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    Day 25 and all is well. Except for the election.
    I am still reeling from it

    Ann C


      Morning Nest!

      It is Friday!
      Little bit of work, then a solid, sober weekend.
      Time to get to do the things I didn't get round to in the drinking years.
      Cleaning and organizing is so rewarding at this stage.

      Have a good one!


        Hello all.
        I am Home in Dublin for holiday, I am embracing my sobriety like never before,being more aware of my surroundings and taken the ever so positive vibes that surround us all.

        There is a way out of this addiction and one of the doors out is right here. Have a good day folks.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Mario, you're one of the huge success stories here. Thanks for showing us that it can be done. Getting through the early days and months is hard. Encouragement from the long-timers makes a huge difference when we don't think it's gonna pan out for us. Sometimes i think I'm just not as strong as the one's that make it. They have something that I don't. But I have to believe in what you all say. It can and will happen if I use the tools that are right here.

          I don't have to be at work until 11:30 so I slept until almost 7:30. Parent/teacher conferences...not my favorite kind of day, but it will be a sober day. Have a good one all.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Mario it is so good to have you back. You were the first person to welcome me here 6 years ago.
            So happy for Mr G and J-vo on your milestones.
            Woke up today not feeling or looking great.......wonderful what a pair of straighteners and make-up can do! Had I been hungover I would have stayed in that state all day.
            Went swimming again yesterday but found myself flagging at 40 lengths.....had to pull myself through the last 10. I have to be careful not to take on too much and burn out. So a day off son and his heavily pregnant partner are coming home for the night and my wee granddaughter is coming to visit. They moved out a month ago.
            This wee baby has given me a new lease of life....I did not know that having a grandchild would be as great as this.....she lights up and her smiles burst out of her like she has no control over her happiness.......
            Have a great day all!
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Thanks everyone for welcoming me. I am now on day two, and the thought of al repulses me. Of course, I know that will change; however I really believe that I'm ready to stop drinking forever. I've been reading everything that I can in the toolbox and on this site. I plan to visit every day (at least once). I appreciate everyone's encouragement, and will take all the advice I can get. You are all inspirations!
              Hope :h


                Good Morning Nest!
                I'm so happy to wake up sober again! I had bad dreams last night, but not about drinking. They were more about things happening out of my control. I dreamt that I spoke up loudly for a patient, and got in trouble for it. Dreams man, I learn so much from them!
                G-man, you really worked through those feelings so well! You rock!
                Daisy, you are doing swimmingly!! (Hehe) I also have been very interested in swimming but haven't quite made it to the pool yet. I have a swim instructor willing to work with me and I just have to make a schedule that works.
                SoberMom, I know exactly how you feel my friend. I have been back and forth too much waiting for a bottom that never comes. I'm afraid my bottom would be death or an institution so I can't keep "researching" any more about moderating. (By researching I mean drinking).
                I remember coming here years ago and thinking I had it bad then. If only I had stopped then! Instead, I started and stopped, started and stopped, and insidiously became progressively worse.
                I decided to do whatever it takes.
                Today I have 7 days again. last week I had 7 days and I was experiencing HALT symptoms and quickly acted on my desire for a drink rather than recognizing and correcting.
                It was not a good night.
                I made some more changes to my own tool box and I'm back to fight again.
                I'm relieved it's over. I never have to feel that way again.
                And I will post here every day because it does keep me focused and centered. To be with you guys.
                Have a good day! And Happy Veteran's Day to all our Vets!
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Ah, here's Friday. We in the US can agree that there's some hard stuff going on right now. And it feels very strange, very uncomfortable. I've decided to focus on all the positive things I can find. First thing: I am 92 days sober. And I feel clear and self-sustained and grateful for every moment that is real and not clouded by the false realities of alcohol.

                  HopefulMom, Sobermom, Nursie. No need to search for a bottom. The bottom is the point when you say enough is enough. I took the advice of those here and didn't wait a few more years until I began to lose relationships, jobs, respect, or have serious health concerns. I know I was headed down that path. It doesn't matter exactly where your "bottom" is - just that you decide to start reaching up toward your top. And the further away you get from where you started, the more you realize just how low you were. We alcohol addicts are professional rationalizers. It is amazing how I was living and what I was allowing while being chained to alcohol. I'm so glad I'm chained only to my self-respect now. You can do this!! I am a mom too - and my kids are receiving the care and attention they need now. I always loved them - but now I am capable and able to show them in ways that they need.

                  We are headed to a bluegrass concert again tonight - the last in a series - and with good friends. I'm so excited for the healing vibes of music I love. The truth is that I need it.

                  Much love to you all out there who want to know if your life will actually be better without alcohol - the answer is that you will - without a doubt never want to look back once you see how great it is. It takes work to get there, but once you do, you will not regret a single bit of the effort and bravery you put forth. Go get it friends!

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Hi All, I've been visiting this site for some time, stringing a few days together, but never quitting for good. I keep putting it off, but drinking has such a negative effect on my life & those around me, I really need to make a permanent change.

                    Hopeful Mom, I can relate - it is scary. I'm tired of waking up feeling terrible, the fear & panic of not to remembering exactly what happened the night before & hiding bottles. I haven't had a DUI, but have certainly deserved it.

                    On day 3 & not feeling so great, but hopeful that I can pull through.


                      Morning nesters

                      Well its so nice to feel human again, starting to warm up here also which makes for happier days. nearly 5 months of winter doesnt make for a happy soul.

                      J, i never thought i could be one of those long timers, i always thought they had something i didnt have and yes they did have something i didnt have at the time. It was the acceptance of knowing they cannot drink, always having a plan, avoiding places they were not comfortable with, saying NO and making their quit their number 1 and themselves number 1. The rest fell into place and there were hard days to get through but as long as i said NO then it was another day sober. Today i can go anywhere without a thought of al, i can also miss al and i can also want a glass but i know the consequences of that one drink.

                      Hopeful, great work on 2 days, each and every day is a good day if we dont drink.

                      Marathon, welcome back. The first week is the hardest but believe in yourself and believe that life just keeps getting better and better.

                      Take care x
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Welcome back, Marathon. You sound ready. There just comes a point where it is more trouble to keep up the charade than to just face the music. I can tell ypu, this, I have never regretted my decision to quit. I deeply regret the decisions I made not to. Its not easy, but few things worthwhile are. But it is worth it. We are so glad you are back!
                        Nursie, around here, 7 days gets you a prize! Here is your full moon from us!!
                        :butt: The worst is behind you! Keep up the great work!!!
                        Busy day here, so glad its Friday. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Getting chilly again but it probably won't last. Yes, global warming is messing with our weather patterns.

                          Welcome back Marathon! Great on your 3 AF days, keep the momentum going forward
                          Nursie, congrats on your AF week! It's a good feeling & it only gets better.
                          Ava, glad you are feeling better. Too much winter for you, huh? We are still waiting for ours to actually get started over here.

                          Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest. This IS the place to be

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Welcome Marathon. This is a great place to be.

                            Great posts as always, and thank you all.

                            I get up earlier so I can read and post here. It's the first thing I do in my day. It helps me to put my priorities in place for the day. I think this helps me to focus on my sober day ahead, and this is also a good time to be grateful that i have this day to be sober, to feel good, and to make the right choices as I go through my day.

                            PT conferences. Long day, but in between parents, I got some work done. Lots of colleagues went to the bar afterwards since it's Friday. I was debating on going and having an non-al drink all week. This morning while in the shower, I decided not to go. I don't think it's a good time in my quit, so early, only a little over 30 days. I don't want to feel cocky and overly confident, because I'm not confident right now, therefore, chose to tell someone a little white lie about why I couldn't go. Little white lies are fine, as I'm protecting myself.

                            Have a good night.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Good Saturday Morning!

                              Yes, waking up with a clear head is an amazing feeling for an alcoholic .

                              Nursie - congrats on your first week! :thumbsup:

                              HM & Marathon - welcome! It takes some time with al to go from "I think I have a problem." to "I know I can't drink."
                              I see the moderation stage as one of the last acts before the alcoholic realizes (for themselves) that they simply cannot drink. The key really is acceptance.
                              Glad you are here!

                              Ava - good to hear you are feeling better. You had a rough time. And thank you for sharing it - it made me think.

                              J-vo - we can only listen to that little voice inside us for guidance. Should we go to a social or not? You did the right thing.

                              I am contemplating what to do with my kids upcoming birthdays. Two days apart in early December. Their dad has a large family and friends group. So, its this BIG thing.
                              30, 40, 50 people at a party is the right amount of buzz for them.
                              I am a hermit. One on one. Silence. Simple.

                              The hermit doesn't want to go. The part of me recovering wants to go for my children's sake. Fuck all the other adults I don't like. We all already know how we feel about each other. No real reason to chat. I could take millions of photos, sort the cup cakes. Eat. Observe others. Log in to the Nest...
                              Still unsure, but my desire to be there for my children is strong. Think I will go in the end.

                              Kensho, Byrd, Lav - enjoy your weekends.

                              Till tonight.


                                Good morning everyone:-)

                                I wouldn't have got clean n sober unless someone took there valuable time from there own lives to help and guide me along,To show me my failings and to help me up when I stumbled,it's lovely to be in a position to try and pass that on,and hopefully I will get more comfortable and confidence in posting here to share what I went through and came out the other side stronger than I have ever being in my life.

                                Hope you all have a great positive day, There is a way out , There is a better life here, let's all move on together and kick this addiction ass.

                                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

