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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    :l Spam (but not TOO close, since you got cooties) - hope you'll feel better in a hurry!

    Welcome windy bear Glad you found us - settle in here, read as many posts as you can and share a little of your struggle when you're ready. Much support and wisdom to be found here!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hi there
      Haven't been in for a while. Great post, Chook. Yes it is up to us, no matter how we might like to blame others. It's in our power to change. We just have to grasp that. I've been at that point before and then fallen out of the nest. At the moment I'm still drinking occasionally, but not as much, or as often. I'm feeling a bit flat and unmotivated at the moment, so I need to get back there again.

      Tranqthingy, watching a chick flick? Must be love.

      Hi Bearwind and other newbies.

      A strange thing happened while travelling to work this morning. I had to drive for about an hour out into the country. On the side of the main road I saw what looked like trees felled and cut into sections. A car ahead of me stopped and I slowed down. Only as I drove past did I realise they were dead cows! There were 6 dead cows on the side of the road - 3 on each side, lined up as if they had been minding their own business, and just dropped dead. There was no blood and gore. There was a fence down into the paddock (field) beside the road, but no other cows in the paddock. There were no power lines down. So what happened?
      It sounds like one of those lateral thinking exercises we did in High School, but I just can't work it out. By the time I came home the cows had been removed (and no, I hadn't been seeing things due to drinking).


        Newbies Nest

        Wow..dancingon...sounds like you had a drinking ep to me...but know you...and I'm new ... so that is my "formal" jump into this forum....guess why I'm here folks?

        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

        St. Francis of Assisi


          Newbies Nest

          I'm feeling brave from the juice of red grapes and therefore prolific...I had a great venture out of dodge for business...and then here I am opening my second bottle of wine....why?? I will feel draggy tomorrow after feeling so empowered by not drinking for two days...what's with that???

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            Newbies Nest

            Tell me me someone not drink the second bottle

            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

            St. Francis of Assisi


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Ringing C

              You had better open that bottle then pour it straight down the sink!! Do it now!! You and everyone around you will be so much better off. But, I can't do it for you.....
              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                already opened...not everyone would feel better...but I know I would...

                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                St. Francis of Assisi


                  Newbies Nest

                  I have a question for the women in the house or men that have noted this phenomenom. Do hormones and/or the moon affect your drinking?

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi


                    Newbies Nest

                    Nobody in the house?? I think its a valid question.

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      Newbies Nest

                      Ringing Cedars,

                      I'm not sure.. but I know full moons definately cause a lot of strange phenomenon.. maybe it does cause me to drink more, and my hormones go haywire at "the time of the month".. i get worse anxiety, hence drink more then too..
                      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Cedars check this out...
                        German researchers Hans-Joachim Mittmeyer of the University of TЭbingen and Norbert Filipp from the Health Institute of Reutlingen claim that "a study of police reports for 50 new and full Moon cycles" shows that the moon is "responsible for binge drinking."

                        According to Hall, Mittmeyer and Filipp claim in their paper "Alcohol Consumption and the Moon's Influence" to have studied police arrest reports and blood-alcohol tests of 16,495 people and Mittmeyer said "The results show there is a definite correlation between new and full Moons and the amount of alcohol consumed."

                        Hall writes:

                        More of those with an excess of 2ml of alcohol per 100ml of blood inside them - drunk, according to German law - were caught by police during the five-day full Moon cycle.

                        On average 175 drink-drivers per day were caught in two German states two days before a full Moon, 161 were caught during the full Moon cycle and the figure dropped to about 120 per day at other times.

                        Jan Willem Nienhuys, a mathematician in the Eindhoven (Netherlands) University of Technology, claims that "Hall's story is a garbled version of a story by the German Press Agency DPA." According to Nienhuys, Hall invented the notion of a five-day full Moon cycle; the expression is not used by Mittmeyer and Filipp in their paper. Furthermore, 668 of the 16,495 arrested and tested were found to be sober, leaving 15,827 with alcohol in their blood, but only 4,512 with more than 0.2 percent blood alcohol (i.e., drunk).

                        According to Nienhuys, the 161 figure refers to the average number of drunk drivers arrested on any given date in the lunar month; he believes this number was arrived at by dividing 4,512 by 28 (rather than 29.53, the length of a lunar month) and hence should be 153, not 161. About the only thing Hall got right, says Nienhuys, is that Mittmeyer and Filipp do claim to have found a significant correlation between the moon and excessive drinking. He notes that the pair provide graphs but no statistical analysis of their data. When such an analysis is done, says Nienhuys, one discovers that the study is "pompous pseudoscience." According to Nienhuys, a standard statistical test yields p-values which show that there is nothing to investigate.

                        Here are the data, according to Nienhuys. Day 0 is the day of the new moon and day 14 is the full moon.
                        day drunks drinkers, including drunks
                        0 145 551
                        1 160 528
                        2 162 552
                        3 122 527
                        4 162 538
                        5 157 531
                        6 156 504
                        7 158 560
                        8 140 523
                        9 152 540
                        10 150 552
                        11 146 477
                        12 173 563
                        13 150 545
                        14 150 523
                        15 149 498
                        16 145 543
                        17 142 539
                        18 143 507
                        19 119 508
                        20 157 532
                        21 163 552
                        22 156 513
                        23 148 530
                        24 154 528
                        25 158 536
                        26 175 582
                        27 176 581
                        28 169 590
                        4437 15553
                        missing 75 274

                        4512 15827

                        The three big days were the 12th, 26th and 27th. You figure it out!

                        I think that drinking is a choice a unique thing to the human race you either choose to drink or choose not to as alcoholics we have no choice we simply cant drink not even one abdicate personal responsibility for ones choice or actions as a result of a birth star date a rising tide a full moon is sheer lunacy ...we have a very powerful element in our brain that gives us the ability to make the RIGHT choice for us....alcohol addiction clouds that out..... being sober..... the power to make the right healthy personal choice is reborn and a powerful thing it is nothing to do with the moon


                          Newbies Nest

                          10*4...anyone know how to prevent this phenomenon???

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            Newbies Nest

                            Correlation Does NOT Mean Causation
                            It is also important to remember that studies that examine relationships between behavior and the phase of the moon determine only correlations. These types of studies determine if one set of numbers varies in a reliable manner with another set of numbers. If they do, then it can be said that a relationship exists.

                            The existence of a relationship between two "variables" DOES NOT mean that one variable causes the other variable.

                            My view we as humans have a great gift the gift of choice... as far as alcohol goes we can either choose to drink or not to drink...once you have engaged in a pattern of drinking to the point that your brain now registers it as a normal form of behaviour you are addicted....the ability to choose to not drink or drink is gone no longer have choice addiction has erased that cant drink no such thing as moderating simply cant drink if you do the addiction takes we are left with one choice ..we can never drink blame the moon the stars the relatives the job anything is to abdicate personal responsibility sheer lunacy.....we need to accept this thought ....I can no longer drink alcohol ...nuture it and reinforce it and get on with living


                              Newbies Nest

                              Holy f*k excuses .. I am not there...I believe those things effect my behaviour....I can have fun with friends and NOT drink to excess many times...I just need those times all the time ..... Ha?? What does that say? My time alone, which is almost all the time, is the death of the end ? It's a choice

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                Newbies Nest

                                i get triggered everywhere I post and I am afraid that I trigger peeps..I keep looking for a strong support strong am I??? that is the question. No/Yes??

                                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                                St. Francis of Assisi

