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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for the support papmom Hope today was a good-one for you!

    runningwind :l
    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


      Newbies Nest

      NoraC;841455 wrote: Yahoo Runningwind. :cheering: :danthin: :hug:
      Thanks NoraC but the night... is...young... :upset:

      runningwind :l
      The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


        Newbies Nest

        Coco-Nut;841274 wrote: Hey there RW! Day 4 for me! I know I didn't do so well on leading you all in the April Challenge!!! My next goal is to get through my birthday this weekend AF. If I can do that, it will be the first birthday since 1492 I've been sober. (But I made it through an actual Happy Hour yesterday - do you believe it??)

        And you're not putting a damper on the Next - we are all happy to see you back here with us!
        Thanks Coco...that means a lot
        Hey... Coco... 1492... wasn't that when Columbus discovered America (or so they said)?
        WOW... how old are you?

        runningwind :l
        The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


          Newbies Nest

          I am in trouble with Papa Bear...I had 3 beers cause I was so excited about my interview and he is being a total dickhead cause he can hear it in my voice...I have come SO far but still not AF and his attitude makes me want to drink more and say F U....but I know doesn;t help that my 18 year old got rear ended (he is fine) so Papa is on the phone dealing with insurance.....
          I guess I am a shitty mom, but I am the only one that has earned a steady paycheck for over two years......wahwahwah...poor me
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            Just sneaking in to read while I'm waiting for a client to arrive.
            Way to go, Mama. I hope you get the job.
            I'm going to have one wine with the girls after work today. I'm excusing myself early as I have to go grocery shopping.
            Hope everyone has a great weekend.


              Newbies Nest

              Hang in there, runningwind, Nora, butterflybe and koki...:l


                Newbies Nest

                mama bear;841469 wrote: I am in trouble with Papa Bear...I had 3 beers cause I was so excited about my interview and he is being a total dickhead cause he can hear it in my voice...I have come SO far but still not AF and his attitude makes me want to drink more and say F U....but I know doesn;t help that my 18 year old got rear ended (he is fine) so Papa is on the phone dealing with insurance.....
                I guess I am a shitty mom, but I am the only one that has earned a steady paycheck for over two years......wahwahwah...poor me
                Mama, can you maybe stop at three beers and lessen the trouble with Papa Bear? When does he get home?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well mama bear, hope you get the job also, I am new to this site, and trying to find my way around. I would like to be able to have controlled drinks. I do not want any around the house, but to be able to go out and enjoy a glass or two with dinner. I would also like to simply enjoy myself at parties. Does not mean I want to get drunk, but was told if I drink at my family reunion I go alone. So tell me is Papa Bear related to my man lol


                    Newbies Nest

                    mama bear;841469 wrote: I am in trouble with Papa Bear...I had 3 beers cause I was so excited about my interview and he is being a total dickhead cause he can hear it in my voice...I have come SO far but still not AF and his attitude makes me want to drink more and say F U....but I know doesn;t help that my 18 year old got rear ended (he is fine) so Papa is on the phone dealing with insurance.....
                    I guess I am a shitty mom, but I am the only one that has earned a steady paycheck for over two years......wahwahwah...poor me
                    Morning all,

                    Mama - my ex was exactly the same - he could also tell "in my voice" after just 1/2 a glass of wine! Often once I felt he "picked" on me, I would also say "F.U" in my mind and drink more.. but it does not help anyone.. your hubbie sounds a lot nicer than my ex though and doesnt deserve the "F U" treatment! He genuinely cares about you.. you are doing great! You are no way a shitty mom.. like you said, you have been earning all the money to keep a roof over all your heads.. keep on keeping on..
                    My ex is being nicer to me now.. he has offered to give me some money to make up for his attitude the other night, so I can get myself something nice.. i know its a kind of bribery.. but at least it shows he has a bit of a conscience.. i have a fun day planned today, taking son the park and out for lunch.. have a great day all,
                    Katie xxxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Litre... Glad you made it to the "Newbie Nest"
                      How are you?

                      The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks fennel...I need all the support I can get.

                        runningwind :l
                        The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                          Newbies Nest

                          Katie, you sound really happy today
                          I am always glad to hear when your getting some peace-of-mind.
                          Enjoy the day with your little boy! I am going to make a few more post before bed,
                          take care of you and talk to you soon :l

                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Nice job, running... Mama.. got my eyes crossed for ya!

                            Lay off the beer, hug the son (oh.. and PapaBear, too) - I know the pressure of being the sole provider - but you know (as we all do) that drinking doesn't lighten the burden, just the wallet! You are doing WELL and you are going out there to get that new job and flip Satan the flippers (no, wait, that was Dino-Coco) Hang in there :l

                            Welcome Litre! Pull up a twig and make yourself comfy!

                            I'm going to start a thread in General... I just finished reading a book by a riding coach, specializing in 'mature' riders, dealing with confidence/fear issues... HOLY MOLY! SO much of what she's written in there applies to 'US'.. unbelievable. Right down to the serenity prayer at the end of the book. I'll copy/paste some parts that really hit home with me.

                            Anywho.. back to work - just seem to be spinning my wheels here today - not good.
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Butterflybe;841232 wrote: Have you ever wanted to post on here to ask for help then decide not to in case you get the help to stay in the nest? Bizarre but that's how I'm acting. Keep typing a post then delete it quickly in case I get the support I need and then won't be able to fall.
                              Hi Everyone

                              Had a little sleep last night and now trying to catch up on 10 pages. How good is that to have a read with a warm lemon drink this morning.

                              Butterfly, I think I do know exactly what you mean. Deep down I know that if I had an honest d&m with mr mazzie there is no way I would ever drink again - he would make sure I never did. But see, the thing is there is still some part of me that still wants to so I've only said to him that I'm trying to be a bit healthier and not drink so much!!! Also I know I used to drink to 'numb' out some issues which are still there of course when I come out of the fog. So the last few times when I've been able to go for a month af I crash b/c I have'nt yet learnt how to get past some of these things. The trouble is if I don't change myself, nothing else is going to change. I have to want to change more than I want the same old same old al.

                              A big welcome to you other newbies as well, Koki, Litre, Girly Wirly Daybyday. I hope I haven't missed anyone.

                              Sunshine, I love it you are here with us. Running, KatieB Mama, Fen PMom Dancing, Nora K9 Spam Spuds Nemed Coco, Tranqinlove, and our other bestie Lav. Really Hope I have'nt missed any of you. Although what has happened to Molly? I am missing her.

                              I actually have a day off today as you can see by the length and depth of my post!!! Be good all and enjoy you day/night af
                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning All,

                                Another fine day at the office.

                                Think I'm at day 12 or 13 today,
                                Not sure if it's a good thing that I am taking it for granted that I am not drinking and therefore have stopped counting the hours.
                                Not too relaxed thou, I am making a conscious effort everyday.

                                I really feel that I can do this which is a complete 180 spin on where my head was less than a month ago.

                                I did not ever imagine that support like this was 'out there'
                                You just can not buy support like this.
                                I think if we could 'harness' this energy we could "save the world"

                                Thank you all,
                                Jacqrabbit xx

                                Oh and hubby and I camping this week end, long weekend 'downunder'
                                Hmmmm....camping AL free, will report on this on Tuesday,

                                I will do it but I think it will be with a fair amount of discomfort.

                                Happy to be back

