Kensho - liked your post. It is interesting to watch people who drink and watch the effects of al set in during the evening. 2 things usually happens. 1) a feeling of gratefulness, because some people fell of the wagon and I am so glad its not me 2) they drink so little that I know if I were drinking I would have been the odd one out. More odd than not drinking at all!
Nursie - beautiful post! Can see that you feel and appreciate the benefits of an al free life. Wonderful that your family is calm and happy.
Byrd - great cake!! Wish you were here to help with my kids birthday cakes! Gonna try and do a good job.
We had an unexpected meeting yesterday. Our gathering area is so small only 4 fit in comfortably. Yesterday we were 6 and not all staff were there. It was such a relief to sit there squished up with zero worries. I could laugh at the ceo's jokes (very important

There is definitely phases in this sober journey. I feel it creeps up after it went great for a while and I press myself to do more and more. Then one day when I am tired, an al thought pops in my head. It helps to do the basics then. Eat my heart out, a long bath and proper sleep.
Lav - a boring life is a good life!

Right now I want a slow and simple life. A quiet one too. Its all I can handle sober for now.
Happy, sober, Thursday!