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    Oh, Nesters

    The past came back to haunt me...
    Just heard from coworker that someone gave in an incidence report about me. Most probably about smelling like al.
    130 + days sober later this happens. No test will come up positive, but still. Damn!!!!

    Really sad about it, but thankful I can deal with this sober now.


      Justme, that sounds like me the time I was pulled over by the police at 1:30 am on my way to work. Just passed 2 bars and was going just a bit faster than i should have been. While the police ran my license I sort of laughed to myself and thought that I was sure glad this didn't happen before I got sober. Fortunatley the officer let go with a warning.


        Really good to see you back here, LC. You can do this.


          Hi Nesters

          Went to the doctor this morning - just to get monthly script and test results. Apparently my cholesterol is nearly back to normal, blood pressure down, folic acid levels back to appropriate levels, so he's reduced various drugs.

          He reckons it's "mostly down to quitting alcohol"

          Funny that! That's what I thought it might be...


            Well done Tony!
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              Quick check in without a read back.....about to hit the road, will do a proper check in tonight when I get to hotel. Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Love the positive stories! It's SUCH a relief not to have to drink. To give ourselves permission to have that better life, and to stop trying to keep alcohol around! I dropped my kiddos off at their new school this morning and I'm SO darn happy that I was fully present to enjoy the moment. So proud of my kids and myself - so glad to be clear and a non-drinker!

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Good afternoon Nesters,

                  Safe travels Byrdie!

                  Tony, congrats on the new & improved healthier you

                  Justme, whatever comes up at work re the incident report will just fade away. Obviously you are a non-drinker now! Let yourself shine

                  Kensho, starting off the school year on the right foot is so important, both for your kids & you. Enjoy this time, they grow fast.

                  Nothing super special going on for me today. I am caught up on work, chickens are fed & watered, sick dog is napping. Thinking about a nap, ha ha!!
                  Wishing everyone a great AF day!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Made it safe and sound. In the old days, I would be 3 sheets to the wind by now. I remember the days of riding around trying to find a liquor store before checking in. I would get so aggravated when I couldnt find one and had to stop and ask. I also rememeber looking in the mirror at myself, drunk. Gosh, I am so thankful I stuck with this....thru thick and matter what. It is worth it.
                    As long as I stay sober, everything else will work out. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Hi Nesters!

                      Day 1 is in the books. Feels weird but I'm prepared for the cravings for tonight.

                      And, tomorrow my wife has an appointment to see a neurologist, hopefully she's well experienced in helping people with Parkinson's. We had been told it could take months to see a neurologist and its only been 3 weeks!

                      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                        Well, this afternoon's storm caused a 2 hour power failure BUT 2 hours is nothing. We once had a 4 day power failure after a thunder storm, ha ha!

                        Glad you are safe & sound Byrdie! Treat yourself to an ice cream

                        QW, day 1 is always the hardest & you have succeeded, good for you!
                        I sure hope the visit to the neurologist is helpful.

                        Wishing everyone a safe & calm night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Good Morning Nest

                          Well the sun has finally arrived - Glorious bright morning for once!

                          QW - Great that you've got through day 1 - Day 1 is the pits, but you've done it!

                          LC - I have a thought which pops into my head sometimes that maybe I could just handle a couple of drinks. I am happy it's just a thought and when I remind myself that in 22 years I couldn't ever handle "just a couple" then I mentally whip myself and get on with being sober!

                          Just - The person who put the report in about you probably thinks you're still drinking. Hold your head up high and even offer to take the test, on any day, and at any time they choose... It's no problem now, after all!

                          Byrdie - God I remember those trawls around a new town, late in the evening, or even seeing a supermarket neon sign from the motorway and leaving at the next exit, with a knot in my stomach as I was so anxious to get that night's bottle before everyone closed up for the night, then racing to the hotel to get to my room and start my descent into oblivion. - Thank you for reminding me of yet another good reason why I'm here now

                          Lav - we get the power cuts too sometimes - very annoying.

                          Have a great AF day everyone.



                            Hi Nesters,

                            Thank you for all of the wonderful support yesterday..I didn't make it through to the end of the day without drinking. I'm struggling (again) with being stuck in deprivation brain mode and keep putting day one off until tomorrow, knowing once I begin with it, there's no going back
                            I'm in the worst cycle of coming home from work and immediately drinking, then carrying on until bed time.. wasting such vast amounts of time. What has frightened me lately is that, unlike in the past, there's a part of me that just doesn't care. It seems like so much work to make the changes.. but I know that after I have a couple of days without drinking my mind will begin to clear and I will be able to find gratitude.
                            In the past it has worked for me to come and check here each and every day, several times a day and to participate in what's going on. Today I fought myself and came straight home from work and signed on and I know that because of this I will find the strength to follow through. So thank you.


                              Lifechange, get all the AL out of the house and safeguard yourself FROM yourself! The act of getting rid of it helps solidify it in our minds, too. This is IT!
                              Wishing you strength today.

                              Off to my meeting....Im skeert! Then driving home 3 hours. Hope everyone has a great day! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                LC,listen to Byrdie, toss it and don't buy more! I went through withdrawal last week after drinking on day 105,well on day 4 i got some news I couldn't sort through healthily so I drank again for 5 days! Now I'm on day 3 butI had to just grit and bear it to even get day 1! it's hard,I know but prolonging it will only make it harder((hugs)) to you,
                                Last edited by paulywogg; August 17, 2016, 08:58 AM.
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

