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    Hey Nesters!!
    Happy Monday.. I can fairly easily say that because my head is clear and I've taken the day off work.. Yayy!! It's the first day I've had to myself in a very long time and it is very much needed..

    Eloise, thank you for your support. It's tricky with us because my partner has always felt like I favour my girls and don't treat his son the same as I do them. And it's true that I struggled for a long time, mostly because we've had such different ways of raising kids and I thought my way was the right way. Funnily enough, they're all turning out to be just fine!:happy2: Despite us and all the "mistakes" we've made. So now I'm just trying to be as fair as possible and I know I would have let my kids have their friends over to spend the night..
    I was thinking of you this morning as I got ready to learn some Spanish. How's it going with the Chinese? I can imagine it's quite difficult.. such an amazingly beautiful written language.

    G-man, I'm wondering if I missed your 30 day celebration..? Was it yesterday? I'll have to wander over to yours to have a look..

    Pav, I hope you had a good night's sleep! I have had a lot of nightmares lately.. anxiety dreams about hiding booze and being found out (by my mom! yuck) and one with my teeth sort of crumbling out.. terrible. I'm looking forward to some nice dreams sometime soon.

    Hi to Kensho and Tony and Lav and Byrdie and Pauly and to everyone stopping in today..
    Off to study a bit and then, FINALLY, to the gym. For realsies this time!
    See you all later!


      well we went to 5 classes and it kind of stopped there. Except i have a nice App I use every couple of days. Now that things should move forward I am going back to memorising a couple of words a day.
      Actually I think I will change it to a sentence a day.
      If I can learn Dutch, I can learn Chinese. At least get it to a fundamental level. No joke, it is something else.

      Truth be told I am just painting and drawing everyday. :spin:

      Oh and the reason I would have said no to the sleep over is because you were there on your own with the children. At least this is what I understood? A few hours of friends over is one things, over night is another story.
      Last edited by Eloise; September 12, 2016, 02:02 AM.
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        El, I was on my own!!:eek-new: It was a good test..
        Good for you with the painting and drawing! Looks like you're very happy about it..
        Have a great day!!


          Evening nesters

          It feels like spring has sprung a leak and left us.

          Happy 90 days Tony a wonderful amount of days.
          Happy 50th DD. its great to see numbers rising.
          Happy 30 G, great great work!

          LC the cakes were for my sweet tooth and my daughter. I figure and rightly so that cakes are better than chocolate though i do love Aldi chocolate. I watched so much tv when i stopped drinking but mainly al doco's and movies to reinforce why i didnt want to drink, must have worked. Now i watch a lot of tv in between doing assignments for my course and remember it all, that was so novel in the beginning to not watch and rewatch and re-re-watch shows. like when reading books there was always a paragraph i seemed to get stuck on every night. I hope the gym was good, i decided that paying $32 a fortnight and going twice was not economical so i now go out for a walk at lunch time, if its not raining! I did buy a weighted hoola hoop on the weekend which i had to click together to form the circle and went to use it and it all flew apart. Back it goes! Im trying!

          Lav, i dont think any of can ever forget what we were doing the day of 9/11, a tragic loss of life and a sad reminder each and every year for all of us.

          Good to see you Pav, i havent had a dreaded drinking dream in what seems like forever.

          Off to do the final bit of my assignment, so much procrastination tonight.

          Take care x
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Hi Nest

            Things have been real busy around here. We were painting and getting my place ready to be sold or rented. A lot of DIY stuff.
            So, last night I decided I can colour and cut my hair myself, since I don't get time to go to the hairdresser... Stupid, STUPID idea!

            Had to wake up real early to fix it. Now bored and exhausted at work and looking semi normal. Still better than a hangover!

            Funny thing about not checking in - I thought about drinking 3 times this weekend! Just hot in the sun painting and looking at my ex's beer...
            Think it is due to all the stress. Subconsciously looking for a way to escape.

            Ava - so true about hiding all day and finally going out just to buy some al. Sounds so sad now. But your description made me laugh!

            Byrd - glad you are healty and ok now.

            Have a good Monday


              Hi Nest buddies.

              I hope everyone had a great weekend. Friday evening I went and ripped off a fingernail completely (nothing left). Actually my dog helped out. So painful and no one here to help me cut the rest off and bandage it up. I wanted a drink so bad! I felt sorry for myself and was in such pain. The feeling passed pretty quickly though. It's the first time since this last quit that, if I had any AL in the house, I may have given in. I'm glad I didn't because I would have been so mad at myself!


                Justme,it's usually never a good idea to do our own hair, Lav,may remember the perm I gave myself last summer in the back yard it fried and I'm a hairdresser haha! Hope everyone has a wonderful day
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Good morning, all!
                  Getting ready to head out this morning for our National Sales meeting. I don't dread it, but for some reason, I'm not looking forward to it, either. We'll see, I just hope my flights are ok. I've had a heck of a time lately with The Flying Gods.

                  JustMe, it's funny what they say, out of sight, out of mind. I have seen it (and experienced it myself) that when I'm really stressed and anxious, or overextended, the first thing I think I can unload is the time I spend on MWO. Over time, we think of it as more of a social network instead of a support community. I find that just the opposite of what I'm thinking is what should be done. In times of stress, I should stay glued here. When I am busy, I must FIND THE TIME to check in. It's in these times of stress that we look to our favorite stand by for assistance! MWO IS my recovery so I make it a priority....every day. It really is easy to let it go for a few days, and the next thing you know, you are saying...well now I'm out of the loop with everybody. Then that makes you not want to check in even more. That's a cycle, too.

                  'What is the secret to getting and staying sober?' It's SUPPORT! If MWO is our only therapy, it's only as good as our use of it. I am saying this as much to myself as anyone else. I must not get lazy about this. If 99 people walk off a cliff and die and I'm #100, I think I will pay attention!

                  Wish me luck this week, I hope I can learn a little bit about what I'm selling while I'm up there! Stay strong everyone, it is worth it! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    W'dup nester's near and not so far.

                    Safe travels Byrdie! I reckon you make an important point in your above post about staying connected regularly especially when we least feel like it OR we think we are just too busy. Fiddlesticks we are too busy! It's like meditation or a self reflection headcheck for me. I know i need to do it as a practice every day because it is a self care and coping strategy like booze was, but this is healthy and life giving, not life sucking.

                    For the record, i cut my own hair. A quick trim and i'm good to go. But i should really get the back looked at by a professional one day. Toupe's are another option. Such a great range available these days, and they look so real too. Just don't lose one in a storm like i did last winter. Sheesh, thing cost me 500 bucks!

                    Day 30. Loving it.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Looks like it was a busy Monday for everyone!

                      G, Congrats on the 30 AF days, now just keep moving forward
                      I actually paid someone today to cut my hair, ha ha. No way I would attempt a self-cut, no way.

                      Byrdie, wishing you safe travels. You seem to be away ore than you are home with this new job. Hope it goes well.

                      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Checking in for the evening. It's a really busy time at work and I'm working like crazy these two days. Should even out toward the end of the week. Can't say I haven't had drinking thoughts. I even caught myself saying, "I wish I drank, so I could have some..." which I quickly caught as bullshit. I don't wish I was a drinker. Ever since I first logged in here, I have not wanted to be a drinker. It and happiness don't seem to go together for me.

                        Have a good sleep/morning wherever you are!

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Hi, all:

                          LC - I think a teeth crumbling dream means you feel powerless about something. Teeth represent power - I've had that dream before, too.

                          I am impressed by you language learners. As a Californian I'd love to learn Spanish - plus then maybe I'd have a reason to have to visit Spain some more of South America or Spain. I'd HAVE to. I actually have always wanted to visit China. I can't remember if you've said where you'll be, El?

                          Ah, working out. My shrink (yes, I saw one for a while, too) reminded me that exercise really isn't a choice - it is necessary for my mental and physical health, just like any medicine, and can't be skipped. Once I get into the habit, I really miss it. I don't go crazy, but I do like to get the old ticker pumping a bit. I listen to podcasts to keep my mind off the pain.

                          Congratulations all on those LARGE milestones, everyone.



                            wishing you lots of luck this week Brydie.
                            my goodness, no downtime for you to physically get back on track. i am pretty sure that even if the procedure could be called minor it is stress and strain on your body.
                            i hope the flights are smooth this week. Respect for not complaining! :big wave:

                            keep close here Kensho, stress was a huge trigger for me. it really had a mysterious way of catching me entirely off guard. And there is was, back to day 1. You don't want that!

                            we are headed to Hangzhou China Pav.
                            i travel regularly to the Philippines to visit friends, but no real interest in exploring further.
                            i well imagine this will change now. the government block a lot of internet site so if i disappear in the beginning it isn't because i abandoned ship.
                            we have to set up a system to unblock things and then i will be back. i hope it won't take too long. i think i can say i am firm enough in my quit to survive a few days on my own.

                            And you know I used to have those teeth crumbling dreams ALL THE TIME! Not anymore though, hm. Now that is something positive!
                            Last edited by Eloise; September 13, 2016, 12:27 AM.
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              How is the finger Siren???

                              Originally posted by Siren53 View Post
                              Hi Nest buddies.

                              I hope everyone had a great weekend. Friday evening I went and ripped off a fingernail completely (nothing left). Actually my dog helped out. So painful and no one here to help me cut the rest off and bandage it up. I wanted a drink so bad! I felt sorry for myself and was in such pain. The feeling passed pretty quickly though. It's the first time since this last quit that, if I had any AL in the house, I may have given in. I'm glad I didn't because I would have been so mad at myself!
                              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                                Hi Nest

                                So it is Tuesday...

                                I have a million thoughts, but one that stands out is to quit my second job. It is nice to be busy and have more money, but it is killing me. I want to calm down before I move to the city. It will make October the sweetest month!

                                Byrdie & Kensho - all my sympathy. Hope there is a way you get some down time soon.

                                G-man - 30 days already ? Congrats!

                                Siren - ouch! Physical pain like that would make me want to grab at anything to relive it!

                                Lav - can we trade places for a while? Countryside living, chickens and a good hair cut - sounds like bliss ...

                                Eloise - good luck with the computer stuff!

                                Till later

