Everyone sounds great. Hi to the newbies, and welcome to the nuthouse.
Today, it's been raining so I cleaned the house, baked cookies and a cake, and rented a few DVDs which the kids are now watching. I kind of hope tomorrow it's raining too, as I could do with a day at home.
My ex came round and was quite civil, but seems to be planning to go off and tour the country. It's really hard when someone is suffering from depression, because they become so self-focussed they don't stop to think that they might have any other responsibilities, eg the kids might want to see him more than once a year. However, in some ways it will be easier not having him around. I find it interesting that the kids, despite having seen some of my drinking, see me as the one to depend on and their dad as the nebulous undependable one. I have to be there for them, so need to get my act together.