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    Checking in from work.
    Day 25 wow! I haven't gone this long in quite awhile.
    I have noticed that I am sleeping better.
    I am not plagued by shame and self loathing.
    I have lost weight.
    My skin is brighter.
    My depression is so much better.
    I am not rushing to do everything. (When I was drinking I was always rushing to get things done, running late, not appreciating the moment). Now I take my time, fold the laundry, dust the furniture, spend time in the moment, it's the little things people!)
    I'm drinking a lot of tea. I look forward to it every night. It's my little ritual and then I take a cup of tea to bed also while I read.
    I'm reading a really good book right now called Anerican Pain. It's about a guy I went to high school with! Check it out. He is in prison now.
    Addiction ends up that way if you're lucky! Prison, death and institutions! Or sobriety....I choose sobriety Alex for 200!!
    Hope everyone has a luscious day!
    (Edited to clarify Jeopardy metaphor lol)
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Mr. V, way to break it down into the "most important" list. I often overwhelm myself too, and then don't even start. But when I just pick one thing at a time and set a time limit to get it done adequately, I find that there is enough time to get the essentials done. Also, when i get enough sleep - then my brain is able to focus and complete tasks.

      Nursie, so glad you are feeling the amazing benefits of not drinking! Just wait until you get 25 more days - it will be even better!

      I am so grateful that I am done with this waste of a drink. Drug. Poison. A neighbor visited yesterday and saw our basement bar. He said, 'SOMEONE is a drinker!" I said that I don't drink. Then to make it more clear why we had a full bar taking up precious basement real estate for only one spouse, I said, "I used to drink." I often wonder what people make of that statement. In the end I don't care enough to give it much thought.

      I'm off to take advantage of today. I will get behind in a hurry if I don't keep myself on task. It's going to be a busy few weeks and I'll kick myself if I don't use the time I have!

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Checking in today, day 45.
        I had a tooth extraction and bone graft yesterday so I'm home today recovering from that.
        My girls are back and my granddaughter is walking all over the place. So cute.
        I'll be back at work tomorrow,and back to my exercise routine. Dental nightmares almost over at out of pocket 11k. It's been a rough year. I got way down and now I'm back up.

        Happy Tuesday to all!

        Ann Carolina


          Originally posted by Nursie View Post
          Checking in from work.
          Day 25 wow! I haven't gone this long in quite awhile.
          I have noticed that I am sleeping better.
          I am not plagued by shame and self loathing.
          I have lost weight.
          My skin is brighter.
          My depression is so much better.
          I am not rushing to do everything. (When I was drinking I was always rushing to get things done, running late, not appreciating the moment). Now I take my time, fold the laundry, dust the furniture, spend time in the moment, it's the little things people!)
          I'm drinking a lot of tea. I look forward to it every night. It's my little ritual and then I take a cup of tea to bed also while I read.
          I'm reading a really good book right now called Anerican Pain. It's about a guy I went to high school with! Check it out. He is in prison now.
          Addiction ends up that way if you're lucky! Prison, death and institutions! Or sobriety....I choose sobriety Alex for 200!!
          Hope everyone has a luscious day!
          (Edited to clarify Jeopardy metaphor lol)
          Congrats on your quarter-century and all the good things that are coming from it!

          Ah yes - rushing around all the time. There should be a word for that specifically for alcoholics. I was the same way - I didn't even realize it at the time, but the truth was I couldn't focus or concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes. Everything that I attempted to do suffered from my impatience. Everyone that I interacted with suffered from my intolerance. For me, it was just all about the next drink - on work days as soon as I got home, and on weekends... well... on weekends there was barely a minute I wasn't under the influence of alcohol.

          What a horrible way to live! So much nicer having a clear head and a happy heart!



            Originally posted by madonmehndi View Post
            Ha ha, wish I had called myself that now, I am a big 80s fan!!
            You were always a Madonna in our eyes, Maddy.



              Originally posted by byrdlady View Post
              pauly, spell-check is my worst enema.
              lol :d :d :d


                hi Nesters!

                Nursie, loved that post! I was thinking the same today about rushing around. I still sometimes get anxious, feeling like I have to hurry to get something done. Like 3Times also said, most important was the drink.. anything else was an obstacle. So I either did everything quickly and half-assed or just put it off for some later date. This evening my daughter and I went shopping for some birthday presents for her sister. We didn't leave the house until 530 (while I was still drinking I would have been well into my evening at home!) and around 730 I began to feel antsy.. Then I reminded myself that I had absolutely nothing else I needed to or should be doing. I felt so FREE!

                Tonight I'm dog tired and going to bed after I watch an episode of the Mentalist or read a bit. Tomorrow I've taken the day off work and am heading to the woods to walk around and bird-watch with 2 of my best girlfriends.

                Hope everyone is doing well.. xx


                  hi Nesters!

                  Nursie, loved that post! I was thinking the same today about rushing around. I still sometimes get anxious, feeling like I have to hurry to get something done. Like 3Times also said, most important was the drink.. anything else was an obstacle. So I either did everything quickly and half-assed or just put it off for some later date. This evening my daughter and I went shopping for some birthday presents for her sister. We didn't leave the house until 530 (while I was still drinking I would have been well into my evening at home!) and around 730 I began to feel antsy.. Then I reminded myself that I had absolutely nothing else I needed to or should be doing. I felt so FREE!

                  Tonight I'm dog tired and going to bed after I watch an episode of the Mentalist or read a bit. Tomorrow I'm taking the day off work and am heading to the woods to walk around and bird-watch with 2 of my best girlfriends.

                  Hope everyone is doing well.. xx


                    Sneaking in from work - all good here. As Byrd stated - doing the daily check in here...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Greetings Nesters,

                      Great to see all of your happy reports - life keeps getting better

                      Unfortunately my husband is still in the hospital, discharge now set for tomorrow. I think I am going to need a nap or two after all this is over, lol.
                      Again, I will tell you I so am so grateful to have a clear head to deal with all this

                      Keep up the great work everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Good morning nesters,

                        great post as usual Byrdie

                        Madon or Madonna ,its great to see you here.

                        Paulywog, The internet can be a viscous place & here is no different, Just keep to the threads that you no your around safe supportive hands & feck the rest.

                        Yes mr vervill one day at a time is the way to go.

                        Nursie lovely post and yes sobriety is the only way for us, our lifes were train wrecks before we found there is a way out.

                        Kensho I feel proud when I tell people I don't drink, don't know why I just do, maybe because I know how hard it was to stop something that was killing me & all relationships around me, yep I feel proud..

                        Hello to everyone else to, Very busy myself ,But I have made a commitment to be on mwo everyday, this is where it started for me & its the least I can do to share how it happened for me. have a great day everyone its uplifting reading here today :-)

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          I am officially back and officially kickin' al out of my life. It's time I respect myself and I can't do that if I poison myself.

                          Lav, thoughts for you as your husband recovers.

                          Nursie, I really liked your post. I seem always to be rushing to get things done. I need to remind myself that there are 24 hours in a day, and what gets done in that time is what gets done.

                          Hope to catch up with reading later today. Have a good hump day.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Evening nesters

                            Been a big week and only Thursday tomorrow. Having more blood tests done to try and figure out what is happening with my immune system. The dr doesnt know what i have so its a process of elimination really. I never had a blood test in ten years when i drank and now i never seem to stop having them. I have a great liver!

                            Lav i hope hubs is ok and you get a rest.

                            Kensho i dont care what people think now. I am just happy not to drink and no one can entice me to have that one and that is what time away from al does, it makes us stronger in our commitment.

                            Glad to see you back J. I am a firm believer if i want to do something and feel like it then i do and if i procrastinate then obviously it doesnt need doing immediately. I really didnt do much when i drank on reflection except try and get rid of the hangover before i gave myself another.

                            Off to sleep, take care x
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Good morning from over here!
                              I had a hard time sleeping last night. Then some wacky dreams. In my dream I had to stay in a yucky bad hotel. So bad. And then I was naked in the hallway because the door was locked. And THEN I was at the hotel bar! Naked and drinking! Gahhh!
                              When I woke up my heart was beating fast and I had a terrible feeling. I had to talk myself down and remember that everything is ok, nothing bad happened, I didn't drink, I wasn't naked, and I never have to stay at that hotel!

                              J-Vo- so happy you climbed back on! The rushing! I swear, I was rushing to do everything, finding any short cut, skipping small talk, no patience with my family, always in a hurry somewhere, busy busy busy.
                              But is not that busy. Life is about prioritizing. It is about your health and your family. cancer was terrible, why would I drink when I'm trying to heal my body and prevent it from coming back? I think part of me expected I would die. That it would come back and I would die anyway. But it has been a year since treatment and I am still ok.
                              Now I notice not rushing is so incredibly liberating!
                              I love taking my time. And I love that my mind is clearing. Chemo brain and depression lifting. Everything is better sober.
                              Sober people do it better! Lol
                              Day 1 again 11/5/19
                              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                              One day at a time.


                                Hello nesters, Ava,hope you figure out what's up with your immune system, Lav's always getting me to take probiotics for mine,might be something to consider, J-vo,I like the determination in your post!! You got this, forgive yourself for the slip(I'm calling it a slip) you were going through a rough,emotional time,out of your daily routine, etc,I think with more AF time we'll be able to deal with anymore stresses in a healthier way Nursie, what a bizarro dream haha,Mario,you are absolutely correct, ignore the b.s on other threads! I got some mixed nuts to put in my oatmeal in the morning and all that's left in the can is peanuts, bleh,I hate peanuts... unless they're on a hot fudge sundae or in a Snickers haha,wishing everyone a peaceful AF Day
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

