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    Quick run-by. Leaving for camping this morning! Excited to get some of nature's healing; I love the smell of pine trees. I have an interesting conversation to tell you about that I had with my husband about alcohol - HIS alcohol use. Will elaborate when I get back on Monday. Happy weekend!!

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Hey all, my niece came in last night and we made cookies. The power flickered all evening but we kept it on. Got a lot of rain but the highest gust we got was 41mph so not too bad. My niece just left about an hour ago so it was nice to have her stay for a while. Gosh, back in the old days, i would have drank my way thru this storm and resented her staying all day. Id have drank anyway, since I had a hidden stash, it would have just been more inconvenient. I cant tell you how blessed I feel to have that monkey off my back. It was hard to get theu all those firsts but I am so glad I stuck it out, it wasnt always easy but it is always worth it.
      Eloise, I admire you so much. Strength to you!!!
      Tony, hang in, you are doing great! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and thank you for the good issues here! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Good evening Nesters,

        Quiet around here today I see, hope everyone is OK.
        I've been busy making storm preparations & had the family here for a holiday cookout. The weather is still good, cooler & a bit windy. I guess this time tomorrow might will be stormy as the tropical storm makes it's way up here.

        Glad you didn't have storm problems Byrdie & you made awesome cookies

        Kensho, enjoy your weekend camping!

        Eloise, I imagine it's difficult concentrating on anything at the moment. Hang in there & stay positive.

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hi Nest

          My life is suddenly upside down!

          Friday some inspector walked into the business I am trying to buy... apparently numerous copmlaints... I am so angry at the current owner who were not open to me about this! I asked these questions. Got answers, I thought. Now to realize it was lies, and the business illegal.

          Drove to the city yesterday to see my kids. My son cried when I left. It broke my heart. A couple of months more of this?? IF the original plan works out.
          Do I drop this country life I tried very hard to create and just move back to the city? If I take the opportunity my friend phoned me about, my whole life would change in 3 weeks. And it would put me back financially a good year.
          But what is money when it comes to your children?
          This sudden move would solve every problem I have right now, except money.

          I do not know what to do...

          But I do know I won't drink over it.


            oh dear Justme Again... we are about to change our lives drastically as well.
            My instinct would say do not buy this business, it sounds like trouble.
            Nasty humans can = more bad news ahead.
            Definitely do not drink over it, that would make things even worse.
            I am sorry this has happened.

            Gonna put my gratitude thoughts here today.
            Grateful that I really do have a new job, it will start, and it is not a figment of my imagination.
            Last edited by Eloise; September 4, 2016, 04:04 AM.
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              Good Morning Nest

              Got in, after a full day, evening and half the night, surrounded by drunks, at 3.30am! I actually don't remember getting home on the same weekend last year.

              I'm tired, and aching all over, but sober. Major achievement for me and this was the weekend I was dreading in my AF life. I'm so pleased to have got through yesterday, I didn't actually WANT a drink at all but it would have been easy to have succumbed to the seemingly endless offers of a drink through the day.

              Just today, which is much, much quieter to get through and then the clear up tomorrow.

              Although I say so myself, this weekend was a major achievement in my AF journey.

              Catch up properly later...


                Great work Tony. :thumbsup:

                Hope you'll be ok in the approaching weather Lav. Glad ur ok Byrdie.

                Peaceful thoughts to all.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Byrdie & Lav

                  One of our headlines today here is:

                  Hermine strengthens off North Carolina en route to Middle Atlantic
                  Hope you're ok


                    Hi Nesters..

                    hope you're still all doing alright..!
                    safe from the storm!

                    We're having a cozy weekend, preparing for the first day of school tomorrow.. had our last awesome swimming day of the season yesterday.

                    I was thinking this morning that I am a completely different person when I don't drink. when I do, all reasoning, all sanity flies out the window and I'm lost, completely unstable, unreliable, with nothing I can trust to be true. It's such a scary place to be.. not to be able to trust oneself..

                    Tony, I'll have to second what G-man said.. Great work!

                    Kensho, hope you're having a wonderful camping experience.. I love camping and go far too rarely.. in what part of the US are you camping?

                    Eloise, thinking of you and hope you hear some news soon..

                    hugs to all!


                      Thanks, all, the storm moved up the coast fairly quickly...yesterday was a very nice day and today is simply goreous! Lav, I hope it has moved out to sea so that it doesnt effect you and the girls!

                      Justme, having just gone thru a major lifechange myself I can tell you that it isn't easy but it has actually worked out better than I ever expected. I know you will make the right decisions for you. As long as you are sober, the world is your oyster. Strength to you!!!

                      Gosh I was just about to say that there are several of us with major life changes going on but if you think about it, the most major of all is getting and staying sober! That is a MAJOR lifestyle chenge in that we are shifting our whole way of thinking and coping to something completely new (to us). Tony, Im very proud of you for getting thru this huge event! Getting that FIRST out of the way is a very hig deal. My big test was a company meeting. At my former company, my coworkers drank like fish. I had Lav's email address in my pocket and I felt like I had a silver bullet! I got thru it without using it, but it was nice to know it was there! Great job for getting over that rough edge. Nobody else can appreciate that sense of accomplishment like we can. I know that was hard and you did it!!!

                      Hope everyone has an easy day!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good afternoon Nesters,

                        Well, we are enjoying a sunny coolish day here so apparently the storm has other plans - not sure at this point. I think it's going to hug the coastline & not bother us 'inlanders' so much

                        Justme, sorry you are at suvh a crossroads. Lots of deep breaths & some meditation at a time like this will do wonders. We are all with you in spirit :hug:

                        Tony, good job sailing thru the weekend healthy & still on track!!

                        Hi there LC, G, Eloise & everyone.
                        Byrdie, I have a good stock of silver bullets to go around

                        Wishing everyone a great AF day!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                          As long as you are sober, the world is your oyster.

                          P.S. How do i change me mood? Day 22 but who's countin'. Take care out there.
                          Last edited by Guitarista; September 4, 2016, 05:40 PM.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            G, click on your name to get to your profile page. Look for 'Mood' then click on the pencil to change your mood. So, what is your mood these days? Ha ha

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Hi all. Siren53, formerly Siren136, checking in AF. I hope all is well with everyone. I'll try to have a catch-up in some of my favorite threads.


                                Morning Nest,

                                Monday morning and the big weekend is over and it's a huge relief to have come through unscathed and AF.

                                Last night Mrs T and a couple of friends "Let their hair down" at the end of the event and got really drunk. This is not normal for Mrs T and I sort of got a taste of what it must have been like coping with me in the past. It was not pleasant and I make no criticism of her because it is not something she does often. Just seeing how difficult it is to get someone home when they are drunk, and trying to get them to do logical things, was quite an eye opener for me.

                                I must have been horrible to live with. It got me to wondering how she ever stayed around me when I was like that.... on a daily basis. It makes me deeply ashamed and cringing for all the S**t I've given her over the years.

                                The Big clear-up today and then back to normal...

                                Hope everyone is well and have a good start to the week.

