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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    ditto on the no willpower. i have zero. i tried campral and naltrexone to no avail. i have GOT TO QUIT. i am afraid to drink and afraid not to drink.


      Newbies Nest

      I know how you feel beaudica...but we have to this for ourselves and our familes.....
      get some of the supplements listed here...they really help
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        NoraC;841574 wrote: Baby Gray

        D'oh! What a face! I'm having an attack of terminal cuteness, over here. You'll have to post update pics on a regular basis, so we can see how much the babies change over time.


          Newbies Nest

          I cannot believe you are not thinking about Dos Gatos right now...:H:H
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            Butterflybe;841649 wrote: Okay, I admit I undid the seatbeld and took off the butt velcro whilst no one was looking (I hope!?) but I have got back into the nest now. So, did not stay AF but did stay in control and only 2 glasses of wine, one less than the night before and felt in full control. In fact I'm content with my decision, no excuses to make, I decided to have that wine, I enjoyed it and I decided to STOP at 2! If it had not been for all of you though I would have started earlier and had plenty more. So thanks to everyone.
            Congrats to Girly, Nora, Runningwind and I hope Koki too for hanging in the nest - keep up the good work. Hope you don't feel too disappointed in me for not sticking with you 100%

            Nora, Kittens look gorgeous..... think my dogs would love them a little too much though (probably for dinner)

            Mama - hope you get good news on the job interview

            Sunshine - thanks for all the encouragement and offer of chat if needed to

            Busy day in the office today, so must get on but will be back lots I'm sure

            BTW I haven't tried any snacks from the nest yet - mixed reviews from my fellow fledglings; so what is recommended?

            Have a good day everyone
            I'm glad you stayed in control, for the snacks, NoraC. enjoyed her tofu taco. Personally, I recommend the "Tacquitas with Salsa Verde and Gatos Carnitas". Mama Bear had some Cat-wurst, and it made her kind of gassy, so I'd stay away from that, unless you're from WI. Breakfast is complimentary, and all those snacks are good. Coffee, half-and-half, diet coke, almond croissants, choco-chip muffins, cheese danish, bagels, scones, etc...


              Newbies Nest

              mama bear;841804 wrote: Fennel...
              I cannot believe you are not thinking about Dos Gatos right now...:H:H
              MAMA!!! Shhhhhhhh.....:H


                Newbies Nest

                beaudica;841755 wrote: thanx. glad to be here.
                Welcome aboard, beaudica! :welcome:


                  Newbies Nest

                  sunshine_gg;841496 wrote:
                  I'm going to start a thread in General... I just finished reading a book by a riding coach, specializing in 'mature' riders, dealing with confidence/fear issues... HOLY MOLY! SO much of what she's written in there applies to 'US'.. unbelievable. Right down to the serenity prayer at the end of the book. I'll copy/paste some parts that really hit home with me.
                  Sunshine - where did you post your info? I couldn't find it and it sounds very interesting. Thank you!!

                  PS you aren't a "mature rider" - you are an "experienced rider." (There - I've just knocked 10 years off for you - don't say I never give you anything!!)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Nestlings, tomorrow, Mrs. Fennel and I are leaving on vacation for a week. I won't bring my failing laptop, but I'll be checking on the nest occasionally via my phone. My posts will be blessedly few and short, due to my ineptitude on those teensy little keyboards. Spam and Katie will be serving up tacos in my absence. I'll hang an extra set of keys up in the nest so you can all fetch coffee and other snacks, or move the truck if the cops come sniffing around...I'm pretty sure it's legal, but Jorge still has to get a couple of sets of papers to me. Oh, the right back tire keeps going low, so can one of you take it over to the gas station and put air in it ever other day? I'm taking it over to the alley behind the Jade Monkey when I get back...there's a mechanic there who can fix it for me real cheeeeep.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am sobbing now as I shall have no one to play with:upset::upset::upset:
                      I suppose Coco the Nut and I shall entertain the troops while you are away....
                      have a great trip and tell the family hello.....
                      no tacos, minimal booze, and lots of fun
                      WE WILL MISS YOU

                      actually this kitty is very happy you are going far, far away!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Awww...actually, I'll be geographically much closer to you than I am right now! We'll be having a very "tame" vacation in Hilton Head with Mrs. Fennel's parental units. I promise to be a very good girl while I'm away! Our days in HH are usually spent biking down to Harbor town, kayaking, beach walking, swimming, etc. No rollicking night life for moi! I promise I'll check in, mama...You know I'll miss you, too! I can't wait to see your gassy little face in the morning!


                          Newbies Nest

                          funny, my hubs says the same thing......
                          i think i am gonna change this avatar to Pamela Anderson
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            mama bear;841838 wrote: funny, my hubs says the same thing......
                            i think i am gonna change this avatar to Pamela Anderson

                            Gawd, don't do that, Mama...have you seen
                            that woman lately? I don't know if it's the botox or plastic surgery or both, but she is one scary chick!


                              Newbies Nest

                              ok....look.....I finally made a poopie!!!!!

                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                wow...when did i become a senior member...just noticed that
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

