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Newbies Nest
Mornin' folks. It's a milestone day, as my 7 yr. old slept in her bed for the first time in 4 months. We always put her to sleep in her bed, but she crawls out when we leave and ends up on her brother's or our floor. She said it was a scary movie she saw a long time ago. We've tried ignoring it, discussing it, rewards, even consequences but it hasn't changed... until last night. I stayed up with her and we talked about what she was really feeling. Turns out there are lots of things swimming around in her head, like fear that we (her parents) might die, or a house fire, and typical other scary things for a little one her age. It's pretty hard to crack her exterior and get to her insides, but I must have seemed like a concerned, available and caring parent because she shared. I was sober as a stone, with it, and talked to her like the strong young lady she is and we came up with some things that she can do to get through the fear. AND some really cool plans for a treehouse bed once she starts sleeping in her room (helps to have an interior designer for a mom!). Couldn't have done it drinking.Last edited by KENSHO; September 1, 2016, 10:08 AM.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Originally posted by KENSHO View PostMornin' folks. It's a milestone day, as my 7 yr. old slept in her bed for the first time in 4 months. We always put her to sleep in her bed, but she crawls out when we leave and ends up on her brother's or our floor. She said it was a scary movie she saw a long time ago. We've tried ignoring it, discussing it, rewards, even consequences but it hasn't changed... until last night. I stayed up with her and we talked about what she was really feeling. Turns out there are lots of things swimming around in her head, like fear that we (her parents) might die, or a house fire, and typical other scary things for a little one her age. It's pretty hard to crack her exterior and get to her insides, but I must have seemed like a concerned, available and caring parent because she shared. I was sober as a stone, with it, and talked to her like the strong young lady she is and we came up with some things that she can do to get through the fear. AND some really cool plans for a treehouse bed once she starts sleeping in her room (helps to have an interior designer for a mom!). Couldn't have done it drinking.Last edited by Darkest Diamonds; September 1, 2016, 01:02 PM.
Wow, Kensho, what a moment.
What is sad is that we dont know what we dont know, so when we are in the grips of drinking, we dont realize all those moments that could have been. Missed opportunities. Im glad you didnt miss that one, pretty cool stuff!
Hang in, everyone, it is worth it! Byrdie
Hello Nesters!
It may be after midnight but I'm counting this as checking in on Thursday. What a day!
Contractors were supposed to arrive 1 @ 8am, 2 @ 11am, 3 @ 12.00 and 4 @ 2.00pm - Everything needed to happen in order. 1 arrived late at 9.15, 4 then arrived at 9.30 but needed 2 to have finished before they started. 3 then arrived at 11 and 2 did not arrive until 4.15 this afternoon.
I am SO glad to be sober today. It was really stressful and I've only just finished on site. I think I may be doing an all nighter tonight to catch up for tomorrow!
Anyway, welcome Kokai, you've come to the right place to get the support you need.
Hi to all and I'll catch up tomorrow (or later today, as it is now!)
Jumping back in to wish everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
Kensho, awesome development with your daughter, good for you. Please post a picture of the treehouse bed when it's done, Lol
Tony, sure sounds like you had one of 'those days'. Good for you getting thru unharmed
Peace to everyone.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Hi Nesters!!
I had a very busy day yesterday at work, stressful physically and mentally.. today I'm taking the day off to hang out with the girls on the last day of summer break!
Kensho, Lovely story with your daughter..I've been experiencing similar things with my girls. Without having to talk about what's different with me, our relationship is changing in the sense that they are opening up to me and are obviously happier.. we're spending more time together..And I have the awareness to notice what they might need and then the ability to go forth and help.. I'm so happy for all of us wIho are figuring it all out! :happy2:
Tony, what a PIA! Like you said, thank god you're sober for it! I'm finding that anything (so far!) is manageable when my mind is clear..I'm able to find solutions for unforeseen problems, better able to improvise.. Continuing strength to you the next days!
Looks like Labor day weekend in the U.S... is that right? Hope you all have nice plans and a good AF plan in place..
Here it's the same ol', same ol'.. which I'm very much looking forward to! Hugs to all!!
Careful not to over do things Tony.
What do they say 'tired, hungry, thirsty... anxiety and stress (?) ' and whatever else upsets our sense of balance.
You are doing great but still in the early days. I feel like I am still in the early days too.
First priority is you. Second, third priorities are everything and everyone else. :monkeysmile:
I am rather speaking to myself as well because I have learnt that it may be as late as October before I start my new job.
And, we may not be paid after all for August and September, which I find a poor choice on their part.
Does not bode well for their good intentions.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Eloise, that stinks!
If my current self were talking to my unemployed self, I would tell her to try and relax and enjoy and downtime....like kids on summer vacation, it's over before you know it. My new company is pretty tight with vacation days, plus I'm so new I hate to take off...but I could use some stress-free time. The stress is self-imposed, everyone knows I'm new, I should give myself some TLC. I am sympathetic to your plight....I wish we could relax and enjoy the downtime, but we just aren't built that way. Maybe we LIKE to worry? Bah! If anyone has a worry they need me to work on, hand it over and I will worry with you!
Yes, it's the beginning of a 3 day weekend here, but unfortunately, here on the coast of NC we are expecting an unwelcome visitor....HERMINE. Mr. Byrdie is putting up a few storm panels as we speak, we have a sun room that tends to take on some water, so will board that up. My niece, who is new to the area and safely in town is worried about being by herself, so she is coming down here to stay (in the middle of it!!) We are going to make cookies, I ordered a new stencil that looks like an alarm keypad so that should be a hoot. I hope I can pull them off to look good, we have a meeting week after next and I would like to take some with me for the group!
Hope everyone has an easy day. It's only FRIDAY....just another day in the week....it's not a ticket to BoozeVille! Hugs to all, Byrdie
You stay safe Byrdie! I had been looking forward to a cake or cookie pic from you it's been awhile, hopefully you can post one when you're donehello to all and have a great AF Friday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Where the heck to you shop for alarm keypad cookie cutters Byrdie?!? Sorry the storm is coming your way.
Feeling good here, but tired. Attended a concert last night with the girls. Fun! And no drinking for me! I smelled red wine next to me the entire night - sweet and nauseating. Glad it is losing its pull a little.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
There are people who make custom cookie cutters to look like people or anything you want! This is a stencil so I just needed a rectangular cutter, the rest will HOPEFULLY be taken care of with the stencil. I was amazed at how quickly the lady was able to do it and get it in the mail to me! Etsy is an amazing place!
Glad you had fun at the concert, even with the smell of booze beside you....how did I ever think no one could smell it on me???!!
Happy Friday, B
Originally posted by KENSHO View PostWhere the heck to you shop for alarm keypad cookie cutters Byrdie?!? Sorry the storm is coming your way.
Feeling good here, but tired. Attended a concert last night with the girls. Fun! And no drinking for me! I smelled red wine next to me the entire night - sweet and nauseating. Glad it is losing its pull a little.
Good afternoon Nesters,
Sunny & quite pleasant here today ahead of TS Hermine.
Stay safe there Byrdie! I am doing a bit of prep work myself, cooking, etc. we always lose power with these storms.
Eloise, sorry to hear about your job delay. Hang in there & try to use your free time in a good for you way
Hello to the rest & wishing a fabulous AF Friday for all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Hi Nest
Just got to the end of day 2 of the big weekend... It's another AF first for me!
LC things are definitely clearer sober!
Eloise - you must be so fed up regarding the job. I just hope they confirm everything soon for you.
Byrdie and Lav - stay safe in the storms. We usually just pick up the tail end of yours once they've crossed the Atlantic and that can sometimes bring floods here. Keep those hatches battened and the cookies cooking!
Off to bed now - exhausted!
Hoping you are safe Byrdie! The storm is about to enter your area & will make it's way up here Sunday evening.
Tony, great on your big AF weekend. Keep doing that
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
It is just crazy Tony, all this waiting. Next to impossible to relax about it although now i am receiving messages from the administration and I am on the schedule. That feels good.
Our 16 year old dog panting at my feet all day and all night isn't helping much I might add. Poor lovely doggie.
I WISH I could relax Brydie.
I am doing my best to stay off email and the internet and focus on a painting and drawings I started. Just kind of a joke to say I can forget it all and when I get message about our departure date then I will think about it. I am moving across the world for god sake that is enough to making anyone uneasy. Add all the other crap-o-la and it is not good.
Doing better today though, really I am!(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober