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    Hi Nesties. Loooooong week here. I'll admit I'm in a touchy head space right now. Gosh a part of me wants to realx and escape. I was "on" all week, and evenings too with parent conferences, client meetings, helping kids who couldn't sleep. I desperately want to be "off". So, knowing that alcohol is not an option, I'm considering what I CAN do to chill out! There's always another way.

    DD I'm thinking about you :hug:

    G, happy 60+ to us indeed! Keep up the positivity friend!!

    Byrdie, I'll bet you are THRILLED it's Friday. And that there aren't any hurricanes in the forecast.

    There's more to say but I'm too tired. I need dinner and hugs from my kids, and a loooooooong sleep. I am not a drinker.

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Ava, I'm taking your advice.:thumbsup: I can escape for sure, and I will.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        DD, Im so sorry to hear your news. I know one thing, AL will only add to the misery. We are thinking of you and wishing you strength. Much love.
        Kensho, a bubble bath does wonders for me. Ice cream, too. Relaxing hugs to you.
        Jvo, I want a full report on the wedding cake!! Hope you have unexpected fun!
        Stay safe tonight, all, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Good evening Nesters,

          Boy am I ever tired tonight as well. Looks like we have all had a pretty full week, one way or the other!

          DD, I am very sorry to hear your news. Do you have a treatment plan in place yet? We are all with you in spirit, please remember that :hug:

          j-vo, I hope you can rest yourself this weekend even with having to go to a wedding. Don't let that upend the progress you he made, OK?

          Ava, the last thing I need is someone throwing an episode of the past in my face
          That stuff has absolutely nothing to do with today does it? I'm not too shy to counter attack with a story about something stupid they have done, ha ha!!

          Byrdie, geez! Sounds like you could have a really big job there. Is there some sort of formula you use per square foot or something?? Good luck!

          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe & restful night in the nest for all since most of us seem pretty tired

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            hello Lovely Nesters,
            I also had a very exhausting and stressful week and have a fever blister to show for it! ughh. But now it's Saturday and I'm feeling ok and even though I have a house full of kids I'm relaxing and fortunately they're playing along!

            J-vo and Ava, I'm the same. I have to be in a very special sort of mood to want to socialize at such events. Recently I had to go to a Bat MItzvah where everyone was having such a great time, and do as I may, I just couldn't get into it. I felt out of place and lonely.. but then at some point, I did as Ava suggested and went outside and got calm. I thought to myself that what is important is that I try to be ok and comfortable in my own skin. It doesn't matter what everyone thinks of me (they're probably not thinking of me anyway) and it worked. Another thing I do when I'm feeling anti-social but have to go somewhere, is to make the decision to just be a listener.. to ask people questions, get involved with what they're doing/interested in.. taking the attention away from myself.

            Lav, I'm glad you're daughter is doing well after the surgery!
            Ava, did you hear anything back yet about your son?

            DD, I'm very sorry to hear that the cancer is back.. like the others have said, and as you already know, drinking can only make it worse. Please continue to let us know how you are. Hugs to you from far away..

            Big hugs to everyone stopping by today..G-man, Kensho, Pav, Byrdie, Justme, Mr. V, Okoren, JKM (how are you today?), Wagmor, Eloise, NS, I'm trying to improve my memory by not looking back, but I've probably forgotten someone.. hugs to you, too!!! I'm loving everyone in the Nest for continuing to be here, sharing the ups and downs..providing a safe place for all of us to come to, regardless of how we're feeling..:love:
            Last edited by lifechange; October 15, 2016, 03:14 AM.


              LC, that's great advice. Thank you. It won't be hard for me to escape when I need to do so. It's going to be a beautiful day and I can easily slip outside when I need or want to.

              Saturday morning here, and hubby is picking up son at college now. He'll be home until monday as he has a few days off. So grateful he can come home when he wants to. He's doing really well, and I'm also grateful for that. It was hard for him at first, but he's feeling more comfortable.

              I'm grateful for my clear head this morning in addition to not having to get up at 5. Makes a huge difference.

              One thing about weddings or anywhere there is dancing. I never needed a buzz to dance. At our 8th grade dances, I dance more than the kids do. Yes, they make fun of me which is awesome. So, I'm going to let loose on the dance floor a bit, as I haven't danced in awhile.

              I'll give you a report on the wedding cake, Brydie!!

              Have a good Sat. All.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                One more thing...I've been reading the "Relapse in Retrospect" thread. It's an excellent resource and great info. Any newbies, check it out.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Originally posted by Darkest Diamonds View Post
                  It has come back
                  DD - I'm so sorry to hear this. No words...huge empathy. Thinking of you :hug:


                    Originally posted by j-vo View Post
                    One more thing...I've been reading the "Relapse in Retrospect" thread. It's an excellent resource and great info. Any newbies, check it out.
                    Thanks for sharing this thread jvo - I wasn't aware of it but will check it out! Sending you strength as you navigate the wedding etc today - do what you have to in order to take care of YOU


                      Good afternoon, Nesters!
                      The Relapse in Retrospect thread is a wonderful resource if a person is considering what will happen if we test the waters. You will see time after time that the very same result takes place when AL is reintroduced, no matter the quantity. Seeing is believing, and Ive seen it. Heck, Ive done it.
                      A beautiful day here, much different than last week this time. Wishing everyone a happy day! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        So it sounds like it's a very simple truth that if you don't like how much you are drinking, you need to stop completely. Because there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of success with people going backward and somehow drinking to an acceptable level. If it's unacceptable now, you've crossed the line and need to stop. That's a helpful bit of info to remember!

                        We had a nice evening listening to bluegrass music in a small and quite beautiful venue last night. We are all SO tired, but it was relaxing. As I sat outside with the kids (so they could fall asleep on a blanket), and watched people, I looked at everyone from a different perspective. What if people who had never been around alcohol visited our world and watched an event like this? They would wonder, "What is these cups of stuff that people are clinging to and carrying everywhere? Why can't they just enjoy the music and enjoy each other?" I think that had our culture not made drinking super acceptable, more people would realize that its sort of silly.

                        Anyway, I'm actually sitting on the couch today, finishing my daughter's crocheted hat. I'm so darn tired. We are all fighting a cold-like bug, and just had a doozy week. So I'm vegging out, and it is exactly what I need. Tonight, I'm attending a music event my dad invited me to - just he and I. I don't spend enough time with my parents. When it's all of us, the kids are too much of a distraction to have quality conversations, so it's really nice to have some special time just us. I feel like it's only down hill from here as to how much quality time I will have with my parents, and I really want to have relationships with them.

                        Happy Saturday - here's to music, SLEEP, and quality time with those we love. :heartbeat:

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Hi nesters near and not so far,

                          Nice posts above y'all. Sunday morning here and gr8 to be sober! Melbourne marathon here today. I went yesterday to sign up for the 10k but it was sold out. Oh well, i was a little late. No probs. There are a few big community runs coming up, one i'll be in is the 'city to sea' which is a 14k in movember. Off for a run soon near the marathon course. Might be able to mingle in and score a free snack and a drink. Very windy out, so better add some extra strength rubber cement from the hardware store to the scone so i don't lose yet another expensive toupe from France.

                          Take it easy.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Good evening Nesters!

                            We had a beautiful fall type day here in Lav-land
                            No storms to worry about or prepare for like last weekend, right Byrdie?
                            Best of all, my hair is still on G, ha ha!!!

                            Kensho, I hope you & your crew are feeling better soon.

                            Wishing everyone a safe & quiet night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Kensho, that's great you can spend quality time with your dad. Yes, you never know how much time you have, so keeping those relationships alive is so important.

                              G, you sound awesome.

                              Just got home from the wedding. Loooooong day. It was a small wedding, married in a gazebo on a beautiful day. The reception was nice with a jazz band, but not music I would dance to. Had a few tears as I was sitting with dad waiting for the bride, and he said this is the first social event without your mom. Then I had tears when my aunt, mom's sister pulled dad to dance with her. Everyone seemed to be drinking an enjoying the event. I was more of an observer, I guess. I felt like I was on the outside looking in. I socialized a bit with some cousins, and snuck out to smoke several times. I ate like there was no tomorrow. So, I guess that's all I can say about this evening. Byrdie, the cake was the most plain wedding cake, two tiers, no decorations except for some flowers around it . The cookies, outstanding. Oh, I was the designated driver - drove Dad, sister, BIL, and hubby home from across town. That was kinda cool.

                              Night all.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Good morning,
                                I slept like I haven't in a long time. I feel so rested and ready to spend the day with my husband and son. Grateful for this beautiful fall, unhung day.

                                There was a third time I cried last night. My cousin-in-law was the best man. He had a great speech. At the end of the speech, he mentioned my mom and dad being married for 53 years. Mom and Dad had been in the paper a few years back with their wedding picture and the headline "The Best is Yet to Come." He mentioned to the bride and groom that the best is yet to come for them. That had me teary.

                                Anyhow, I was talking to my cousin (girl) my mom's other sister's daughter. This other aunt passed away 16 years ago. She doesn't drink, and it was nice chatting with her. Well, she drinks about twice a year, she said because it bothers her stomach. She jokingly said it's not a moral decision but a physical one. Anyhow, she was telling me about a guy she used to date years back and had seen him recently. She broke up with him because he was a drunk. She'd seen him recently. She was surprised because she thought he'd be dead by now. He quit drinking after his mom passed. He promised his mom in heaven that he'd not be a drunken fool anymore. It's been 8 years for him. My cousin is single and now is beginning a relationship with him again.

                                Have a great day.
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

