Overit - Your decision to take care of yourself sounds like a great place to start. Your comments about being very co-dependent, not knowing who you are, etc - feeling that way must make this all more worrisome, frightening, and/or confusing. This might evolve into an amazing opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and to develop some new strengths. That is often not an easy process, but oh-so-worth-it! Just remember, you don't have to figure everything out all at once. Maintaining your quit is probably one of the very best gifts you can give yourself right now. Hang in there, and keep us posted as you see fit. There are lots of us folks on here willing to listen, offer suggestions, sympathize/empathize, and cheer you on. Keep going back to what you said and take care of YOU.
Pav - things must be rough when Kanye is a source of strength! Glad you were able to tap into the beat and ignore the words. It sounds like things have been skewed unfairly at work for awhile. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with that, but glad you found some inspiration for not taking sh@*! from anyone

LC - glad your downer of a day turned a brighter corner when you got home!
Byrdie - great point about how giving up Al is like losing a relationship. I never thought of it that way, but you're right! Yes, it does take time to adjust to life without our "friend" but with friends like that, who needs enemies
