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    Good Saturday morning Nesters,

    Cloudy here today but much cooler & no excessive humidity, yay! I was beginning to think summer was staying forever.

    jkm, today is a great day to begin your AF journey, wishing you the very best! Be sure to stay close to the nest, someone is almost always around.

    Distraction was a powerful tool for me & something we all need to remember to use when needed. We all deserve a happy & healthy life & must do whatever we have to do for success in meeting our goals!
    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Good morning, Nest!
      Wags, it has been a while since I wanted to drink AT someone, but it sure happened yesterday. Ive inherited a customer who is just mean and to top it off, I think he has dementia or something. He keeps telling me the way the former rep did it, I hate to tell him but thats prolly why the guy got fired. Yesterday he made me so mad I wanted to hang up on him. I am really giving this new job everything I have and I cant afford to LOSE a customer. The guy is impossible and wants me to handle things HE should be doing, after all, this is HIS security system. Plus I get NO information and have to go retrieve it it is extremely time consuming. I thought I had a bad customer in my old job, but this guy takes the cake. I totally GET what you arextalking about, all I can say it always keep ypur guard up! Assholes are out there and they can pop up at any time. I was amazed that the thought popped into my head. I have had some real challenges since I quit....deaths of loved ones, illnesses of family/friends, the loss of a job, natural disasters, and I got thru without so much as a thought about AL. I can see that ANGER is the one I need to watch out for. Great job on seeing it thru!!!

      JKM, we arexthinking of you today....distraction worked for me, too! Stay busy! Dont forget to EAT. Keep your beely full, that will help a lot!!!

      Happy belated birthday, Kensho!!!!! Hope you got some cake!!!

      Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Just typed a whole long thing and lost it! Summary I'm scared, i dont know if i can do this, my brain will start tell me i need to taper, i won't post in roll call yet cause i doubt myself, y'all are so nice, thank you for listening. Oh and im worried about seizures, i drink 3/4 of a pint of vodka a day.


          Jkm123... the drinking is making your anxiety worse. You will be fine, taper if you feel you need to. No one will judge you here, you mustn't worry about that. Maybe it would be good to make an appointment with a doctor to get some professional help with this?
          That might calm your nerves and help you through... keep posting & reading... you are worth the effort.
          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


            Yes JKM
            Stay with us. It's horrible right now but it WILL be worth it. If you need to taper/ cut down for now then fine, and I totally agree with Eloise about getting some help. I don't know where you are but most places, Doctors are pleased to help. The biggest problem is in you, getting your fears out of the way and going there!

            We're with you all the way!


              Hi JKM, hang in there!!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                I drank, only 4.5 ounces, to taper, i will just do wine tomorrow only 2 drinks 10 oz of wine, monday i should be ok with just valume, i have have two 5 mg. I will go to the gym so i won't get home till 6:45 or 7 then bath walk the dogs and eat dinner and one show and bed. I can do this!


                  Thank for everyones support!


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Jkm, that sounds like a good plan. Just be sure someone is around in case you run into a problem, OK? We are here but if you need immediate help, please call someone. Wishing you the best.

                    Byrdie, anger and/or disappointment were the two major triggers for me as well - I totally get that. I know you won't drink though, you cherish your AF'ness too much

                    Wishing everyone a quiet & peaceful night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Yes you can do this Jkm. Be kind to yourself, sometimes this is so hard to do.
                      I know I say this all the time but google the Bubble Hour, it might be a little welcome company and help you to understand you are really not alone in this battle. There are many, many people out there from all walks of life with the same struggle.
                      Remember you have to have your wits about you to take care of those doggies! They count on you.
                      Good luck today, read here.. keep your mind as busy as you can focused on things that you cannot do with a drink in hand.
                      Like .... hm.... knitting? bike riding? horseback riding? hiking with your doggies?
                      Oh and remember to eat and drink lots of water.... I still like lots of sparkling water with lemon.

                      Originally posted by Jkm123 View Post
                      I drank, only 4.5 ounces, to taper, i will just do wine tomorrow only 2 drinks 10 oz of wine, monday i should be ok with just valume, i have have two 5 mg. I will go to the gym so i won't get home till 6:45 or 7 then bath walk the dogs and eat dinner and one show and bed. I can do this!
                      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                        Well done JKM for cutting back well on your taper. You've got a plan for the next couple of days and you're already working it. That's really good.

                        It's great that you've got the gym and dogs to keep focused on. What breed of dogs do you have? I've got 2 border collies and a shih-Tzu and they've been a help to me too... Just getting out with them in the fresh air and "clearing the cobwebs"...

                        You can do this!


                          Morning Nest

                          Jkm - tapering or cold turkey doesn't matter. Don't give up. Everytime we try to stop an addiction we learn something about orselves. How an AF life can work for you.It is progress. Just keep at it.

                          Yesterday we replaced two broken windows. Still can't believe it! When I moved into this place I was on the roll with al. Had little energy and coudn't do much wasted. It is an increadible feeling to get things done now.

                          Happy Sunday


                            how is it today Jkm?
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              Good mrning, all.
                              JKM! Thinking or you this morning.
                              I drank about that much vodka before I switched over to wine. Then I drank a liter a day (about a bottle and a half). Every person is different but I had to go cold turkey. Natuarally, I was anxious, after all, I wasnt getting my fix, so it is nornal to be anxious. Once that first night is under your belt, you are on your way! We are here to help!

                              Watched my neice's dog last night. We have a Chihuahua and he is a lab mix, there is a big difference in the two breeds! Having a big dog in the house is a totally differnt dynamic!

                              Wishing everyone an easy day today! BYrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Originally posted by Jkm123 View Post
                                I drank, only 4.5 ounces, to taper, i will just do wine tomorrow only 2 drinks 10 oz of wine, monday i should be ok with just valume, i have have two 5 mg. I will go to the gym so i won't get home till 6:45 or 7 then bath walk the dogs and eat dinner and one show and bed. I can do this!
                                JKM - If you are scared of withdrawals and feel that tapering is a good idea, then definitely do it. What you described sounds like a good plan, and we'll be here to help you the whole way. I can remember being terrified of withdrawals and seizures when I quit back in 2014 - I had been drinking a lot more then, daily, a lot of hard alcohol, and almost spun myself into panic attacks. Tapering was the only way I could go AF without losing my mind. Alcohol withdrawal can be very dangerous, so it's better to be cautious if you have any concerns.

                                Please continue to post and keep us updated. You summed it up well with your last line - You CAN do this!!!

