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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello JRab

    You sound really strong and know what you want.

    Hmmmm, Aussie, long weekend, al. You stick to the no al and I think you will have a really good time. Will this be 1st time camping al-free?

    PS - Don't tell Fen where you're going cause you know those furry critters like to get into your tucker.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      Nooooooooo... Jacqrabbit!! No discomfort! Rather the opposite! You will enjoy seeing the sun rise, you will enjoy every minute of your weekend and let's not forget how much more strength you'll have to swat the bugs!

      Seriously, though.. last summer's annual boating weekend (20-30 boats meeting up for a party weekend) was actually a riot for me.. stone cold sober. Quite interesting, to watch others get wasted. Not entirely pretty and I could hardly hide that evil snicker when some rather green looking faces appeared the next day.. noon-ish :H
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Gosh, I go to bed for a mere 12 hours sober sleep and there's 6 pages to catch up on.

        The good news is I am feeling great! I want to tell everyone about how un-angry I am. The bad news is I just don't feel talkative at the moment. I'm not in a bad mood, I just feel quiet and peaceful and want to keep myself to myself.

        Hope Katie shows up again later....

        Katie - I'm out for the night so probably won't be on the ODAT thread.

        Spam xx


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Nesters,

          Had some of the kids here for dinner today so my mood is a little brighter
          Thought I'd pop in, see what's going on!

          Mama Bear - we really need to discuss non-beer methods of celebrating happy moments! Hope your interview turns into a new job for you

          runningwind, are you OK? I've tried to catch up reading here but think I may have missed something! PM me if you want to chat.

          Sunni, I was out driving around today & couldn't help but notice everyone around here has horses. I actually wondered today if I'm too old to learn to ride......I'm about 112! What do you think???

          Welcome to all the newbies whose names I haven't quite caught up with yet! Hope you are comfortable in the nest & taking advantage of the nest belts & butt velcro

          OK nestlings, wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Glad to read over the last few posts and realise that the nest is finally becoming sane again (or am I just being a killjoy?)
            Welcome Litre - Just take each day as it comes and dont worry too much about whether you can moderate in the future. It is a hard thing to do I know, even after nearly four months AF I still worry about situtations that are coming up and whether I will be able to have "just one". When I am sane and not drinking I KNOW I cant have just one. Would really love to but in reality know it is impossible. Glad you found us.
            Girly - well done on coming here to enlist help when you were craving. It really does help when that desire gets so big, to talk by people who are struggling also.
            Butterflybe and Koki - Hi how you doing? Please feel free to ask us anything and tell us abit about yourselves.:welcome:
            Hi Jacqrabbit - camping sounds great. Not too many bottlo's in the bush so if you dont take any with you, you wont be able to get any! You must have lots of warm clothes to go camping in Victoria at this time of the year. With regard to counting days/hours AF I too have given up. I was remembering every hour that went by to start with but as I am going to be AF for the rest of my life, thought there is no need to continue counting. I will remember every month on the 7th just like I would an anniversary or birthday for the time being.
            Mazzie - enjoy your day off. I always think of the saying "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got". You are so right saying if you dont change yourself nothing will change. There is only one thing in this whole world that you can change and that is yourself. Even constantly pretending to change your thinking, you can actually trick yourself into believing it. You are doing well. You know you can get to a month AF, so keep it up and you will soon be able to string a month together with the next month.
            I gotta go. Take care and stay strong.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Lav. Cross posted again.
              Glad to hear from you and that your mood is lifting.
              Take care - late for work.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all.....

                Nemed - Now let's not get too serious or sane How are you doing though? I know things had been a little rough lately. Are they any better? Is the Amoryn helping? :l

                Litre - Glad to meet you. :welcome: Find yourself a twig and settle in.

                Mama - I hope that you had a wonderful evening to go with your wonderful day. I hope that you & Papa didn't get into it. I know how hard it is to take care of everyone.

                Dancing - Hope that you have a good time with the girls. Nice that you can go & have one. Maybe you can teach me that trick one day.

                Jacqrabbit - enjoy the camping! Have a wonderful time.

                Lav - Great to see you here. We are trying to take good care of the nest for you.

                Everyone.....I will try to be back but if not have a wonderful night/morning/afternoon/evening!

                I made it thru the day. Thanks for all the encouragement and the seat belt and butt velcro. It worked. Of course, holding me down & making me take my Topa with my tofu taco helped Fennel.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi All,

                  Thanks for the encouragement.

                  And yes this is the 1st ever AF camping trip.

                  And I am really looking forward to it.

                  Jacq xxx
                  Happy to be back


                    Newbies Nest

                    Glad you liked the tofu taco, Nora. The topa has been very helpful for me where cravings are concerned, too. It's important to keep on top of the doses.

                    Lav, I'm glad to see you're hanging in there...I'm thinking of you all the time!

                    Jaqrabbit, I think camping will be fine...imagine not having to get up and go pee out in the bush every half hour! To be honest, some of my finest moments have been spent completely sober out in the middle of nowhere, watching the mist come down the river, or watching the sun set. Keep us posted. :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh Lav.. so glad you're feeling a little better! And dammit, YEAH you can learn to ride! :H
                      If I can do it, so can you... I FEEL like 112 most days!

                      Nemed, I LOVE the idea of remembering your 'quit date' as your birthday! It kinda is, really, isn't it?

                      MamaBear, how is your evening going? Well, I hope!?

                      Nora... Topa with tofu taco.... uch: Some diet, you got going there! Btw.. how are the babies!? And where's the pictures!??? :bat

                      And WHO was that, accusing us of sanity? Wash out your mouth! Ummm.. cuticles?

                      Alright... I'm just finishing work now (10pm again) grrrrumble. I've had enough for today.. turning in and the night light on.... have a wonderful sleep, everyone!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        fennel;841158 wrote: She probably meant that the pin feathers on her flippers were standing up...I'm actually married to a penguin, so I know a lot about them. I thought it would be too weird to mention here. I mean, the gay thing is enough in itself without throwing in the whole "bi-species" thing...:H

                        Good luck with that hair...I hope it dries before the interview!
                        You mean there's another chapter to sex education????

                        I've only just explained the "It's OK for a lady to be in a relationship with another lady" chapter!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Spam;841551 wrote: You mean there's another chapter to sex education????

                          I've only just explained the "It's OK for a lady to be in a relationship with another lady" chapter!
                          It's true...I'm with an avian! Well, not really. She's an avian like Coco-Nut is an avian. know what I mean!

                          Spam, can I leave the keys to the taco truck with you when I go on vacation? I'm leaving on Saturday.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Tranqinlove? Nice one Mazzie! You didn't think I'd catch that huh.

                            Sunni - sometimes they look at you funny running around town with the back flap open on your pjs.

                            Welcome to all the new birds! This is one chirpin' nest.

                            Coco-saraus! A natural wonder of evolution. I liked the Twilight Zone bit too. Funny!

                            MamaB. Good going on the interview. I'm with Lav - you need a new way to celebrate. But, otoh, you are right to feel entitled when you're keeping the family afloat. Try ice cream. Or a taco. Good luck on the job -- hopefully she wasn't Ms. Satan in disguise.

                            Katie-girl, don't let him bribe you. Take the money, then step on his toe or something. You go girl.

                            Mazzie - you said it all: "I know I used to drink to 'numb' out some issues which are still there of course when I come out of the fog. So the last few times when I've been able to go for a month af I crash b/c I have'nt yet learnt how to get past some of these things. The trouble is if I don't change myself, nothing else is going to change."

                            It takes time to change the way we think. I like what Stirly Girl said a while back -- if you can catch yourself before you drink, ask simply what will that make better; what good will it do?

                            When I'm honest with myself I realize that I can run from life, but I can't hide.

                            JacQ - right you are: "I did not ever imagine that support like this was 'out there' You just can not buy support like this. I think if we could 'harness' this energy we could "save the world"

                            Honestly, this place gave my life back to me when I almost gave up trying.

                            God I love a good Hallmark moment like this!

                            Hi Nemed! Glad you're back again. You sound good.

                            Lav, glad to see you boppin' around the nest. It's gotten a little bigger while you were gone.

                            Take care everyone.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              fennel;841555 wrote: It's true...I'm with an avian! Well, not really. She's an avian like Coco-Nut is an avian. know what I mean!

                              Spam, can I leave the keys to the taco truck with you when I go on vacation? I'm leaving on Saturday.
                              No Worries - Katie and I will look after things.

                              Where are you going?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Spam;841559 wrote: No Worries - Katie and I will look after things.

                                Where are you going?
                                Mrs. Fennel's folks have one of those time-share thingys in Hilton Head island, SC. It's kind of resorty, but the weather will be nice. It will be tame, as her folks are elderly, and I plan on sticking to my good girl routine. I'm not bringing my laptop, but I'll try to check in via phone.

