Great that it is Tuesday - my kids are coming the weekend, so the week needs to fly!
Thank you guys for the support on me quitting the smokes. Really appreciate it.
We don't really have Halloween here, but the youngsters are picking up on it and some restaurants/clubs have parties with the Halloween theme. No trick or treating in South Africa - you might get shot!

G-man - I am not good with meditation, but have attended courses where I was so far away that when he said " you are coming back, earth is pulling you closer again", I nearly smashed my head on the floor! It can do a lot for your soul and help with focus. When alone at home I don't reach/ enter that level. There is something where you lie on the floor and shake (forgot name). They observed children in war areas. They shake uncontrollably and process the events, but adults don't shake and later develop PTSD. I find that easier and feels destressed afterwards. Should make a priority to do it!
J-vo - I love coffee too! Need about 3 cups before I can start my day. Now sober I need less and less. But it tastes great! Consider decaf for a while. Know it is less healthy, but it can help you throuh this time? I am still big on the chocolates. My pants are uncomfortable, but going to do it till that phase is over.
Pav - Feel for you and needing more sunshine. We are luckily entering summer now and my mood is much better. Winter can be horrible. I want to place a couple of skylights in my place to maximise the amount of sunlight. Hope your work shedule slows down.
On that note - I am very anti- work these days. The past couple of months got the better of me. Instead of working harder and longer hours for more money, why not cut costs and live simpler? I have reversed all my previous ideas. I want yo fix up my place. Convert the garage to a bedroom for my son. It can take up to two years while kids live with their dad and I get healthy. Then I would like for them to come live with me and homeschool while I have only one job. A halfday job

Lav - I did go down to the pharmacy and bought some nocotine gum. Feel much more in my skin. Will be chewing away till I get tired of chewing. And then stop that.
One day at a time.