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    Hi Nesters!

    Welcome Questeroo! Great job on getting day 1 done.. Sundays are sometimes difficult for me, too.. usually it has to do with my frame of mind. If I look at it as a looooong, drawn out day with the kids and family, having to deal with everyone's stuff, cooking and's more work than work! Then I find myself looking for an escape.. To be honest, I sort of felt like that this morning. But I try to find what's GREAT about Sunday.. I can slow down, there isn't really anything I HAVE to do at any certain time. I waited to make my coffee after making breakfast so that I could enjoy it without anyone bothering me.. I've decided not to clean today. And I'm letting the kids watch a movie so that I can watch one, too! ha.. a very funny one that makes me literally laugh out loud. I went to the Toolbox and read through a bit.. very good stuff there!
    Why are Sunday's difficult for you? Have you begun to put together your plan? There are some ideas on the first pages of the Toolbox..Stay close here, let us know how you are.. I'm in Germany.. so in your time zone.. and if you haven't yet visited, The October Army (nothing to do with the real army!) thread is full of very nice and helpful people, a lot of whom are based in the UK and they are pretty active throughout the day..

    ok. Hi to everyone!!


      Originally posted by lifechange View Post
      Hi Nesters!

      Welcome Questeroo! Great job on getting day 1 done.. Sundays are sometimes difficult for me, too.. usually it has to do with my frame of mind. If I look at it as a looooong, drawn out day with the kids and family, having to deal with everyone's stuff, cooking and's more work than work! Then I find myself looking for an escape.. To be honest, I sort of felt like that this morning. But I try to find what's GREAT about Sunday.. I can slow down, there isn't really anything I HAVE to do at any certain time. I waited to make my coffee after making breakfast so that I could enjoy it without anyone bothering me.. I've decided not to clean today. And I'm letting the kids watch a movie so that I can watch one, too! ha.. a very funny one that makes me literally laugh out loud. I went to the Toolbox and read through a bit.. very good stuff there!
      Why are Sunday's difficult for you? Have you begun to put together your plan? There are some ideas on the first pages of the Toolbox..Stay close here, let us know how you are.. I'm in Germany.. so in your time zone.. and if you haven't yet visited, The October Army (nothing to do with the real army!) thread is full of very nice and helpful people, a lot of whom are based in the UK and they are pretty active throughout the day..

      ok. Hi to everyone!!
      Hi've hit the nail on the head. Sundays ate the pre cursor to Mondays... Shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing...making sure everyone's got clothes for Monday etc.... And I get stressed with it all and look for escape !! And I know I'm doing it, I feel it, and I hate it. Its like a divine inevitability. Like a slope that I'm sliding down and I can't get off. I feel it in my chest and stomach, a tight sick feeling !! Well I need to stop it. I'm off to the tool box to get me some tools. Its not happening today xxx thanks for your reply xx
      One hour, one day at a time.


        I think it could help to think of a plan just for today.. are there any things you can get away with not doing? anything you can ask for help with? is it possible to get a break in for yourself? have a walk or a nap? We're having quite cold and rainy weather.. I'm trying to get myself out the door for some fresh air.. we'll see! If you feel like posting your plan, please do. Sometimes it helps to get it in writing..


          Right, I plan to keep my belly full. I may even color my hair. I have fruit tea and I'm pledging I will not drink tonight xx
          One hour, one day at a time.


            Morning, Nest:

            Hi, Questy. LC was here with some good advice. I was reading the Army thread this morning and I thought Molly had great advice about "listening to experts." Many, many people have successfully kicked alcohol out of their lives. Read through and see what worked for them. The toolbox is a great place to start, and there are also some really great sobriety blogs. Unpickled, Mrs. D Goes Without, Hip Sobriety just to name a few. I also recommend The Bubble Hour podcast. Reading and listening gave me assurance of certain steps that were important to take, but also let me see that other "normal," funny, smart, creative, sensitive individuals had fallen prey to alcohol - I was not alone. Yes, I have the lovely people here as well, but I cast my net far and wide to make sure I was covered. Sundays have become my favorite day!

            Byrdie - hope all is well out your way and that you still have a roof.

            JKM - How's it going?

            Happy SOBER Sunday, folks.



              I am eating home made chicken curry and l am sober !! :heartbeat:
              One hour, one day at a time.


                Good afternoon, Nesters!
                What a weekend. Yesterday, that storm went all ALL day and night. This morning, however, nary a cloud in the sky! Beautiful! Our biggest gust was 65mph here on the coast. Oddly enough, the inland counties bore more of the brunt than we did. They got all the rain! 15 inches! There is major flooding everywhere. I consider us lucky. We kept power the whole time and I was able to keep busy, even baked some cakes.
                Questeroo, welcome aboard and congrats on your Day 2! WE know what a huge accomplishment that is. As I just mentioned, I keep myself occupied, even after all thus time. Sitting idle is not good for me so Im always piddling around doing something. You're on the right track staying FULL, that is a great tool! We are so glad you're here! Have you used MWO before?
                Tony, well done on your 7 days! You'll get no cracks from us, those are the toughest! Here is your 2 cheeked salute to the occasion! :butt: great job!!
                Well, off to undo all the stuff we did to prepare for Matthew. Speaking of Matt, where are you, Matt M?
                Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Happy super sober sunday to everyone. Its been a tough weekend, all around it looks like. I'm here and determined. I'll be strapped into the nest tonight.


                    Glad you made it through safe Byrdie
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Glad to see everyone has gotten thru the weekend OK.
                      Welcome back Quest, the nest is the place to be

                      Byrdie, I am so glad the storm is finished punishing the east coast, geez. Tomorrow everything back to normal for you
                      Kensho, I hope your husband makes it home OK & eventually realizes why you didn't want to be involved in a craft beer fest. oh boy.
                      Tony, great on your 7 AF days!!!

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Evening nesters

                        Byrd i think you have sent the winds to Melbourne, the weather has been a shocker. I am glad you made it safely through the cyclone.

                        Welcome Quest. For me when i stopped drinking i glued myself to MWO and read and read and posted a lot. I also watched a lot of you-tube doco's on alcoholics. That al brain chatter never seems to stop at first. I remember turning in circles once just wanting that voice to stop or just get some damn wine but i had a shower instead which helped immensely. I certainly was very very clean when i stopped drinking and i lived in my pj's as then i could not be bothered to get changed to go and get wine. Just little changes helped in the beginning.

                        How did hubs go Kensho?

                        Congrats again G, sounds like a good job, i think we should swap as i am so over mine.

                        My son has a growth under his chin so drs today, ultrasound tomorrow and then drs again. Just when life is quiet something happens. Sober is much easier to deal with life than drunk. The poor kid would probs have never got to the drs in my drinking career, i would have told him it would go away. Oops!

                        Take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Good Monday Morning Nest

                          Great to see everyone made it through the weekend - cyclone and AL voices included!

                          Had a hectic weekend. Kids, DIY home improvements, no power on Sunday and no internet. Kinda glad its Monday!

                          Quest - welcome! Congrats on seeing day 2 through. Food and distraction helped for the first week.

                          Kensho - proud of you!

                          Ava - hope your son's chin check out ok. It is remarkable how different we mother when sober.

                          Next weekend is my high school reunion.... Now I only think about what to say, what to drink. And not only one night - the whole weekend!! This didn't bother me since I kept myself from social events, but now to face a whole weekend. Will keep myself busy with the kids. Watch others get intoxicated. Go to bed early.

                          If you don't pour AL down your throat, it is really nobody's business!! Should just forget about it.

                          Till later


                            The old class reunion. I'm not even going to talk about booze! Have you been to previous ones? I went to my 10 year reunion and just like in high school, nobody talked to me except my two best friends back then! I haven't been to one since. However, FaceBook has been invented since then and I have been keeping in touch with many of them thru that. I am sure it would be different if I went to another one, since I've come to know these others as adults now. Gads, when I look as some of my classmates I think, how the hell did she get SO OLD? Bah! Good luck as you attend yours, you have a great attitude and mindset!

                            Back to the grindstone today. We have a beautiful day today, and a clean slate. Counting my blessings! (MWO is among them). Hope everyone has an easy week! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Morning. I'm here and I need help. I'm in bad shape physically and emotionally. The last few months, I went back to my destructive ways of drinking. Al will kill me, I'm sure of it. I've had many day ones, and I'm not going to be ashamed. I'm sad and angry, more than anything. At myself? Yes, but at al more. There's no safe way to drink for me. I'm afraid. Afraid that it's gonna kill me. It will. I need support. I can't do this alone. Thank you.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                This isn't your first rodeo j-vo, but it can be your last. I was in your shoes, I knew alcohol would kill me if I continued drinking, and it wasn't just idle thoughts, it was the truth. You can do this, everyone can, it just takes hard work, fierce determination, support, and wanting to be sober more than wanting to be a drunk. A drunk, a tough way to look at ourselves, but if we are honest with ourselves that is what we really are/were. But we can change, we can become a better person. You know all the clichés so I'm not going to repeat them. Cinch your saddle down tight, hang on to the reins, and refuse to get thrown again...
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

