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    Good Morning, Nesters!
    Matt, I was just about to nag you about not checking in when, POOF, there you are! Well played. So glad you had a good vacation. Yes, you are just BEFORE your second anniversary and I couldn't be more proud of you! I told you getting over that rough edge would be worth it!!! (I had to bribe him with CAKE!! Don't laugh, it worked). Had I known about the bacon thing, I'd have tried that! Thank you for the kind words.

    All packed up and ready to head north. Lav, I thought you were a weenee talking about the heat. I checked out the temps up in PA and it's hotter there than it is here! What the what??? I'm not repacking so I'll just have to sweat!

    Off and running ....another busy week ahead. I hope the travel gods are in a good mood. Hugs to all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Happy Monday everyone,
      I wanna thank everyone who gave their thoughts on the pink cloud. What I've taken from it is everyone has good and bad days AF or not. So I'm not going to call them pink cloud days just good or great days.
      Byrd you have a great trip and I'm sure that everything will work out great.
      Welcome back Bran new day, hope your time away was good to you.
      Bobby so awesome you have started running and giving back to your community. I gotta find some outlets for my energy too, but it will have to wait a couple weeks. Sold my house on Tuesday and move August 2 so quite busy.
      Choices i get what your saying I myself am trying to figure out how to deal with the outside static without AL. I've been drinking for 20+ years daily and haven't ever really had to learn these skills as I used to drown all emotions that bothered me or made me uncomfortable.
      Tony gave me a great idea for dealing with stress and helping me prioritize my obligations with those I have no control over. Maybe Tony you could share? Lol your better with words.
      Well off to recycle and pack up.

      Have a great day


        Good luck with your exam Brydie.
        Gosh, times they is a changin'!
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Hi everyone

          Just a quick "hello" as I am having a very busy day - Sky I will put that up later. As I said to you, it was something I'd read and I've tried it too and it works quite well. Gotta rush now. Great to see everyone ok.



            Just read a great article on Sober Nation....8 things sobriety promises you in recovery. Well worth a read.
            After a busy day with the kids I finally got back to swimming. Done a mile....64 lengths.....pleased with myself.. I was so sick for a few months early this year and wasn't sure I would get back to full health. So glad I went to the doc. Also making sure to get outside and build up my immune system.
            I am also taking probiotics, recommended by Lav and the Candex cleanse. Not sure what specific thing is working, maybe all in their own way.
            So, all good.
            Very hot and sunny here. I love the way sunny days make everywhere look beautiful.
            Hope your trip goes well Byrdie.
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!




              I said I'd put something up here that I'd said to Sky about Stress. This is something that I came across a while back and I've recently tried it, as has Sky and it does help:-

              You take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle and across the middle and each corner is then marked up with the things that are stressing you...
              1st quarter is those things that are stressing you but you can do something about (ie by making that phone call, writing that letter etc) but which don't need to be done today.
              The second quarter is those things you can do something about and you need to do something about right now.
              The third quarter is the things you are stressing about but which you can't do anything about.
              The fourth is those things you can do something about but you don't need to do any time soon.

              Cross out the last two sections as they are irrelevant today and work through the 2nd section which is the urgent one. If you get time then start on the 1st section.

              Getting rid of the things (even if it's just until they become urgent) just means you have less to worry about.

              It sounds really simple but it seems to work.

              ALSO I learnt something new today about the Pink Cloud. This may sound a bit flippant but it truly was the reality of my morning...

              I woke up feeling great, really great. I think some would call my feelings this morning the Pink Cloud. I was, however, looking through the list I'd created of the Stress stuff and I decided I was going to tackle something I NEEDED to do but had been putting off. One of my staff needed some information and to send some stuff in which he needed from me to HMRC (UK equivalent to IRS). As an employer I am responsible for his tax in relation to his wages from our business. This meant that I should be able to just print off what he needed and hand it to him - end of story. BUT the HMRC programme we use just would not let me have the information in any intelligible form. SO I decided to face it head on today and ring HMRC

              I rang the number and after numerous "Press 1 for this, 2 for that" etc, and having to ring back because it cut me off, I eventually got put through to a nice gentleman in a call-centre based somewhere in the Indian Sub-Continent. Let's just say that he was a nice chap but he didn't learn to speak English anywhere near where I did. He told me to try this, and then that (and reboot- why do they ALWAYS say that) and then asked me if I was using Windows 10 - "Yes" I said. "Oh, I'll have to put you on hold then". Now I quite like Vivaldi, but the winter movement of the Four Seasons is quite tiresome when listened to for over 8 minutes in the middle of summer... Eventually he came back and his colleague advised that the edition of the HMRC programme I was using was not compatible with Windows 10......GRRRRRRRR. Eventually he sent me a link for a download to put it right and it was sorted.

              That 43 minutes and 28 seconds of my life can never be replaced - but...
              1. Something off the stress list
              2. Pink cloud well and truly gone...
              Two birds, One stone

              Going to bed now!



                Hi everyone ... seems everyone is very busy and that is a great thing ... Thanks for the kind words Inthesky !! Just heard on the news that two pilots were arrested for being under the influence ... What the .... !!! Sad really ! Busy day for me too but just wanted to say hello ... have a super Tuesday all x


                  Hey Tony .. Bravo !!! I love that post and am going to take your sound advice literally and draw up that list .


                    Good advice Tony! Definitely gonna try that.
                    Bobby boy, you are sounding goid.
                    After work today my daughter and I went cycling. Took a road I haven't been down in 37 years to a little secluded beach. We sat there for half an peace....the only noise was nature. We cycled 12 mile and I loved it.
                    Roasting in Ireland right now...we aren't used to this weather. We got the pool out for the kids....they had a ball.
                    Hope everyone is staying strong.
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Hi Guys

                      We've got into the really busy summer weeks at work (which is good) but I've not had time to catch up with everyone today. It's 1 am and I've only just got in from work so I'll post again (later) in the morning.

                      Hope you're all ok.




                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Horrors, I've just spent the past 24 hours with no internet thanks to big storms blowing up our home router - again. This is now the 3rd time we have had to replace it over the past 12 years, crazy!

                        I spent the day watching my grandsons & will be doing the same tomorrow.
                        Daisy, I will be filling up the kiddie pool for ttphem tomorrow. You have to keep it interesting, right?

                        Byrdie, I am a weenie when it comes to dealing with this heat, ha ha!
                        Good luck with your exam.

                        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Lav .. That happens here every summer .. Johannesburg is at 2000 m above sea level and we get thousands of lightening strikes .. The only way to stop the routers from being damaged is to unplug them . Good luck with that !!


                            Good morning my fellow nesters .. feeling really good today as I have made it to day ten .. just a tad worried as I got some blood test results back and I have a high % transferrin saturation 63.9 % . ( potential iron overload ) . Apparently this can lead to a number of health problems . Liver function OK !! Maybe I am lucky about that one as my poor liver has worked overtime ... I understand one thing ... ALCOHOL will make it worse .. NO way can I ever afford to drink again .. Don't want to scare everyone but it is worth doing these tests just to find out if any damage has been done . Choices - Where are you ? Please check in here ... nest is missing you ! Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday ! x


                              Bobby boy, I had a load of tests done this year as I kept getting sick. It was a relief that they came back clear.
                              I wouldn't worry about the potential risks. Ask your doctor what you can do to improve your situation and get yourself to the healthiest state you can. Then if anything crops up you are physically able to deal with it.
                              Another hot day here....sticky. Going swimming tonight for a cool down.
                              The extra exercise is helping reset my body clock......sleeping has been messy.
                              Hope you all have a great day.
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Bobbyboy,my mom had that too and they were gonna hafta take out some of her blood but it ended up being ok and they didn't have to,she just had to stay away from high iron foods and makes sure her multivitamin was the "over 50" one that doesn't have iron in it,plus lay off the grog but she'll never do that
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

