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    Hi all,

    Well I made it, I am 7 days sober today!!! It has been a very difficult week and I have struggled immensely, not felt well at all most of the time with varied aches and pains and emotionally it has been a battle which I have mostly kept to myself just to get through it!! I am pleased with my progress but feeling very depressed and down, I don't know how my DH has put up with me this week I really don't, I need to find a way to snap myself out of it!

    Hope everyone else is ok today
    One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


      Whoo-hoo Madon!!
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Mads, Im hoping that a prize will pull you out of the crapper!
        Yes, you've earned a FULL MOON! 7 days of AL-Freedom! The worst is behind you! (Sorry Eloise, I stole your thunder again).
        I found in that first konth that if I had a BAD day, it was usually followed by a good one! I never had two bad days in a row. The good news? It gets easier each day. Heck, if it stayed this hard NOBODY could do it. More good news, this will be the last time you have to suffer thru detox! Keep up the great work!!
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Thanks for the welcome and encouragement , I'm away from home this week , which is always a danger , and have limited internet , but I do have determination , and no social events to deal with , so just dealing with myself and a lot of free time .
          Cheers All .
          Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
          Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


            Good evening Nesters,

            Finally had a decent LOW humidity day, ha ha! I hope this weather sticks around for a few days.
            Justme, you can have ALL of the hot & humid weather we have here right now, ha ha!

            Madon, CONGRATS on your 7 AF days :welldone:
            You will strat feeling better very soon, we promise!

            Tony, here you go -
            The Bubble Hour

            BND, stick close to the nest, you are not alone this week, OK?

            Greetings & good night wishes for all. Stay safe in the nest

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hi everyone,

              I think I've read back to where I left off. But catching up and trying to keep my girl happy at the same time. I'm on day 5 and I'm feeling pretty good. We went to a friends house today who had a new baby. We stayed forever because my girl and her older girl are the same age and they were playing very nicely.. and I could tell she needed some company. It was getting close to 4 and I figured we'd better go so we didn't get stuck in traffic. I'm feeling pretty proud and happy that I didn't even think of stopping for a bottle on the way home... the thought of it actually makes me a bit ill. I hope I stay feeling this way. I hopefully came back before I got too entrenched again.
              AF January 7, 2018


                Hope I am posting in the right place ... day 1 for me ! Feeling dizzy as I write this after a lot of drinking last night ... found this site and I am so happy knowing that I have a place to go when I need help. Have tried all sorts of ways to stop drinking but failed miserably .


                  Evening nesters

                  Happy 7 days Mads, they were the worst days of my life but it only gets better as time goes on. Keep plodding along and in no time you will have a year then two and so on. Take it from me it takes a lot of hard work but it is so worthwhile, i never ever ever thought i would be a non drinker. God i would have laughed if someone said that to me before and here i am plodding along day by day.

                  Well i had a f**ked day at work. Some ***** hit my car in the carpark at work and pretty much ripped off my bumper bar. I am furious, one step forward and twenty back. Obviously not a decent human as didnt leave a note of apology or a phone number just lots of plastic on the ground. The positive is that at no time did i feel like a drink, YEAH! Yep a positive, pulling them out of my butt as i am so annoyed! Though now i think about it, it is a good feeling to not want to drown my sorrows. Mind you i could not afford it! oh dear.

                  Sky that is great news about your friend, its nice when someone takes the time to understand.

                  Hi Bobby and welcome, you are in the right place. We are open 24/7, there is always someone around the world on here. Settle in and get to know us. We were all at the place you are at now and it does get better.

                  Take care x
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Hi Bobby

                    You couldn't be in a better place to get help. This first day is not going to be easy. There will be some very experienced people who will give you some great advice but in the meantime (and sorry to Byrdie - don't mean to steal your thunder!) if you go back one page on here (at the top or bottom of the thread you will find the page numbers) to page 6624 and scroll down you will find a post by a member called Byrdlady. At the bottom of her post is a link to the Tool Box - click on that and you'll get some great stuff to get you on your way.
                    If you are having a hard time as you come down from the alcohol you can also go and see your Doctor or go to a drop in centre and they will be able to give you something to help with that for a few days.
                    The most important thing, Bobby, is that you are here and have taken a decision to change. Any problems or questions, however big or small, just put them here and someone will be able to help you.

                    Welcome Bobby


                      Thanks very much for the encouragement... I am determined to make this work .

                      Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                      Hi Bobby

                      You couldn't be in a better place to get help. This first day is not going to be easy. There will be some very experienced people who will give you some great advice but in the meantime (and sorry to Byrdie - don't mean to steal your thunder!) if you go back one page on here (at the top or bottom of the thread you will find the page numbers) to page 6624 and scroll down you will find a post by a member called Byrdlady. At the bottom of her post is a link to the Tool Box - click on that and you'll get some great stuff to get you on your way.
                      If you are having a hard time as you come down from the alcohol you can also go and see your Doctor or go to a drop in centre and they will be able to give you something to help with that for a few days.
                      The most important thing, Bobby, is that you are here and have taken a decision to change. Any problems or questions, however big or small, just put them here and someone will be able to help you.

                      Welcome Bobby


                        Oh... Monday!!!

                        This dreaded day came and its just a couple of hours, then it is over. Even tackled some of the stuff I avoided. Rest of the week should be fine.

                        Bobby - hope you are hanging in there on your day one. Would love to know how you are doing. Activated charcoal and endless glasses of water helped me through.

                        Madon - congrats!! So happy for you!

                        Choices - it is a new experience sober with little kids. Isn't it amazing that it is possible NOT to think about al when it ruled so many situations in our lifes before?

                        BND - hope you have a good week away from home. Lots of sleep in the free time could serve your body well.

                        Till tonight.


                          Good Morning, Nesters!
                          Tony, you can steal my thunder with impunity! Bobby, the Tool Box is a treasure chest of great info and tips to help you thru the first challenging days and weeks. If NOTHING else, it provides a distraction from the 'thing' you are trying not to do! Knowledge is power! We are SO glad you found us!! Stick around, this place saves lives.....I'm one of them!

                          Ava, I'm so mad about your bumper I could come over there and yank a knot in someone's neck! Does your workplace have security cameras so you could see the thoughtless BOOB who did it? Just a thought (since I sell security cameras.....) I'm so sorry that happened, what a PAIN!

                          Wishing everyone an easy week, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Well I'm on Day 3 and a bit afraid. Today is the a trigger day for me lots of stress. I'm trying to work out a plan for it though.
                            My hubby sees neurosurgeon this morning, hospitals always make me nervous then lawyer appointments and contractors.
                            So I will be staying close to the nest
                            Have a great day everyone.


                              Happy Monday Nesters!

                              I've started my day 10 with a lingering headache. It started yesterday. It's weird because I didn't really even have a headache last week on my week one. I did take a valtrex Sat. and Sun. because I thought I was getting a cold sore. I wonder if that is it. Or maybe too much time outside in the heat the past 2 days. Anyway ... it's piercing and distracting!

                              Inthesky .... You will get through day 3. I think that one was my least favorite day also. But we all have had a day 3 to get through so YOU CAN TOO! So do whatever you need and be gentle on yourself all day! I hate hospitals worse than courthouses! My hubs was in the hospital several times over the past 2 years - and I feel like a wild dog in a cage! I don't know why!! It's oppressive to me for some reason! And I always love hospital staff - but there is something that doesn't settle with my spirit. So Just post on MWO if you need a pep talk!!! You C~A~N and W~I~L~L DO IT!

                              Byrdlady - you make me laugh .... I LOVE it ... "yank a knot in someones neck" ... That's good. I'm going to tuck that away and use it!! Speaking of...

                              Available - so sorry about your car! What a Jerk Face! Who does that? I'm so glad to hear you say that you didn't feel like running for a drink. I'm looking forward to the day, where something bad that happens doesn't send me craving a drink. I see you have much AF time under your belt. I really love reading posts from those who are long timers here. It really keeps me from falling into depression.

                              Justme - have a great "monday". (No caps for monday .... it's not a "proper day".

                              Bobby Boy - You are in the right place! I suggest you consume yourself with reading about quitting drinking. It passes time, and the more you know .... the stronger your resolve becomes!

                              Choices -- Your almost to a week! Whoot Whoot! Those successes start building on each other, when you don't stop for a bottle this once, you can start to easily NOT stop for a bottle again! Habits also play such a strong part of our subconscious. Add an addicting substance to the "habit" and there you have it. A PROBLEM! Enjoy that darling daughter ... sober! The memories will be that much sweeter!

                              Tony - You're almost to 30 days!!! That's the number I'm looking for!! Yehaw!!!!!! Tighten up your belt, cuz your going to feel so proud and happy - that you don't want to let your guard down!!!!!

                              Anyone - I missed .... sorry - was jamming out this post - cuz I need to get back to work! This site is addicting! hehe
                              "Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" ........


                                Sky - I see you're gonna have a very stressful day...BUT can I be cheeky and ask you to take a look back to Page 6598 on here and have a look at how stressful your last day 3 was... You got through that!!! Stay close but I'm sure you'll be just fine


