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    Checking in with 600 days down. Haven't been on here for quite awhile but it's good to see some familiar names. Life is going fine, wit alcohol out of the picture I have some things that are doing better in my life and others I thought not drinking would fix but it turns it not drinking was the first step. Still, happier and healthier than ever, even recovering from a broken hand I am positive this is the strongest I have ever been, definitely look like I am in the best shape of my life and with my vanity it motivates me to not drink.

    I had a pretty stressful week. Someone close to me tried to end it all again. Aside from trying to help them get the help they need, I was really struggling. The last time that happened...I drank, it was my first quit on here. Dunno the amount of days I had, can't even remember, maybe a couple of weeks. It was long enough I realized the alcohol was not helping me with my feelings. This time the amount of grief I felt was epic. For about 5 days I just walked around in despair. I tried to confront them and tell them how hard this situation is for me. So here I am trying to tell the failed suicide attempt guy how painful seeing him like this is for me, the scene makes me laugh. Normally I would feel such immense guilt about having those feelings I would never tell them, especially in the situation they are in. Like obviously the last thing they should care about would be me in that moment. But you know what, I am entitled to my feelings, and maybe next time I won't have to do something like that towards them, but at least I got through it without drinking.

    My wife is also frustrated with me about this. She has been my outlet since I stopped drinking and I express my feelings toward her instead of suppressing them with alcohol. She can't tell anyone what I tell her, so she is in a tough position emotionally as well. Helping someone with mental illness is tough, and there is friendly fire abound. She told me to cut ties after I told her how I felt, and logically she is right but this is an emotional problem. We can choose how we react to situations, and I am determined to try to care less about the decision this person makes and try to put less stress on my wife.

    Your 1st emotional crisis without alcohol can be tough, my wife's miscarriage last year was my first big one, I would count this past week as my second. Thursday night, after arguing till 230am with this person, I stared a my liquor cabinet for a long time. I finally remembered I am gonna have another little one in a month and a half, and slammed the thing shut.

    Good luck all, see you at 700, or at the next crsis haha


      I just got on the case of a restaurant who took their best AF drink off the menu.... A ginger berry fizz, SO yum! Got them to make it for me anyway. My family seems to be getting used to me being a non- drinker, and that's nice.
      Last edited by KENSHO; October 29, 2016, 11:10 PM.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Evening nesters

        A lovely weekend with me, just relaxing and enjoying life without the stress of the past two weeks.

        Dutch, remember you do have feelings and keeping those feelings inside is not healthy and can lead us to relapse. Do what you are doing. wow the baby arrives soon, great news, let us know how things go.

        Andrea, i picked a quit date which was the 1/12/2013, gave myself 4 days to stop drinking. i was petrified, scared, terrified of what would happen but nothing but good happened after that. I lost my best friend (al) but at the end of the day he was the worst friend i have ever known. He did me no favours in my life and was trying to kill me. Now he is long gone out of my life and each day is wonderful.

        J, i am doing a drug and al and mental health course. There is no way i could have done this drinking but i also needed sober time to make the right decision of what to do. No hurry with me anymore though maybe i could be a tad more motivated to do my assessments.

        Take care x
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
          Andrea, thats an intersting strategy. I was just looking at the calender, Thanksgiving is 26 days away. In the life of an alcoholic, that is a long time....

          ...Tomorrow never comes for us when AL is still in charge...

          ...I found that I never drank harder than when I tried to limit myself...

          ...One drink just leads to another...
          Andrea, I've been thinking long and hard as to whether to say anything here and if so, what words to use. I once got told I was being too "pushy" with someone on here and that is NOT my intention, I really am trying to help.

          This is YOUR quit, YOUR decision and YOUR way of doing it, and I don't take anything away from that, but there will be many, if not most, people on here who will question your strategy.

          Fixing a day some weeks into the future MAY work for you and if that is your decision then we will support you all the way, however, you are now giving yourself carte-blanche to drink what you like in the meantime. Indeed, if you have told those close to you that this is your plan, then you have set yourself up with the perfect excuse for getting very drunk on any number of days between now and then.

          As Byrdie says, you may find that you will drink more in quantity and frequency as Thanksgiving approaches as you have got to "get it all in" before that date.

          My fear for you is that as Thanksgiving approaches you will excuse the day itself (which will be an incredibly difficult day, anyway, as so many people around you will be drinking!). You might then say that it will be the day after Thanksgiving.

          Then it will be Christmas, then New Year.............

          I used to work for a company where we had to go on various "motivational" courses. They weren't "my thing" really but I used to go in to them with the intention of getting 1 thing out of each course. The one I remember most was:-

          Procrastination is the Assassination of Motivation!

          At the end of the day, it is YOUR decision, Andrea, and I hope it works for you and whatever you do for your quit, stay with us here as we've all been there and done all these things, and we know what you're going through now. This is just intended to be friendly advice and not a lecture :hug:


            Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
            I just got on the case of a restaurant who took their best AF drink off the menu.... A ginger berry fizz, SO yum! Got them to make it for me anyway. My family seems to be getting used to me being a non- drinker, and that's nice.
            This got me thinking...As a recovering alcoholic who owns a restaurant I think I should be looking at this... At the moment we only offer the usual stuff: AF beer; AF wine; all the usual soft drinks. We don't offer anything like this. What's in it, Kensho, and does anyone else have a favourite AF drink - I could look at putting an AF card in the drinks menu ...


              Originally posted by Tonyniceday
              I could look at putting an AF card in the drinks menu ...
              Fantastic idea Tony! My doc when we dine out is plain old iced tea, but I'm sure there are other members with favourite mocktails.
              Last edited by abcowboy; October 30, 2016, 08:29 AM.
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Hi Nest

                Not feeling to good over here... I am on day 3 nicotine free. It is so hard!!!
                What upsets me most is when I think about getting in my car to just go and buy the damn cigs my mind adds AND SOME WINE...

                This is exactly what happened 5 years ago. I have quit both 4 months apart and when life pressured and I gave in, I grabbed both and ran with it.

                I am sick and tired of being an addict.
                Thankful for 6 months af.
                Don't want to have a heavy chest and stink of smoke anymore.

                I feel better each day. The last hour I just want to jump out of my skin!!

                Deep breaths! Deep breaths!
                I don't want to go through this again. And with my kids away, this is the best time to do it.

                I won't do it. I can't be an addict for 5 more years, nevermind 5 more days.
                It helps to type these thoughts out.
                Withdrawal sucks!!


                  AF drinks :

                  Tonic water
                  Ginger & lemon grass mix

                  Different teas


                    Good morning,

                    We raised over 10,000 for our dear friend yesterday. It was an amazing day to have our community come together for a man that has always been there for us. I was assigned to run the Chinese auction baskets and sign ups, tickets...Over the course of the day, I had so many people come up and hand over hundreds and hundreds of dollars and say I just want to donate to the family. It was amazing and people are so caring, kind, and giving. I did take a break as I'd promised myself, and got back to my post and continued to work. It was busy, but I loved it. One thing...there was a lot of beer as there were so many people. Some people started drinking early in the morning and continued. Some people had a beer here and there. Near the end, a guy I've known for a long time came over to us at the Chinese auction table to let us know that the third keg had been kicked. He wanted to get another one with a half hour of games left. The two woman running the whole show told him that they didn't think it was necessary. I know this guy has a drinking problem, and his red nose and face showed such disappointment when they said that. He said that maybe he'll have someone go out and get a few cases of beer. Just an observation. The disappointment would have my on my face had I been in the throes of this addiction. I know what he was feeling at that point. I felt bad for him, empathetic.

                    Lav, that sounds like a great business. How do you sell your product? Is it something I can look at?

                    Ava, good for you. I'm sure you're learning lots and it has to be another good tool to stay away from the devil Al. Last week, a boy that graduated from HS with my boy overdosed on heroin. It's so sad, but it's even more sad that I hear about these overdoses all the time.

                    Andrea, there's been so much good advice here, I'm sure I can't add anything better except to tell you that your plan would never work for me. If I'd drink to the quit date with a huge event the next day, I wouldn't think twice about drinking. It wouldn't matter to me, as I'd have zero sober time in. And what someone said, you'd tell yourself that I'll drink with everyone today, then I'll quit tomorrow...It never stops. This is addiction we're dealing with. It doesn't work the way we think it should or the way we want it to work. Strength to you as you make a plan for the next month.

                    Have a good Sunday. Son is home because of the fundraiser yesterday, and we're going shopping later to buy his GF a birthday present. :happy2:
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Good Sunday morning!
                      Tony and Jvo, you make such a good point, all we can go by on this addiction thing is to share what we have seen and experienced, it is a fine line between preachy and helpful. As addicts, we have very selective hearing. I know that is a common thread among us all. This addiction is extremely strong and cunning. I tried to take a soft approach to it. I tried that many times without success, I finally knew that I had to do what everyone else had been telling me worked for them (and had chosen to not do) and it worked. Nowadays, the shortest and least painful path is the one I plan to take!

                      I have a post about Thanksgiving that I will go fish out, reminded me, let me go find it.
                      Happy Sunday, all! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Here it is:

                        Byrdie: "Belle...when you hear me refering to going down the rabbit hole...I am talking about the thoughts that make you want to drink. One thought leads to another, until finally, thoughts are actions and you are sucked in. I noticed it when you mentioned that your 30 days would be up the day before Thanksgiving...and that a glass of wine with the meal would be grand. This will get you in the hole in a hurry....Take the wine off the table (figuratively and literally) and you will be glad you did. It puts you in a state of turmoil.

                        You want Peace, right? Let us go down the rabbit hole together...shall we? There's the family....all gathered, giving thanks. That one glass of wine in front of you. What are you thankful for? blah, blah, blah.....and it goes around.

                        Before you know it the solitary glass of wine is gone. Someone pours you another....(oh you shouldn't, but it IS Thanksgiving, after all). If you are able to stop at 2 you are a better person than I am. I would dare to say that even if you didn't have any more....the next day you'd feel the GSR brothers...(Guilt/Shame/Remorse). And alas...this is FRIDAY....the best drinking day of the week! And a day off from work...I bet you go to the store and get some of your old favorites...

                        Then it's the weekend...and then you've blown it totally and why not drink... everyone else is??? The whole holiday thing sucks...all this wine around, why shouldn't I be able to drink like everyone else?

                        The next thing you know, the holidays have come and gone...and you don't even know where they went. (the line that spoke to me...)

                        You find yourself feeling anxious, alone and depressed....because here you are right back where you started....Day Freakin 1. If you are me, it's was this point I didn't care if I lived or died...everything I had worked for had gone to hell in a basket.

                        BUT, let us back up for a second, and relive this whole thing of my rabbit hole theory. Your 30 day anniversary is celebrated by your friends in the nest! And day 31 is Thanksgiving. You wake up with a clear head and are able to enjoy your food and the people. You are sober now, you don't drink. You don't so much RESIST the drink as you do REFUSE actually remember the day (what people said) and you are FREE of the demon that wants so badly to live in you. The next day you feel like you've won a victory!! YOU HAVE DONE IT! You've gotten thru your first Turkey Day without AL! On to day 32, and girl I'll tell you, no drink tastes better than being sober feels.

                        By Christmas, instead of being a blurry mess, you will be in control!! No guilt! No Shame! No Remorse! You will never regret being sober. You know how the story ends...make it happen!!! When you feel your thoughts going there....tell yourself NO! HELL NO! And recite the Pledge of Allegience, or name the 7 Dwarfs or whether it's Dwarfs or anything you have to do to get that thought out of your head. Don't go down the rabbit hole. I've been there and trust me, there's no good to be had down there. Keep your quit no matter what or no matter who!!! I'll be perched up on your shoulder and I will knock you up side the head if you think of having a glass of wine!!! Deal??? Love you all!! Byrdie"__________________
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Nice post and lovely cookies Byrdie Tony,my favorite AF drinks are hot chocolate and fancy flavored coffees, maybe those could be a cool edition to your menu,everyone sounds great, Justme,congrats on kicking the smokes,I've been trying to quit for awhile now and it's a pain, hope everyone enjoys their day
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Good afternoon Nesters,

                            It's an odd 80 degrees here the day before Halloween. Global warming??

                            Justme, quitting smoking was much, much harder for me, I feel you pain
                            I think it all boiled down to the fact that I was a smoker much longer than I was a problem drinker. I had quit smoking many times but never stayed quit. This last time I took the advice of using a nicotine replacement product until I was truly able to disconnect myself from the smokes. I think the lozenges really helped me. Hang in there, those first few days are the toughest.

                            Dutch, nice to see you & congrats on your AF time.
                            I have to agree with you, dealing with someone else's mental health problems is rough. We really have to emotionally distance ourselves to stay grounded. Looking forward to hearing about the new baby.

                            My fav AF drink is good old unsweetened iced tea. Lemon is OK, ha ha.

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful Halloween eve.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Wow everyone seems to be having a busy productive weekend. On Day 4 and still feel like a bag sh*t.

                              I didn't post yesterday as I attended a class and to be honest my brain was like putty after.

                              Just me good on the trying to quit smoking, I personally need to do that too. Just got the Allan Carr book out of storage not sure when I will be ready.

                              Andrea your reasoning to set a quit date resonates with me because that is what effectively I did. I set my date to be in the middle of week and have no major obligations. There was a VERY big flaw in my plan, I had AL in the house and figured well I can't quit if it's staring me in the face so I drank it all it took me 2 days not sure if it was days or nights as when I passed out and woke up again I just started again. When I cleaned up the bottles on Day 2 (16 wine bottles, 40oz vodka, 26oz vodka, Mickey vodka) I'm pretty sure I was using the wine as my mix in the vodka. My AL mind couldn't just dump the bottles or give them away (much more rational today) So today I still feel like slug bait, brain not functioning, stomach hates me, lips chapped, sticky tongue, heartbeat still a bit fast but I'm on my way to my forever quit. Would I have done it this way if I knew I could have done it so much easier not a chance. Please use the advice of everyone I wish I would have came on here and asked.

                              Tony, I personally like th apple juice in a wine glass, Virgin see breezes.

                              Have a good day everyone.


                                Hi, Nest. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I did a ton of yardwork yesterday and my hands hurt too much to type . I've posted my thoughts on day one here:

