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Newbies Nest

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    Hugs abcowboy...i know that pain and i would not wish it on my worst enemy. I hope, with time, you daughter will come around at least alittle. Go get yourself a hug from someone or something furry, it helps the pain.


      Im going to bed, early yes, but I had a horrible day.
      I'm tired and not dealing with grief, students, or
      Life very well. Too much crying and feeling bad for myself. Goodnight.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        G'night Jvo. Tomorrow has to be a better day.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Night, Jvo, feel better!
          Cowboy, my heart is breaking for you. Gosh, Im so sorry. I hope things turn around between you and your daughter.
          G, always a pleasure! Hows life on the beach?!
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Just a quick hello from me.

            Abcowboy, please try to stay positive, keep your chin up & doing the right thing. I know that we hurt family & friends when we are not at our best. Staying on our AF paths is the best way to say 'I'm sorry & it's never going to happen again'. We all truly understand.

            Eloise, glad you are OK!

            J-vo, no pity party, they only hold us back. Tomorrow will be a better day, keep your thoughts positive

            I got my daughter in for her pre-admission testing today. She managed to break 3 bones in her foot over the weekend, ouch! Tomorrow morning she will have pins inserted, the foot & lower leg casted then needs to be no weight bearing for 5-6 weeks. I brought my granddaughter home with me to spend the night (maybe two). Keep your fingers crossed, please.

            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Originally posted by abcowboy View Post

              Maybe you haven’t had a DUI, got in trouble with the law, jeopardized your job, ruined your health, or lost the love and respect of your loved ones, but if you continue drinking, you will. One day you’ll say or do something that you can’t take back, and you’ll reach a new rock bottom. Why wait for that to happen, quit now before you spend a weekend like I just did….
              Oh abcowboy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I could feel your pain in your words. Thank you for sharing this hard-earned wisdom. I hope that with time your relationship with your daughter will grow stronger. For now, it was generous of you to share this hard story in an effort to help one or more of us. Hugs to you :hug:


                Jvo - hugs to you. I hope you are/were able to get some good sleep, and that things look and feel brighter in the morning.

                Jkm - hobbies are a great way to get through evenings or other times that are difficult cuz they used to be drinking times. I personally love to read, and have gotten good mileage out of my library card over the past few months. I'm also shaking the rust off my Spanish, and found a great online community that provides language exchange opportunities (I help someone trying to learn English, and then they help me with Spanish) - that has been a blast. What do you like to do? You mentioned sewing, which could offer all sorts of project opportunities. Do you have other interests you've never had time to pursue, something new you'd like to learn? Well, regardless of what you choose, I wholeheartedly recommend the hobby avenue for helping to stay AF!


                  Hi, Nest:

                  J-Vo! So great to see you back. I am sorry you are in pain, but stick close, strap on G's heavy duty velcro, and let us help you take care of yourself.

                  DD - Glad you're back, too. Stick close, you two.

                  Cowboy - I am so sorry about your daughter. I hope time will eventually heal that wound. Thanks for sharing that story.

                  Candy Bar do the trick JKM? Stick close.

                  Ava - hope all is ok with your son.

                  Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                  Good morning, Nesters!
                  It takes TIME to grow into an AF way of life...
                  Byrdie - understanding this is one of my "ah ha!" moments. I kept hearing you all say this and I was thinking to myself that you were all really good BS artists. I knew that I wouldn't drink, but I NEVER thought I'd grow to be comfortable in an AF way of life, even after many months without. Little by little, over the past 2.5 years, I would say that I am truly growing into an AF way of life. That's not to say I didn't enjoy myself over the last 2.5 years, only that with each passing day my utter happiness at being a non drinker becomes stronger, and those passing "thoughts" of alcohol are nearly non-existent. I LOVE being a non drinker. I love remembering, talking into the wee hours and remembering, enjoying dancing all night long on pure adrenaline, hearing live music without having to pee or get a beer every 30 minutes, being present for my family, setting a good example for my kids, ETC. I am rambling, but the point is to you newbies, that suspending your current disbelief that you will ever be happy or comfortable might just help you get through the next few days, weeks and months.

                  Glad to read posts from the rest of you, too, but running out of time to comment on them all...

                  Night, nest. Off to bed.



                    Right on Pav.

                    Life on the beach is crisp, fresh and windy at the moment Byrdy! 'All weather Euro sports fastback realistique' model toupe from France holding firm. It don't matter to me, except for the likes of hurricanes.

                    AB. I suppose these relationships can take a little time. It might even take a couple more years. I bet she will slowly come around. :happy2:

                    Wishing your daughter a full and speedy recovery Lav.

                    Day 60. Where's me trophy?! :sohappy:
                    Last edited by Guitarista; October 12, 2016, 12:21 AM.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Afternoon nesters.

                      Yes Pav i so agree that life just gets better, i feel more settled and together and it has taken time, a lot of time and emotional healing to get to where i am today. I remember when i first stopped drinking that well life has to be great now and what a shock to realise that it didnt get better in a month or two or six or eight. In those months i felt good but not healed, not how i wanted to be, i still had those al thoughts, those cravings/urges every so often. A year felt great, god never thought i could do 3 days let alone a year and now life is nearly how i want it to be. Still have those ups and downs of life and stresses but at no time do i want to drown it out with al. I had a deep ache a few weeks ago but i worked through it by coming on here and talking to others about how i felt. That al bastard is never going to win against normal me, there is never an excuse for me to drink and as long as i keep that determination and i have support i will not fail. I literally inhaled al for ten solid years so now i have done three in December sober.

                      My friends ex hubs has been told if he drinks again he will die. I had a good talk to her today that he may know that but he still may drink. i explained to her as an alcoholic how hard it is to stop, how we will justify and lie and hide to drink, knowing we have been told but feeling we are alone and that is scary and its hard, so very very hard to stop. She finds it hard to understand that he has been so sick due to al so he should realise he has to stop. He realises definitely but as we know it is a hard habit to break. 2 weeks in ICU thus far but slowly he is getting better and if he takes the help that has been offered and fights he will do it. I hope with all my heart he does as it brings back my brothers fight that started too late.

                      Lav, thinking of your daughter, thats a nasty lot of fractures she has. I can see a lot of mum and nannering here!

                      G happy 60 days, great work, keep it going.

                      Kensho i am so glad hubs behaved and was good about you not picking him up. Maybe he will rethink his drinking.

                      Drs for my son tomorrow, the results are still not in, a bit stressful but trying not to think or google anything.

                      J and DD, hope your sober day bought some cheer. Look for the positives in life, negatives get us nowhere.

                      Cowboy we can only keep proving to others we have changed by keeping sober. You have tried and sadly there is no much more you can do but wait.

                      Well off to do some homework.

                      Take care x
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Good morning dear Nesters..

                        AB, first of all, big hugs to you.. I really hope in time she'll come around. I know it took me YEARS to get close to my mom again. She drank herself useless during the most important years of my childhood and didn't stop until I was 21.. I was very slow to trust her and let her back into my life. She definitely had to prove to me that she was dead serious about being sober and it took a loooong time. But she did.. and we are very close now. I'm sorry for your pain. I can only imagine how hard it must be to deal and to hope and be patient..

                        JKM, I agree, it's so nice to have so many people checking in and sharing. Good question regarding hobbies.. I'm slowly finding some of my interests again. In the beginning I thought I might die of boredom.. couldn't think of what to do with my time. Reading mysteries and watching series took up a lot of my time the first couple of weeks.. also reading good blogs..I love hip sobriety (How To Build A Sobriety Toolbox. (+ 27 Tools.) — HIP SOBRIETY) and read everything she wrote.. Lately I've been learning Spanish, rekindling my love of photography, diving deeper into fermentation..exercise..

                        Welcome back, DD! Very happy to see you here. I hope you'll check in often and get yourself right back on track..

                        J-vo, I hope you'll have a better day today.. :hug:

                        Pav and Ava, thank you so much for the look into the future.. It does get frustrating sometimes with the ups and downs and wishing it would just be easy. Of course it takes time to build a meaningful AF life.. with years of drinking instead of doing other things (at least 5 hours a day wasted!) it just takes time to figure out how to live again. But it DOES happen. And I really appreciate you both sticking around to show us how it can be.. You, too, Byrdie and Lav.. Thank you!

                        G-Man!! Great work on 60 days.. you're sounding so strong and chilled and wise and I'm very happy for you..hope you'll do something nice for yourself today!

                        ok everyone.. off to enjoy my "mental health" day! This was my first stop.. and to be honest, I might just hang out at MWO all day..:happy2:


                          Good morning,
                          Up earlier than I should. Couldn't sleep because thinking too much.

                          Cowboy, thank you for sharing with us. That's heartbreaking, but a tough lesson about the evils of booze. Hugs to you.

                          My tool was to go to bed early last night. I know it's like escaping reality, like I did with drinking but it was the safest thing for me to do. I'm going through some really hard stuff lately. My beautiful mom passed away three weeks ago. She had ALS, a nasty and ugly disease. She was diagnosed only last year, and it was a fast decline. So I'm grieving for her. I miss her so much. My dad has been staying at my house since she passed. I'm glad my sisters and I can be here for him. He will be going to his house in Florida next month, and I'll be going with him for a bit to help him open the house and get situated. I've had so many emotional days, crying lots. But I know that I must not drink anymore. I can't if I want to live. It's not an option for me anymore. I'm probably in that stage 3 you were talking about, Byrdie where physical complications begin. My son is now in college and I think to myself that if I continue to drink, I won't even see him through his freshman year. It's a scary thought. I miss him, too. So much, but he seems to have gotten acclimated to college life well. So lots has changed for me in a few months. I need to get stronger, especially now, and I can't do that if I drink. I will keep coming back for support. Thanks for listening.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Jvo, so sorry to hear your about your mom. You rock on and get yourself to where you want to be my friend. Do what you have to do. We are here.

                            All the best tomorrow for your son Ava. Take care of yourself buddy.

                            How r things LC?

                            Take it easy out there y'all.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Originally posted by Guitarista View Post

                              Day 60. Where's me trophy?! :sohappy:
                              Here it is, G!!! :two: WELL DONE! We are so proud of you! Rock on!

                              Off to a busy is Wednesday, right? That's what my pill box said! Eheheheheh, Hope everyone has an easy day!
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Cowboy, I'm saddened by the situation with your daughter, how painful, indeed. Wishing you the best.
                                Congrats on 60 days G-man, ride that llama! llama.gif
                                Thanks for the wisdom Pav, Ava.
                                Good link LC, Thanks.
                                Sorry of your daughter's foot Lav, painful.
                                Can you pass the Velcro, DD and J-vo, I need some.
                                Someone once told me one good thing about hitting rock bottom, it may have been Cowboy, it's a good solid foundation on which to build.

