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    Hi Nesters

    Kensho - liked your post. It is interesting to watch people who drink and watch the effects of al set in during the evening. 2 things usually happens. 1) a feeling of gratefulness, because some people fell of the wagon and I am so glad its not me 2) they drink so little that I know if I were drinking I would have been the odd one out. More odd than not drinking at all!

    Nursie - beautiful post! Can see that you feel and appreciate the benefits of an al free life. Wonderful that your family is calm and happy.

    Byrd - great cake!! Wish you were here to help with my kids birthday cakes! Gonna try and do a good job.

    We had an unexpected meeting yesterday. Our gathering area is so small only 4 fit in comfortably. Yesterday we were 6 and not all staff were there. It was such a relief to sit there squished up with zero worries. I could laugh at the ceo's jokes (very important ) without worrying that I exhale a cloud of al.

    There is definitely phases in this sober journey. I feel it creeps up after it went great for a while and I press myself to do more and more. Then one day when I am tired, an al thought pops in my head. It helps to do the basics then. Eat my heart out, a long bath and proper sleep.

    Lav - a boring life is a good life! goes along with Mr G's question: what do I want?
    Right now I want a slow and simple life. A quiet one too. Its all I can handle sober for now.

    Happy, sober, Thursday!


      Hi all

      Starting day 12 & feeling positive. Thanks Ava, G, Pav, ABC, Byrdie, Lav, Mario & Justme for your positive words & push in the right direction ☺
      Pav, I hope your evening goes ok tonight with your in laws & will be thinking of you.

      J-Vo I think your managing really well & really hope you can look back on this time as a special memory when it is less painful.
      Nursie, I really enjoy reading your posts & hearing how happy you are being AF.
      S.Londoner - you've a great plan in place, looking after yourself combined with gratitude for 'choosing' to be AF is very liberating ☺
      Pauly - I empathise with the feeling of being overwhelmed & for me at that point it's switching off the part of me that knows I'm making the wrong choice with AL. I decide to treat my enemy as a friend because I don't feel Im worth the fight. I need to work harder on not reaching that point at all.
      Hope you are doing ok Minstar?
      Nice to see you here Mr Vervill.
      Congrats Roobs on your success on your evening out thinking things through & staying strong x

      Scottish Lass, I think whilst maintaining a period of sobriety, the very negative memories of drinking become less intense & emotive. But the battle is also easier as AL loses control. I think as mentioned by previous posters gratitude is important at this stage (& for me staying vigilant & controlling complacency & bordom). I think I should try not to think I'm back ot returned to the same day 1 as X years but just at the next part of my journey. Hopeful that were learning from both periods of sobriety & relapse & being as honest as possible along the way (or at least reflective) makes us stronger every time. Thank you for sharing your insight.
      Madon, nice to hear you enjoyed your AA meeting. I strongly feel you need to feel completely comfortable to share personal stuff so go at your own pace ☺

      J-vo & Roobs I think I, liked my life & myself better AF - At one point, I won a Xmas hamper at the school fair & bottle of bucks fizz lived in the cupboard for a year & eventually got binned because nobody I know liked it!
      I began problem drinking to block out pain originally & have done quite alot of work to try to address the causes whilst sober & healthy.
      Sadly my parents (mum moreso) are 'unwell' in their own way & although I am not angry about who they are - I have to maintain a bit of distance from them to stay safe & healthy myself. As they've had some health problems in recent years when they've needed care has been hard. Finding the balance between helping them & taking care of my own family is challenging but I will get there!

      Wishing all a safe & sober Thursday
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wildflower.
      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
      And eternity in an hour.


        Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. I'm looking forward to eating lots today. Dad's neighbor is having us over later. I'm one to put everything on my plate, then mix most of it together. Sounds gross, but it's so yummy.

        Lav, of all the tools that are offered, I do like your view on sobriety. It's acceptance and wanting to be free, so really there's nothing to think about. I generally load up my brain with unnecessary stuff then get frustrated. My thing, and I think the most important is that I don't want to die. If I'd continue to drink, there's no doubt in my mind I would end up as the people in "Rain in My Heart."

        Going to watch the Macy's parade and drink coffee. Love these lazy mornings.

        Have a great turkey day.
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          Love and strength to all today! Its just another day in our journey! Check in and hang in!!! Xoxoxo, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate one of my worst memories of T-giving was 2012 I started cooking and drinking very early and by the time everything was done,I was passed out! It was noon my poor daughter got out of the shower ready to eat and I just said"its downstairs" awful, awful, luckily I haven't repeated that scene again but still carry that crappy memory around, wishing everyone a peaceful, happy, AF Thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Good morning nesters,

              Starting day 10. I'm feeling a bit scrambled this morning. I'm going to take the dog for a walk, come back and reread everyones great posts to re affirm my decision to not drink. I'm so glad I told some of our guests I'm not drinking today.
              Happy Thanksgiving.


                Good morning nesters,

                Starting day 10. I'm feeling a bit scrambled this morning. I'm going to take the dog for a walk, come back and reread everyones great posts to re affirm my decision to not drink. I'm so glad I told some of our guests I'm not drinking today.
                Happy Thanksgiving.


                  Originally posted by Roobs View Post
                  Good morning nesters,

                  Starting day 10. I'm feeling a bit scrambled this morning. I'm going to take the dog for a walk, come back and reread everyones great posts to re affirm my decision to not drink. I'm so glad I told some of our guests I'm not drinking today.
                  Happy Thanksgiving.
                  Roobs - Great strategy - there is significant strength to be found in the nest and in these posts. We're with you today, and know that you've got this whole crew of folks who are also choosing to NOT drink today! Enjoy the walk with your pup and the rest of your thanksgiving day


                    Roobs,I should go take a walk too but I feel like a lazy bum today, maybe after my hair dries cuz it's kinda cold outside(for Vegas people)
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Happy Thanksgiving

                      I have been struggling but I am fine. Day 39 today and I'm as determined as ever.
                      My daughter and granddaughter are visiting my ex for the holiday so it would be easy for me to drink and act stupid.
                      The way it works with the Antabuse,for me, is that 125 mg every 4 or 5 days is enough to have the desired effect. It's a conscious decision to not take it,which of course is the first step to drinking.
                      I left my office at 6 yesterday, thinking of stopping at my favorite BBQ place down the street for beer and BBQ. I couldn't do it. I just feel like I can't do this,crap to myself anymore.
                      This morning I was thinking of how it's like digging through a tunnel, with a light at the end that you can't see yet. The debris shoveled slowly out of the tunnel is all the denial,pretense,guilt and shame that go with living a life bogged down by addiction. I find that my determination is fueled by something more this time. I think part of it is fear.
                      I'm not questioning it; I just know that for,today I am not drinking. I had invitations to different friends homes for today, but I really don't want to be around drinking. Also I'm relishing the peace and quiet at home.
                      I feel like I'm ok
                      Thanks to all for being her-

                      Ann C


                        Getting ready to leave. Only a hop, skip and a jump from here. I need to mention that I am grateful for everyone here. So many blessings that I can't count, and one huge loss this Thanksgiving that I'm feeling deep in my bones.

                        Have a good dinner all.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Happy thanksgiving to y'all.

                          Pauly, your 'lazy bum' post got my attention lol. Having a lazy day sure is a good thing now and then. Your post got me thinking of my lazy tendencies. I've noticed if i laze around for too long with no purpose, my mind starts drifting into drinking thinking. I've found i need to get the running shoes on and git out of the house first thing every day and do something/shake it up, otherwise i can start to get a bit negative. of course, then i laze around later with some cake. :congratulatory:

                          Keep pushing through Ann! Fab going on day 39.

                          Living sober is revolutionary and rebellious i tells yiz. No side effects either.

                          Have a great MAE. Think positive and git some self lovin in today pilgrims.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            The dinner was delicious and I had seconds. I felt like I had a rock in my stomach when I left but didn't care. I did, however, leave before Dad. I was over my limit of two hours. I made it three hours and that's absolutely the limit for socializing with a small group. When Dad got home, he wasn't mad that I left, as he was home shortly after.

                            Going to watch our Steeler's game shortly. I''m a big fan but not a big watcher. I know that doesn't sound like a dedicated fan, but I'm dedicated to our city for sure. Amazing...That one guy didn't stand for the anthem, and now I have kids in my homeroom class not standing. How those big guys have an effect on the the young children must not enter their minds.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              I think I lost a post? Very thankful for you all. So happy to be sober, SO very happy. :heartbeat:

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Good evening Nesters,

                                I am happy & stuffed full of good food
                                My son & grandsons came over, spent the afternoon & had dinner with us. I wasn't even sure if they were coming so I am pleased. Not a drop of AL in the house & no one cared

                                Ann, don't focus on the fear, focus instead on the gift of freedom you are giving yourself! Fear kept me paralyzed for years. I am so grateful for my freedom I'll never give it away!

                                Justme, keeping the people & animals in my life fed & happy is enough work & excitement for me at this point, ha ha. Hang in there, good things are coming for you as well

                                Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

