others trying to do the same. It is a bright sunny winters day here today, so I opened all of the windows and decided to clean a few of them as well.. the house was stale from yesterdays recovery and I just want to move on. Someone mentioned productivity... (having a hard time scrolling... ) but yes! I wanted to agree.. these few months off the wagon have really been a lack of that for sure. I had been slowly loosing motivation for the inspiring things I'd started while sober.. and was getting in that terrible habit of thinking... I'll do that tomorrow, or Monday... once I feel better.. it's kinda of an over all give up if 5 pm is when the first drink starts. I'd feel better.. not drink some of the days... get stuff done. Drinking does sap the desire of motivation right out of a person. I was becoming apathetic on lots of levels. Well, thanks for listening. I'm happy to be back here.AF January 7, 2018
I agree Choices on the apathy. I was becoming apathetic on every single thing in my life. That then spirals me into depression and darkness. Congrats on day 2.
Day 6. Today was filled with obligations on "other peoples" lists. That can really set me into a pity party. After my 2nd meeting left - my immediate thought was ... I need a drink. I stopped it by asking myself why I need to end a meeting with a "reward" drink. Why do I consider meeting with someone such a stress that I need to drink as soon as possible. Do I really have such social anxiety? I don't know the answer at this point - but I am now aware that this is a trigger. At least for now it is. Maybe I'm still to steeped in Withdrawal and that was all it was - but it is something I need to explore.
I love reading all of your posts. I'm going to settle in with some reading here - as I don't feel like I have to much wisdom to add at this point - but I love reading and reading and reading!!! Night nesters!"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" ........
Hey all... well not back to the grind really, just getting organised and will start to pack. I am also starting to plan lessons for the fall, which is great. Oh year, and find an apartment. omg.
THAT makes me nervous. My old boss suggested I just try and embrace this new life and I couldn't agree more.
Well done on all this AF time, my goodness is Lav ever right everyone; give it time and it will be fine.
Couldn't agree more!(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Good morning Nesters & happy Friday to all
We're still dealing with excessive heat & humidity here in my portion of the nest, ugh. I am doing my best to keep all of my feathered friends comfy & cool outside with lots of ice water & frozen veggie snacks.
Byrdie, glad you are doing OK. I knew you would do fine!
Choices, stick with it & reap the benefits of kicking AL out of your life!
Mr V, good to see you!
20/20 & Eloise, patience pays off, honestly
Have a great AF day everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Life great ...
I didn't know for so long
Spent so much time drinking
Wasted myself feel long
Good to see new comers
Who want to change their lives
Who want to embrace sobriety
I remember how it felt like
How can I live without AL
How can I travel , work, enjoy without AL
Being drunk was normal
There was no high
Just feeling of being calm when drunk ....
And painful hang over
Guilt, shame, regrets
Health issues
Family sufferings
It's great to be sober
But early days are tough
Really hard
Day at a time is the way
I was there too
Just like to guys
How to stay away , stay off
But life is great
Not worth wasting on AL
Not worth chasing the high
I was there too...
I still am here ...
Counting days
Still and alcoholic
But I don't want to drink
I don't wish to drink
I don't have any desire to drink
I don't miss drink
If then this devil whom I kicked out of my life and window
Is patiently sleeping outside
I miss the early days of recovery
Logging to MWO everyday
Advice of Byrdlady, Lav, no sugar and other angels on this site
Googled so much
Read so much
Watched so much on AL
I kicked my addiction.
Time is the best friend
Stay calm and patient
Stay in MWO ...
Life is great ....Rahul
Rewiring my brain ... done ...
Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
Rebooting ... done ...
Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...