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    Hi Daisy

    Thanks for posting about your close call and I am really glad you made it to 40 days!

    I don't feel I can give much advice, since I don't have that much sober time. The way I think about Al now, keeps me sober. Although I knew it was a poison, I still saw it as an option.

    Happy Sunday for you!


      Hi Maitae

      Yes, you are at the right place!
      And on the right track if you are tired of a boozy life.

      I had lots of water and activared charcoal on the first day and the next day was much better.

      Let us know how you are.


        Evening nesters

        Managed to do some lawn maintenance today, sometimes i wish i had a man but doing the lawn is way easier.

        Daisy glad you didnt drink but ditch the wine. You dont need the temptation early in your quit. The kids have al in the fridge and i just cant handle looking at the bottle every time i open the door so i put it elsewhere on a shelf. This has taken a long time for al to be allowed in said fridge. Its like being on a diet and keeping chocolate in the house. It will get eaten eventually!

        Welcome Mait and this is where it all happens. I was a 2 bottle of wine daily drinker and with the kindness and support of here i have a lot of sobriety behind me now. Its scary but we take it day by day or minute by minute. We understand how you feel having been there and done that.

        Just, you are wracking up the days and doing a great job, keep at it.

        Work tomorrow, why are weekends so damn short. Going to watch some re-runs of Game of Thrones and knit some beanie. I love my quiet life now.

        Take care x
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Hi All

          Daisy - WELL DONE for getting through your close call. Being only a day apart in AF time, I guess we're in pretty much the same position and going through things at the same time. My experience over the last (very nearly) 6 weeks is that a lot of the time it's been like having a new dog, or maybe a child... You know how they try and get away with things and so they push and push with little bits of naughtiness... just seeing how far they go until you snap

          I think Al is doing the same thing. We've stopped using it, but the addiction is still there. So for the first few days Addiction thinks we can't do anything about it so it's snapping at our heels, then when we've got past the first few days it starts to think that it may have to be more devious, so waits until a "trigger" moment and then jumps back in almost pleading with us to have "just one glass".

          I think this goes on. The other day with me, there was a cause for celebration at work and "Addiction" was SCREAMING at me that it could let me have one glass just to celebrate, to join in with everyone else.

          Yesterday it bawled it's head off at you once that wine was in the fridge...

          BUT YOU WON and you ALWAYS must.

          I hope this makes sense - it does to me!!!



            Good morning, nesters!
            Welcome aboard, Maitae. Like Available, I found sobriety right here in this nest! Sounds like you are ready to make this happen. It is a mindset. Once you make the decision to say NO MORE, then the whole process gets easier. You are halfway home once you decide to take your life back. Getting and staying sober is a skill that can be learned! This is the place to do it!

            Daisy, glad you dodged the bullet. Get that wine out of the house....all of it. Those bottles talk! Dont forget that AL has never done us any favors.....ever! Drinking comes at too high a cost. Look at all it has taken away from us. Dont let it mess with your resolve, stay the course and you will never regret it. I know you can do this!

            Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Hi, All:

              Checking in - from a vacation and work-a-palooza. All without alcohol. So grateful.

              Tony and Daisy - that SCREAMING starts to get softer and all of a sudden you will realize that those are really just thoughts - thoughts you can let pass by.

              I had been working so much that I let my regular exercise (that I love) fall by the wayside. I realize - duh - that self care is the most important part of all this. Exercise, good food, sleep - they all contribute to a stronger me who doesn't want a drink, and who can look AL in the eye and say buh-bye. So that is my theme for today - self care. Even if it is just a walk around the block and a fresh peach (summer up here, all you in Oz), give yourselves some real love.

              I was also talking with a friend about our "inner voices" and how we talk to ourselves. Imagine saying those things to a child, your sister, your best friend! I never would talk to others the way I "talk" to myself sometimes, and I realized that it is time for me to change that habit. All part of self care.

              Way to go, Ava. So freaking excited for you. You'll make a great counselor!

              Welcome, Maitae - you've come to a great place. Settle in, read, reflect. And above all, don't drink.

              Happy Sober Sunday,


                Hi. I'm very new also, n want to achieve she same thing you do. I have alot of pain from accident injuries n feel like drinking is the one way to alleviate it since ibuprofen barely helps, not to mention the anxiety and depression I've been suffering from for years. Drinking helps with that too, but it's only temporary. The only lasting effect is,that is screwing up my life. I'm sick of feeling useless and worthless because of drinking. I've been tapering off with beer. There's info on this site. And I'm actually proud of myself for sipping 2 1/2 yesterday, which is very good for me. Didn't get drunk, or even close to it. Going to keep reading n posting, which is advice given to me by other member . Everyone here is so awesome and welcoming. So in a nutshell, yes you r in the right place. Good luck!


                  Hello again

                  Thanks for the warm welcome. I really appreciate. I didn't realise how much I want to stop drinking, but I say this almost every morning. By the evening I'm right back into my routine. Drinking on the sofa. I'll try not to do that today.


                    Hey Panda, welcome to you, too! We are so glad you found us.
                    I dont know what your history is, or if you have ever had any AL free time since it became a problem (I hadnt). But what I found is that my anxiety and depression was actaully CAUSED by drinking! It was the damnedest thing. I though AL was the fix for that but once I spent some time AF I realized that it was the root if it. Oddly enough, over the years, I have actually seen some people posting on here that said they just had to have a drink to relax and relieve their anxiety, but over the course of the evening, you could see (thru their writing) that they were actually MORE keyed up after they drank. They were much more anxious, angry and paranoid! I think you will see many positve changes as you get rid of AL, it only WANTS us to think we cant luve without it! Fact is, we thrive without it. Stick close and you'll see!
                    If there is anything we can do to help, we are right here. Please see the link in my signature line to the Tool Box, it is FULL of tips and tricks to help you!
                    Welcome aboard!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      I had another busy but fun day. Just sent the grandkids & their parents home so I finally have a moment to myself. Grateful as always for these precious moments with them.

                      Hello & welcome Maitae & Panda!
                      Glad you found us & decided to hop in the nest for support. I hopped in 7 1/2 years ago & haven't left yet!!!
                      Look thru the Tool box & make a good plan for yourself, get all your drinking triggers covered. Stay close & let us know how you are doing

                      Daisy, speaking of drinking triggers - what happened to make you think of drinking & coming so close? What can you do next time a similar situation comes up? Developing new coping methods will help you navigate these times/

                      Pav, good to see you & glad to know you are still going strong

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hello everyone .
                        Wow , I missed so much here over the weekend !! Panda . Glad that you are still here , do whatever it takes to rid yourself of THE POISON forever ... Maitae . :welcome: You sure are in the right place . Tony and Daisy ... Well done on kicking that AL monster right where it belongs . Lav and Byrd .. Your advice is always spot on and I for one am so glad that you are both here ! Sky .. All the best with the move and finding some new friends . Available ... Love your approach ! Busy day but happy to catch up here . x


                          Morning, Nesters!
                          Beginning a new week of "LOST IN SPACE" with my new job. Hoping to sort thru all that went on last week and get my inbox in some sort of array. What a mess, like a tornado went thru! It's all good, productive work so that's the plus side.

                          We got some bad news yesterday in our neighborhood. Their daughter took her own life last Wednesday, she was 44. She and her hubs split up in January and she came back home to live with her parents (along with her 10 year old son). This same neighbor had a tragedy last August when their daughter in law was in a seemingly minor traffic accident, but later developed a blood clot in her leg and died. She was 32. She left 3 small children behind. Just unthinkable for one family to bear. Her services are tomorrow...I dread it but I will be going.
                          All this made me think about my own drinking. It really was a slow suicide. I knew it was killing me but I couldn't/wouldn't stop. I was taking my own life. I am so thankful that I made the decision to STOP once and for all. AL is a one way ticket for me.....there just is no living with it.
                          Stay the course, everyone. I promise, it's worth it. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            My God Byrdie that is really sad,makes me think too,please give the family an extra big hug from me, even though I don't know them I still get shaken up over tragedies like this
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!



                              So sorry, Byrdie. Too much.

                              Maitae - as Yoda would say - Do or not do. There is no try.

                              Stay strong today!


                                Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                                Morning, Nesters!
                                Her services are tomorrow...I dread it but I will be going.
                                All this made me think about my own drinking. It really was a slow suicide. I knew it was killing me but I couldn't/wouldn't stop. I was taking my own life. I am so thankful that I made the decision to STOP once and for all. AL is a one way ticket for me.....there just is no living with it.
                                Stay the course, everyone. I promise, it's worth it. Byrdie
                                Thank you for this. I was just thinking that this morning. I absolutely was taking my own life.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

