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    Morning Nest

    My place is sooo quiet without the kids. Last night I didn't know if I should break out the happy dance or cry.
    I have a strange, mild anxiety. Like at an airport. Going somewhere unknown.
    My sober plans for my sober future are now in full motion.
    Butterflies in my stomach! Its going to be great.

    If I kept on drinking, these plans wouldn't exist. If I add al into the plans, it would fail.
    There is no going back. And I don't want to go back!!

    Happy, sober, Sunday!


      Good Sunday morning Nesters.

      Gearing up for another hot & humid day in these parts. I am always happy to see the end of summer & this yesr I can't wait, ha ha!

      Justme, remember to take lots of deep breaths today & trust yourself & your plan. I totally agree with you, there's no going back to AL now - not good for any of us :hug:

      Wishing everyone a pleasant AF day

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Hi Nest, and happy Sunday!

        Pav - oh the memories of the hot-toddy excuse. As you say, the things I used to tell other people (and myself!) just make me cringe now.

        Byrdie - How did it go with the neighbours? I'm getting to really be quite frustrated and saddened by other people drinking silly amounts - There but for the grace of God.......

        Just - hope you are able to enjoy some "me-time" today.

        Off to work soon.



          Good morning, nest!
          Tony, had a great time out with our friends. Interesting turn of events, the heavy drinking neighbor said she was on a 28 day diet and drank water along with me last night. I have to wonder if she is trying to be AF and using the diet as her story/plan? I applaud her if she is, none of us needs to be drinking such quanties, in fact, I am doing just great without it at all. The other couple are heavy drinkers, too. I think the wife was already loaded when she arrived and ordered 3 appetizers for the table (one of which we got stuck paying for). Dinner isnt my big meal at all, so the appetizers plus the small salad I had (and the delicious cornbread) made me eat too much, as a result I didnt sleep well.

          When I first quit drinking, an outing like this would have been difficult, but let me tell you, with time, it will become old hat. Yes, I had to 'work with myself' to be more social and jump in with stories and laughter, but socializing sober is a skill and it can be learned. The more we do it, the better we get!

          It was fun and we've already planned an outing for next month. The next one will be the day after my colonoscopy so Im sure the jokes will be flying! I told them, NO CRACKS about it. Bwahahaha! :butt:

          Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Good Evening

            Byrdie that's really good that an evening you weren't looking forward to turned out so well.

            I had one of those colonoscopy's once, I was the BUTT of everyone's jokes for weeks... Now the jokes have hit rock BOTTOM


              Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
              Good Evening

              Byrdie that's really good that an evening you weren't looking forward to turned out so well.

              I had one of those colonoscopy's once, I was the BUTT of everyone's jokes for weeks... Now the jokes have hit rock BOTTOM
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                byrdie..bit of a bummer about the colonoscopy,..not being cheeky...but Im sure you will get to the bottom of it..
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Hi, All:

                  Just cleaning off a bookshelf and flipped through some old journals. The one from the year before I quit is a sad thing indeed. About every two to three weeks there is an entry that says something like "I am afraid" in about a million ways. I was SO AFRAID of what my relationship with alcohol was becoming - I talk about fear that my kids will "find out," that my health was going to deteriorate, that my relationship with my husband and my job would suffer. I am so glad I kept that journal - I was taken right back there, and know that there is NO WAY I would ever want to drink and take myself back there. It is a good reminder about how liberating it was to be free from the burden of feeling like I had to drink to cope with things and to have a good time.

                  Byrdie - what I hate are those meals when the check comes and I have to remind everyone that I actually didn't have three $15 drinks ($45!). Sorry about the upcoming "procedure." I'm sure it will all come out ok in the end.

                  Lav - Iced Tea and fans for the Stella. Hope you get some relief soon.

                  JustMe - At the airport and on your way to somewhere FANTASTIC!

                  Ok, off to enjoy the Sunday - not hungover or regretting anything.



                    Originally posted by Mick View Post
                    byrdie..bit of a bummer about the colonoscopy,..not being cheeky...but Im sure you will get to the bottom of it..
                    Thanks, Mick, the prep for these things just wipes me out! Having Crohn's//Colitis I have to get them yearly and they are always a pain in the arse. XO
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Back to the nest. Again. Nice to see some familiar names recording some impressive numbers! That's what I need to do again.

                      I was doing well until a few months ago when my wife was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I used that as an excuse to start drinking again which is really stupid because now is when I need to be clear headed. The stress has been incredible and what we've found is that, in order to navigate the medical system, you very much have to be your own advocate.

                      Anyway, I'm glad to be back. Looking forward to quit wining, for good!
                      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                        Glad you are back QW. You will be back on track in no time. Im so sorry about all the stress you are under, getting rid of AL will be one less problem you will face. Welcome back, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          I'm sorry QW! It's amazing that EVERY time I've gone back to the beast - for various reasons - I've ALWAYS arrived back at: It's not worth it. I'm sorry for what you are going through and I'm proud of you for jumping back in here. Glad to see you, and hugs :hug: Stick around, huh?

                          Also sorry for your "procedure" Byrdie... I had it done at 35 and didn't like it one bit!!

                          I raced today and got through it! It was fun - and such a positive environment. I definitely have room to improve my times for next year; I tied my worst splits ever. Not bad for being light on the training schedule though. It's hard balancing work and family and then throwing some personal (and time consuming) goals like this. I'm SO tired tonight! Also so glad I don't drink.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            There has been some discussion here regarding how our families may/will react to our newly sobered way of living. Sadly, as reported here, this has led to family strife. I don't think this is unusual. And if you think about it, it is rather more what we should expect and indeed prepare for as our new sober life style has now changed.

                            In fact, I think this is fodder for the Tool Box. Not this, my meager post, but a bigger to-be-expected post about “from our new sobriety vs. the old days, and how our loved ones would/ could react and what we should do/anticipate as part of that”. NS, are you hearing this- it has your wonderful analytical mind written all over it.

                            If we are real about ourselves and our "situation", it's common sense to think that our loved ones and other who know us pretty well, have accepted, or become somewhat adjusted to us being [use your own verb/adjective here] occasionally hammered while they are with us. And if we suddenly change our lifestyle and attitudes regarding AL, charitably we need to provide our loved ones with some room to accept our new change. Lord knows that none of us, or loved ones, want to be “told” how to think, but face it, this is new change in us, and is, by definition a change for them, especially in how they relate to us, and in fact, how they view AL, or AL-abuse in general.

                            Let’s not kid each other. We are the Alkies- not them. They probably have no idea what goes on in an AL addicted mind. Non- alcoholics have no idea what we deal with. As an example: My lovely wife has never seen a chocolate desert that she doesn't lust for (even if isn't just a "bite"). For me, food is fuel (helps me stay trim as a cyclist), if it tastes pretty good, that is a small blessing, but not something I look for or crave. Point is, if we see a desert, my wife has a different reaction to that vs. me. Why shouldn’t we as AL addicts anticipate and prepare for all this as we transition into our new, better AL-free, lifestyle, and consciously help our loved ones participate in our journey?

                            In my personal, case I have a terrific wife, who loves me unconditionally, but as I am, hopefully making things better- by quitting and abstaining from AL, what can I do to help her with the adjustment (if any from her perspective) toward a better future for our marriage, and for her specifically?


                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Byrdie, good luck with your procedure. I'm not fond of such invasive testing.

                              Welcome back QW! The nest is 'the place to be'. I hope your wife is OK. I imagine she is adjusting to some new meds. Wishing you both the best!

                              I managed to keep my chickens cool today, so much work in this heat, ugh.
                              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Morning Nest

                                Hi QW!

                                Hi Okoren. (Want to type Oroken every time... )

                                Glad to see you guys.

                                Monday has started with all sorts of nonsense at job #1. Deep breaths...

                                Till tonight.

