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    Oh man, just feeling kind of bummed this morning. I signed up for pilates, and my daughter burst into tears saying she misses me and that she wants me to walk her to the bus. SO I cancel. Had an argument with husband. SO, dishes in sink, no pilates, and tension. Ugh!

    SO, I'm going to reschedule pilates, do chores when I get back and work until I can pick up kids. It's not easy splitting myself into working woman and mom/wife. I am ambitious, so I tend to take on a lot and then feel spread thin. I guess that's my doing. And I just can't be excited about this beer festival crap - and husband is pressuring me to drive him - says $60 is too much for a cab. SO, I am being asked to pick him up at 11:00 with kids, drive him home smashed and live with him the next day hungover and grumpy? Is anything about that too much to ask of a person recovering from her own alcohol abuse? Ugh.

    Enough of that story, on to a brighter day. Thanks for the articles NS, validating. Deep breath.

    Done. Moving on to life.


      That's a lot going on at once, Kensho.. as you know, it's so important to take care of yourself first.. like with the breathing mask on a plane. You can't care for everyone else if you can't breathe/function. I also postpone activities if one of my girls bursts into tears and needs me.. everything on the back burner. I don't know how yours are, but mine don't really break down unless they are really in need. As for your husband and the beer festival.. I would say that if you are in anyway feeling resentful/overwhelmed, he should pay the you-know-whating 60 bucks for the is part of the expense of a festival. Then you and the kids can have a nice evening at home and you won't hate him so much in the morning.. just my 2 cents,..:hug:


        Kensho,I agree with LC,right now you're like a rubber band being stretched in a million different directions! Can't hubs take an Uber? It's a bit cheaper than a cab around here,if not have him shell out for his own damn cab it's his dumb festival or maybe compromise and split the cost?((hugs)) in an annoying situation
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Kensho, you are in a tight spot! Pauly's right, Ubeer....eheheh, is about half the price of a cab. I THINK you can schedule them ahead now.
          We are watching and waiting on this darn storm. We've been agonizing whether or not to evacuate. I want to stay and hubs wants to leave. Stay tuned on that one!
          G man, thank you for making me feel like a rock star!!!

          So glad it's Friday.....just another day in the week, not a ticket to Boozeville! Stay the course, you'll never wake up and say, DANG, wish I'd have pulled a drunk last night! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Good evening Abbers,

            Byrdie, I'm watching the news on the storm too & am worried about you! It wouldn't hurt if you got out of town for a day or two. There's not much you can do once the streets are flooded & the power is out & all that. Be careful please :hug:

            Kensho, I know you have to do what you have to do to keep the peace in your home but ~ I wish you would consider your feelings first!! Taking care of the kids & their immediate needs is one thing but being your husband's personal chauffer to a beer festival is something else. I wish you peace whatever you choose to do!

            G, I actually have 37 chicks right now that are 16 weeks old!!! Ha ha, I do have a lot of chicks on my hands

            Hello to LC, Pav, Pauly & everyone checking in today.
            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              hi Nesters!
              slloooooww day here, like molasses!
              37 chicks is too many for any one to have on their hands, Lav! I wanted to tell you, I was so impressed this summer as I was visiting friends on an island in Greece.. they had 120 chickens that they let out each morning and when it started to get dark they all went back to the coops.. amazing.. one day a few snuck out when they shouldn't have and ran like crazy.. but when I finally caught them, they were like putty in the hands.. actually they froze still. so sweet!

              JKM, how are you doing today?

              and Kensho, how was it with the drive home? I hope I didn't sound too harsh. I had to google Uber.. sounds like a great service!

              Not much going on today- have to do a bit of shopping with my daughter.. otherwise, peace and quiet.

              hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend! xx


                Hi, Everyone:

                As usual, NoSugar, you took the words right out of my mouth, but said them so much more eloquently than I would. I would shout it from the mountain tops if I thought anyone would listen - LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER WITHOUT ALCOHOL! WE DON'T NEED ALCOHOL TO HAVE FUN! WE ARE ENOUGH! It sound like I am a crazy person to most, however, so I just shout it inwardly.

                Kensho - I believe you are in a situation where you need to remember boundaries. There are so many reasons why you shouldn't go pick up your husband with your kids. You listed most of them. Make him pay the $60 on his own is my two cents. Like I said to Ava about her mom, you can't control the behavior of others, but you can control your reaction. I found when I left my husband alone, he eventually wanted to try some of my healthier behaviors more than when I was nagging him.

                Lav - chicks and fresh eggs sound divine. What is the smell factor with chickens? I have been thinking about trying three for my back yard, but don't want the neighbors to complain.

                Byrdie - stay safe. Poor Haiti - what a disaster.

                My rant? I have a cold but it is in my sinuses and throat so I don't SOUND sick, I just feel bad. That means no sympathy for Pav. And, of course, I have a bunch to do on this beautiful Saturday. Will take care of myself, too.

                Stay close,


                  Hey Nesters,
                  well the storm started about 1am this morning. We are having sustained winds in the high 40's. Its un-nerving!
                  So far, we've kept the power on, so what a blessing that is. It has been flickering.
                  I think the worst will be in about an hour, and Ill be glad to be on the other side of this thing. Mother Nature is amazing. The force of water and wind is incredible.
                  I had to laugh, the liquor stores closed up yesterday afternoon and they have armed guards posted at them! That would have been a supply I would have had to really stock up on. Thank goodness Im not trying to pull all that off suring this storm! Liberating.
                  Hugs to all, Ill keep you posted. Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                    I had to laugh, the liquor stores closed up yesterday afternoon and they have armed guards posted at them! That would have been a supply I would have had to really stock up on. Thank goodness Im not trying to pull all that off suring this storm! Liberating.
                    Hugs to all, Ill keep you posted. Byrdie
                    Byrdie, I had to laugh when I read this. Isn't this just how it works (or better yet- worked)? In times of stress or other problems, making sure our stash of booze was full, ranked right up there, maybe at the top. It's the "I can get through anything, as long as I have my trusty bottle of booze with me"- mentality. Yikes, frightening.


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      We are having a damp-ish day here but nothing like what Byrdie is dealing with!
                      Keep yourself safe there Byrdie & I hope the storm moves out of your way very soon!

                      Pav, the chickens don't kick up a stink if you keep up with your coop chores, ha ha! Sometimes their fenced yard gets a little stinky after a lot of rain but it's fine when it dries. No neighbor is close enough to get offended

                      LC, chickens are basically afraid of the dark - go figure!!! I find most of them to be very gentle (roosters not so much so I don't keep them).

                      Wishing everyone a peaceful & calm night!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Morning nesters

                        Blustery day here but good to get the washing dry.

                        G congrats on your job, whats it doing if i can ask? Whatever it is you will be great at it.

                        Byrd congrats on your sale, you go girl. I hope you are safe in the cyclone.

                        Kensho, just my opinion but let him cab it or else suggest he doesnt go since the cab is so expensive. I now dont encourage drinking at all. No tolerance in helping people get wasted, if they want to go somewhere then they do it at their expense. I have some not happy campers in the house sometimes but its their problem not mine.

                        I had a friend i have helped to not drink and last night he drank after 5 months and he justified it with "i can do it again, i did it for 5 months". i happened to mention that the last time i helped him stop was over 2 years ago. I could justify that i have stopped for near 3 years so i can do it again but its a chance i am not willing to take. I did ask how his "bit of drinking" went but no reply. Funny how our al brain thinks.

                        The co-worker with the ex in hospital is not doing so well. they drained 2 litres of fluid out of him the other day, he is delirious and in and out of consciousness though his blood is coagulating now. My brother died like this and i really hope he pulls through as he has a 6 year old daughter. My boss keeps coming up to me at work saying that he cant be an alcoholic as he is only 42 and he must be on the strong stuff to have liver failure.

                        How is it going JKM?

                        Well i have a sick son so off to get him some antibiotics.

                        Take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Thanks y'all for the thoughts. I had a fun night with the kids - we had dinner, a movie, some shopping and some ice cream. Pure indulgence - and so much fun. I'm not driving to get a drunk husband tonight, and I'm glad I'm not, though I'm afraid he will try to drive. I will be extremely disappointed if he does, but I'm not his mother.

                          Byrdie, I hate the wind. Glad you're hanging in there!

                          jkm... check in with us! Don't give up!

                          Ava and everyone, you validated my feelings. I'm not trying to be rude to the hubs, just not interested in participating, and he should be understanding of that!

                          Have a great night!!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Morning nesters. I'm returning for another attempt. Day 2 just dawning and I'm in need of a plan. Sundays ate difficult for me, any suggestions greatly appreciated :heartbeat:
                            One hour, one day at a time.


                              Originally posted by questeroo View Post
                              Morning nesters. I'm returning for another attempt. Day 2 just dawning and I'm in need of a plan. Sundays ate difficult for me, any suggestions greatly appreciated :heartbeat:
                              Hi Quest. Toolbox from page 1 can be a useful start.

                              Good job tackling day 2. :thumbsup:

                              Hi Ava. New job is just an extension of the community work i do. More hours now, so see how i go. If it interferes too much with music making, i'll drop it. Hope all's well there my friend.

                              L8tr g8trs.
                              Last edited by Guitarista; October 9, 2016, 02:09 AM.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Hi All

                                Birdie - just watching the news here - looks like the storms are now moving away from you. Hope you got through it ok. Tony

