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    Good morning all..Day 2 dare i say. I woke up unhung this morning. Do you know how much smarter i feel, sound, and probably am when im not drinking? I can win an argument, i don't get confused, i remember what i said or am saying. It's great!
    J-vo welcome, ive had 3 day ones this month but i will not stop quitting because i need to quit. I am less depressing just in one day.
    Last edited by Jkm123; October 10, 2016, 08:25 AM.


      ((Jvo)) it's wonderful to see you
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Yes, it sure is! Welcome home, J-Vo. Let's slay this beast once and for all! Hugs dear lady, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Originally posted by j-vo View Post
          Morning. I'm here and I need help. I'm in bad shape physically and emotionally. The last few months, I went back to my destructive ways of drinking. Al will kill me, I'm sure of it. I've had many day ones, and I'm not going to be ashamed. I'm sad and angry, more than anything. At myself? Yes, but at al more. There's no safe way to drink for me. I'm afraid. Afraid that it's gonna kill me. It will. I need support. I can't do this alone. Thank you.
          Hi J-vo, I can so relate to your post, to your description of the last few months. You and I were here in the nest together back in 2014 until I crashed hard, and circumstances very much like what you've described are what scared me straight and also brought me back here a month or so ago. You are in the right place. Most of us are here because we know, when we're honest with ourselves, that we cannot drink safely. Strap yourself in tight to the nest. Go back to the toolbox and choose a few strategies to help with this first week or so. Post post post. Hugs to you :hug:


            Good morning everyone! Welcome questeroo, you have landed in a good place!

            Hi Jvo. I'm sorry you haven't been in a good place. Good to see you back - hugs.

            Isn't it wonderful to be clear-headed JKM? I absolutely love that about not drinking!

            Byrdie, so glad you weathered the storm all right... yes, back to the grind.

            All went well in my house this weekend. I had fun with the kids while hubs went to his festival. He took it easy and enjoyed himself without getting loaded, which I really appreciated. If he's going to drink - all I ask is that he doesn't go overboard. And he didn't, and he wasn't upset that I didn't drive. All good!

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Hi Nesters!
              After a not so good sleep last night (haven't had nightmares in i don't know how long), pulling a muscle in my back (ughh) and a not great day at work, I'm beat.. so this will be short.

              But I want to say how happy I am to see you back in the Nest J-vo.. I have been wondering about you and how you're doing.. and was worried because I know from my own experience, that when I'm not here, I'm drinking. We are all here to support you.. You know that you'll begin to feel better physically after a couple of days not drinking.. then it's getting on the other stuff. You can do it for good..:hug:

              JKM, super happy to hear you're feeling so much better.. what a difference a good sleep makes, eh? I'm so looking forward to that tonight. Like Byrdie has been famous for saying, we rarely have 2 bad days/nights in a row.. I find that usually to be true.

              Ava, good for you getting that checked out straight away. I know I've been guilty of not going often enough to the doctor/dentist with the girls.. now I'm on it!

              Kensho, great news about hubs.. good for him for making the right decision.

              ok everyone.. good night and see you all tomorrow. hugs all around!


                I went running around on lunch so i don't have to stop on the way home. I bought a candy bar to curb any cravings that pop up. I read 5 pages of the tool box last night also. Good stuff in there!


                  Originally posted by j-vo View Post
                  Morning. I'm here and I need help. I'm in bad shape physically and emotionally. The last few months, I went back to my destructive ways of drinking. Al will kill me, I'm sure of it. I've had many day ones, and I'm not going to be ashamed. I'm sad and angry, more than anything. At myself? Yes, but at al more. There's no safe way to drink for me. I'm afraid. Afraid that it's gonna kill me. It will. I need support. I can't do this alone. Thank you.
                  J-vo. powerful post. thank you. I particularly liked your comment " I am not going to be ashamed"... I think this is big. I know that with me, when I have slipped, it becomes almost an ego thing, about when or if I/we come back here. Really tough to admit a set back, especially after weeks or months of previously glowing reports on our progress. You are very humble and forthright and I admire that.


                    Yo Nesters near and not so far.

                    Jvo! Have wondered how you are. Glad to see you back here my friend. Here's some fresh strong butt velcro and a big hug. :hug: Strap in!

                    Good work JKM. Yep, the toolbox is always excellent reading.

                    My impression of booze from years of reading, knowing, seeing, doing, is that booze really is a silent killer in many ways. We do a lot of damage even in a few days of heavy drinking. I see that we really have to totally reverse our mental position and begin to throw in major self care and self love daily. e.g. nutrition, gratitude, and a real shift towards getting to like ourselves and treat ourselves with the respect and care we deserve. The body is pretty amazing in how it can repair itself, so all is never lost.

                    L8tr g8trs. Let's git it.
                    Last edited by Guitarista; October 10, 2016, 02:57 PM.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Thanks for the welcome back. I know it won't be easy, but I also know it's not easy feeling like shit everyday. No, it's worse than taking it one day at a time. I'm going to take things slowly and not put too much on my plate as I always seem to do at first. I will go back to the toolbox and stay velcroed in the nest. Right now I feel I'm scared, like I might screw up again, but if I want to live, I must count my blessings daily and listen to the people who have succeeded here. I must also remember that for me, this is a disease, not a bad habit, not something I'll ever recover from in a few months and be ok to drink. No, it's not a good feeling being a drunk. But it must be a good feeling gaining the confidence to beat this beast each and every single day. Thanks for the support.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Doing good, nice and full, got lots of work done toay, walk to the work mail box to put letters in, i think "its sure is nice outside"....."a drink would be nice" anyway its nice outside, a walk would be nice, my candy bar on the drive home will be nice, to be happy again tomorrow will be nice....a drink will not be nice any more than rat poison would be nice for a there. Humf thank you for listening, that concludes this rant.


                          Welcome home J-Vo - Nope, none of us can do it alone. We're here for you with support, love, encouragement and an occasional laugh. (Just like we always will be.)
                          Hugs to all- Marylou
                          Mary Lou

                          A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                            Over the years, Ive taken some heat on my hard line stance on AL. Ive been called all sorts of names, but I know one thing for sure, AL will kill me if I consume it. I cannot have it in any amount safely, I dont want it in safe amounts, I want it in excessive amounts! I was a very resistant case, I tried all kinds of ways to try and manipulate this disease, but the bottom line is that Im an alcoholic and there is no deal I can make with this disease and win. Playing with this opponent is a sure loss. So I must paint AL in the worst possible light I can. AL is the enemy. I treat it as I would a rattlesnake. So far, it has worked for me. I dont give AL any breaks, I hate it....for what it has done to me as well as my friends here. In this world, its me against AL and as long as I dont drink it, I win.
                            Thank you for the reminder of one of the little things that work for me. You are da man! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                              Over the years, Ive taken some heat on my hard line stance on AL. Ive been called all sorts of names, but I know one thing for sure, AL will kill me if I consume it. I cannot have it in any amount safely, I dont want it in safe amounts, I want it in excessive amounts! I was a very resistant case, I tried all kinds of ways to try and manipulate this disease, but the bottom line is that Im an alcoholic and there is no deal I can make with this disease and win. Playing with this opponent is a sure loss. So I must paint AL in the worst possible light I can. AL is the enemy. I treat it as I would a rattlesnake. So far, it has worked for me. I dont give AL any breaks, I hate it....for what it has done to me as well as my friends here. In this world, its me against AL and as long as I dont drink it, I win.
                              Thank you for the reminder of one of the little things that work for me. You are da man! Byrdie
                              Byrdie -these are some great words to help remind many of us who are or were alcohol dependent. Some of us reading your words realize that there is no middle of the road solution for us relative to alcohol. There comes a point in a person's life where they realize and accept the fact that alcohol will kill them, sooner rather than later. I am very, very sorry for those who realize this fact but continue to drink. I do realize that for many of these people, alcohol consumption is the only life that they know, and that they are simply just unable to understand or believe how much better life is without alcohol. With either road an alcoholic chooses to go ( to drink or not drink) it is just damn hard. Even with medications such as Baclofen, these medications do not change the reasons that you want to drink in the first place.

                              There is a place of peace and understanding that we can all arrive to but that place can ONLY be found once the alcohol is out of our systems and lives. Just a thought.


                                I find a bath helps me alot. Maybe because i want my body to feel good, like the immediate effects of al, but a bath feels good too.
                                Hi everyone, lots of good advice here today.

