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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning everyone,

    I have seen so many people mention this Thread in other ones I just had to come over and check it out! I am fairly new here but seem to be on track and doing fine. Never felt better!

    I am currently in a move from Nanaimo, BC back home to Saskatchewan. With a few stops and visits along the way! Gonna miss the west coast but will be glad to get back to where the real work is!

    Anyways thats all for now!


      Newbies Nest

      Hello and a great Sunday to each one of you! For the first time in years, we went to Church this morning and it was awesome! Sermon about obedience and it went right along with my desire to stay sober! Today is a beautiful day in Mississippi, where the tornados came through this weekend with much devastation and loss of life. We only saw heavy rain here, praise the Lord, but know people who lost everything! Life is so precious and so fragile, we need to make every day special and tell our loved ones how much we love them and make our lives meaningful by helping and loving others! We never know when our time is up and we are going to meet the Lord! I want to be ready and I certainly want to be sober when that time comes! I hope everyone has a GREAT day! I love you all, Vicki
      I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
      but I'm sure not who I used to be!

      There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



        Newbies Nest

        Glad to know you are safe Vicki...we have been worrying about you. Did hubs go to church with you?
        I get emails from the and it is amazing how timely some of the messages can be
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          :new: :hallo:
          Hi to you all...I would just like to say thank you all for being such an inspiration!! I was about to finish off a couple of beers (just because they are there) and then go off to bed, but I decided against it and made myself a cup of Horlicks instead (which I thoroughly enjoyed). Tomorrow is going to be the start of day 1 AF for me and I know that I am going to be spending A LOT of time on here. I have been a reading member of MWO for a couple of months now, but have continued to drink (not like I have done in the past, but nevertheless have still drunk). I am hoping that I can be stronger than I have been in the past and that I CAN BEAT THIS THING!!!!
          Thanks everyone....
          I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


            Newbies Nest


            Contrite here! Annoyed,disapointed and more..calling self all manner of names (but I know that doesn't help)!

            But I'm ok..drank lots of water and hit the sack early (about 8pm) before hubby got home, so no chance of a fight..cause he was VERY merry!

            But I will say that as I lay in bed, not sober...but serious, I had a bit of an epiphany.....

            I have been so busy bemoaning this that and the other, blaming self,hubby etc..that I felt all the negativity like a yucky toxic black oil bubbling inside and the more I talk about it,and vent and get annoyed and self-pitying..the worse it gets!

            And then all of a sudden I just realised that it's me...I can choose not to be a miserable sad-sack, I can choose to turn it all the alcohol is just adding to the black oil and making it even more toxic and slowly killing me! I can choose....I'm not a victim..I'm master of my own destiny and manufacturer of my future.

            I know this probably sounds like I am drunk (LOL) but I assure you I'm not! In fact I had a beautiful sleep last night..almost like a massive weight has lifted off me and I know what I have to do...its me,me,me,me.....little me, I control it, not the other way around!

            All of a sudden I just want to hug my hubby, cuddle my kids and soak up this good feeling! Oddly enough I had a dream last night that I won a big prize..not sure how exactly,(wouldn't that be great) and it was like a reward or something. I don't know what dreams mean, but I think maybe this was a good maybe this 'mindset' is the way to go.

            I know that these things can change, life is change, but I feel that something within has turned a corner..I can't say why or how,but I've felt restless and unsettled for awhile now..and now I feel.....content!

            Sorry for the massive post! Thanks for your concern everyone, I have rambled on too much, but am grateful that I can do so in a safe place!


              Newbies Nest


              I'M BACK!

              My cyber stalker has gone, disappeared, left the building - so I can be me again. I never quite felt like me as Nemed so I have decided to return to "Hippy Chick". With so much going on over the last few weeks, I decided to confront the cyber stalker and have it out. Amazing what happens when I actually say what I want! Such a new way of doing things for me. AL was my voice before but have found mine instead. And I think I like mine better.

              I havent been on for a few days and havent caught up on the posts, so will go back now and read all and catchya later. Just wanted to let you all know cause I'm so excited to be me!

              Hippy (again)

              AKA Nemed
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Chook, I loved your message. It is so easy to sink into the "pity party" isn't it....where someone did this, someone did that and on and on it plays in our heads....bla bla bla....drives me nuts too. I have to constantly be on the lookout for when this "PP" enters my head.....cause along with it also comes the other voice giving all the reasons I should have a drink.....NOT! So I enjoyed your post and thanks for sharing.
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all,

                  Chook - great to hear that you had an epiphany and realise the importance of positive self-talk!! It does make a huge difference to your outlook to life.. I too for so long played "victim", without realising the power you have within yourself..
                  Welcome back Hippy Chick! even though i've been chatting to you as Nemed, its good that you have your original name back, and congrats on beating the cyber stalker.. coward!!
                  I am back in the nest, I fell off my twig well and truly.. now I need to fasten my seat belt again and some super-strong velcro to keep myself from falling off again..
                  Working today, and am going to use the tool box thread to help me on my journey..
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    Now I have caught up on all the going's on's...

                    Wow Chook! Your post was so amazing. You speak so much sense. You are so right - we can choose not to feel that way. It is a choice. I think indirectly you have won, not money, but clarity and hope. I like the description of negativity as yukky toxic black oil bubbling inside. Thanks for posting that.

                    Pap - I like your idea of writing down the things you are grateful for. I tend to forget to think about the little things I have but when I hear about what some people dont have, I need to remember exactly what my life is like and how lucky I am.
                    Mama - TOO MUCH INFORMATION - LOL.
                    SofBS - I like what you said about focussing too much on others. I do that far too much and need to be constantly reminded not to.
                    Tranqanova - hahaha, love your new name.... I did notice that little word "love" sneak into your post... woohoo, Go for it! We get Hallmark here in Oz. We even have a dedicated channel on pay TV for Hallmark movies. When I want some mind numbing mush, I will watch one occassionally but cant handle too much of it.
                    Sunshine - you do make me laugh. I must go and look for the swirls on my head just like your dual personality horse! Have to admit though that since I have dumped the AL the dual personality has quietened.....
                    Sophie - welcome back. So glad to hear from you. Hope you get the internet sorted soon. I am having similar problems as my computer died and have to borrow one when I can.
                    Busted and Liverbirdy - welcome, glad you found us. Liver you can beat this, it's not easy but anything worth having is worth the fight. Read the book, take the supps, listen to the CD's and visit us often. It does work if you are willing to put yourself out and do some hard work.

                    Well gotta take my kitty to the vet to get sewn up. She was in a fight last night and her wound from two weeks ago that was just healing up nicely was ripped open again. She had an abcess that burst and was just about all better then that nasty tom from next door got her on the front door step just as I was about to let her in. Going to make a cat hat out of that tom!!

                    Take care and just have to tell you once more how excited I am to be back. It was more than just a name.....


                    Looks like I need to change my avatar!
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hip, so good to 'see' the real you again!! You sound really great. Long time no al? Oh, just Fen know abut that Tom - he'll take care of it

                      Welcome Liverb, Sophie, Busted hope you all stick around and join us. Sobs, Day by Day, don't think I've said hello before.

                      Chook, thanks for that post. Just what I needed this morning. Been having a bit of a pity party. For me I have to change quite a lot about myself if I am to succeed in the sober lifestyle. Not really sure how to go about that but if I don't work on myself I will just fall back into the same old same old al routine using it to numb myself!! I'm just getting around to working this out!!!! Got to change more than what's in my glass thats for sure.

                      KatieB, I am using all my butt velcroe at the moment but there's bound to be more around somewhere. We're both on day 2?

                      Lav so good to see you around a bit. Think of you lots and hope you are doing OK.

                      Hope everyone is having a good day/night.
                      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Glad to see the fallen nestlings have returned & are safely installed in the nest again

                        Hey Tranqanova - sounds like you had a very good weekend! Hope you don't get so happy you forget your VP duties ~ just kidding

                        Mazzie & Sophie, good to see you too!

                        Welcome to our newest newbies, make yourselves comfy! Plenty of nest belts available!

                        Hippy Chick, so glad to see you back as yourself! Good for you!!!

                        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nite Nite All
                          I am watching the Hallmark movie about the founder of AA....just came on
                          glad to hear everyone survived the weekend...Paps and I were wondering where you all were.....
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Busted and Liverbirdy! Welcome to our humble home high up in the trees! Grab yourselves a twig and buckle down! It's quite a ride, you know?!

                            Chook.. love your epiphany! And, very true. I agree... your 'prize' may be this realization. Nearly the jackpot, if you ask me!

                            Oh, Hippie.. so nice to have the hip one back! Glad you faced your annoyer (is that a word? Well, it is now, I suppose) and he/she took the high road!

                            Mazzie... good to see you! And you're right... it is more than 'not drink' that has to change. I found that out myself. Not so easy, though, is it?

                            Hi Katie... you want more velcro, you say? ---> HERE ya go, sista! We can do this, you know? :l

                            Hello Lav, hope you had a lovely day!

                            Tranq - Ohhh... there are SO MANY name variations we can think up now!!!! Tranqalover, Tranqallivant, Gosh, if I wasn't so tired... :H

                            Hello Vickie and MamaBear.. hope your evening is a great one!

                            Yeppers, I was out riding again this afternoon and it was AWESOME! I cannot describe what this coach does or doesn't do that works so well and makes me feel SOOO good! I think she simply has the ability to assess horse and rider so spot on and work with what is there... I wish I could kidnap her and just keep her here! :H My boy did wonderfully today and although I was the only one who didn't have a dressage lesson, apparently I was the only one getting a true collected, stretched trot. Hah! How about that!? Sophie was still hobbling a bit this morning... however, trotted off once cut loose. :huh:

                            And now I should probably jump into the tub for a bit.. have that 'eau de horse' going on again

                            Have a splendid evening, you birdlings.. chirp at you in the morning.
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello All,

                              Just checking in. Have had a rather disappointing weekend. It's been a long weekend here in Australia, it's now Monday lunchtime and I'm still ill.

                              We went to friends on Friday night and I did not drink. We always just wander off and get our own drinks, so no-one knows whether you've got gin and tonic or just tonic.

                              We stayed there the night and at about midnight, I got sick with a stomach bug which I am still suffering from. I had so many plans for the weekend and it's passed me by.

                              I have been reading your posts all weekend but haven't been staying awake long enough to comment.

                              Spam xx


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi it's Bear (in the ) Wind here. Just newly checking out this sight, but certainly not new to the addict struggle.
                                I'm so tired..........

