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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Spammo....sorry you are sick...sending you virtual chicken noodle soup
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks Mama,

      Think I'm finally getting better. I'm just really fed up now that I have missed out on a long weekend. Ah well, we have another one next weekend. And the boys did a few bits together.

      Welcome to all the new nesters who have landed over the last few days. This place is awesome. I can't remember when I last had a drink. Life is just wonderful without the grog. A lot of problems I thought I had have gone as they were AL related.

      Now when I get up in the mornings, I sing and make a lot of noise and watch my hubby and son laugh. I used to grumble, vomit, have a headache and pray that I would not get done for morning after drink driving.

      Spam xx


        Newbies Nest

        Hello there.
        Spam - glad you are feeling better. Your mornings sound a lot like mine used to.... nice to have a change hey?
        Bear - welcome nice to meet you. Hope you stick around. There is alot of help here if you just ask for what you need.
        Ringing Cedars - are you still here? Must admit it is very confronting for me to read posts when it is obvious someone is struggling. I have been where you are and it is not nice. Please come back when you can so we can try to help you if you still want it.
        LiverB - you are doing so well. Spend as much time as you need to. As we are world wide there is always someone here to chat if you need at any time of the day.
        Tantangra - Fantastic. Well done on reaching day 14. It feels great doesnt it. Imagine what it feels like on day 30 or 45 or beyond. Keep up the hard work and you will find out. It is nice to have support from your friends and I think she is right about it being others problems if they dont like you not drinking.
        Hello my hermit friend Molly. I too am the same. I find alot of things really is quite boring now and would prefer not to go out. Nothing wrong with that. It is your fight so you do it the way it suits you. x
        I have had a great day. Being a long weekend and not having to go to work was such a bonus. My husband and I went to the local for lunch (not a liquid one for me - coffee and mineral water!). We just sat and talked for hours. I asked him if I had changed since I gave up drinking. He said I have got more serious, which is a fair comment as I know I have. I have been working on a few things lately that I want to change/improve and it is making a difference. So hopefully I will get to a point where I can relax and laugh more and not be so serious. I have upped the dosage of AD's I am taking and that is helping too. I think when that urge, desire, desperation for a drink leaves it makes things alot more peaceful and easier.
        I have made the commitment to myself to say what I think about things instead of keeping them inside, that in a way is a relief. So if I say anything here it will be the truth as I see it and hopefully I wont affend anyone.
        Anyway time to get off and do some other stuff. Hi to everyone who pops in, Tranqanova, Lav, Meech, Maz, Nora, Katie, Chook, Mama, Soph and all you other lovely people in the nest.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters,

          Another dark & rainy day in this portion of the nest today, oh well!

          Chook, hope you have refocused! We need you in good shape, so do your kids.

          Tant, congrats on your 14 AF days - great job!! Makes a world of difference, doesn't it?

          Molly, a big congrats to you too dear! Having some serious AF time under your belt makes you feel like a brand new person. I am very happy for you

          HC, you too
          I also have found my voice over the past year & have taken many opportunities to get my point across here at home. Although there has been absolutely no fighting, I believe my spouse feels as if he's lost a lot of control (over me) and he has!!

          Ringing Cedars, welcome to the Nest! We try to keep this place a warm & safe place for all!
          Allow me to be the first one to tell you that it is NOT OK to come in here & abuse newbies with drunken postings! I'm not surprised to hear that you have been banned at another site.
          Please consider talking to a counselor about your anger issues. I'm sure they are very real & painful for you. Once you have the anger controlled a bit, please come back & join us in the nest. We are only too happy to support folks just getting started!

          Enough said! I will start my day after wishing everyone a good & safe day in the Nest!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hippy and Molly,

            I can agree with the Hermit comments. I feel "safe" at home and out of harm's way as I have my AF routine and entertainment. And now I'm not drinking until midnight, I often go to bed about 10pm. (Being AF has really sorted out my sleep problems.) Luckily, I don't have to go out too much as I have a 10 year old who has to be in bed early too.

            When I went out last Friday, my main worry was about staying awake late rather than drinking!

            Spam x


              Newbies Nest

              me too Hermit sisters!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning, all. Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a good weekend. My birthday is now out of the way (we won't talk about that) and I am ready to start on fresh year.

                Looks like I have a lot of weekend posts to catch up on so will dash for now.


                  Newbies Nest

                  ok coco
                  spill....what happened on your birthday??
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone,
                    Can't spend too much time in the nest today as I am working from home and really need to buckle down but wanted to say hi.
                    Yea HC-welcome back and good on you!! Wow, that took a lot of guts and we can all learn from you!!
                    Welcome back Spam-glad to hear you are feeling better-those tummy bugs are the worst!!
                    MB-your kitties were showing you the ultimate gesture of love and respect!! Now freeze that bunny for Fennel LOL!!
                    Whose kitty had to have stitches? Pings for a speedy recovery and hopefully you can keep her inside from now on until Fennel can dispense with the Tom!!
                    Congrats to everyone who is still AF. For those of you not feeling as great as you thought you would, me included, there is a post under General Discussion called PAWS-Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms. I got about halfway through last nite and it was very interesting. Check it out!!
                    Welcome to the newbies and well said Lav. Hugs to all who are here today!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am a newbie and green as can be, on day two. My mind is jumping all over the place and I cannot get it to settle down. How long will this last? What should I expect? I need some help with this so where do I turn?


                        Newbies Nest

                        hey adam, just worry about today, don't worry about anything else. just don't drink, today. tomorrrow will take care of itself.
                        Sobriety Is Wasted On The Sober


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone!

                          I am on day 6 AF and doing OK.
                          My husband has decided I have been on the computer to much I won't be posting on the weekends I'll still sneak in when I can though :H

                          Lav- I am so glad to see you defending our "Nest" really do make this a safe place to be

                          Tranq- Have you set the wedding date yet...? :H

                          SOBS- I am so glad your in the "Nest" with us...and I'm also glad you made it through those storms the other night!

                          Hippy Chick- you won't affend me...I love someone who says it like it is.

                          Mazzie- There has been so many post lately... that it is hard to keep up (it seems to be getting better though), how are you doing?

                          Mollyka- Your friends are probably behaving that way because when your not drinking they have to look at what is going on in thier own lives...and that is not comfortable for them. Keep your chin up...your doing the right thing!

                          Dancigon- That cow thing has me very curious...please keep us posted if you hear anything.

                          mamabear- I am so glad you had such a good weekend

                          NoraC- Where are you?

                          Sunshine- Thanks for being such a big support for all of make this place feel safe also.

                          KatieB- You sound stronger than I every remember... I know you are going to be one of the winners

                          Sophie- so good to see you post again!

                          Chook- what wonderful insight... I agree a 100%! How is yalls air quaility now? (volcano)

                          Papmom- hope your day at home working, goes well for you and thanks for all your support last week

                          Spam- glad that you are feeling better and thanks for that fitness post, I really enjoyed it.

                          fennel- hope you and Mrs fennel had a great time on your mini-vacation. Thanks for the support last week also.

                          Coco- you are going to do this when your ready...your already thinking different. Just stay positive and focused.

                          Welcome to all the Newbies... hopefully I can catch up with yall this week. You all have a good-day and stay positive...

                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Newbies Nest

                            1adam12;843541 wrote: I am a newbie and green as can be, on day two. My mind is jumping all over the place and I cannot get it to settle down. How long will this last? What should I expect? I need some help with this so where do I turn?
                            1adam12...your probably focusing to hard on not drinking...I know it's hard but try getting busy with housework, a project, yardwork... just anything to refocus your thoughts.

                            :welcome: and I wish you the very best!

                            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                              Newbies Nest

                     you mean like rehab...or medication?
                              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy Monday, nestlings! Well... ya know what I mean...

                                Welcome Ringing and 1adam! Ringing... I was going to say something similar to Lav - we'd love to have you here and lend a helping hand; please come back after some rest, food, water and re-introduce yourself. 1adam... this is VERY common! The first few days are anything but pleasant. If you can, order the hypnotic CD's. Honestly, I'm not sure they really sink in and aid with not drinking... but they sure calm me down and get me grounded. Hang in there... it does get better!

                                To both of you - have you read the MWO book? You can order it from this site, it's only about $12 and a very enjoyable and easy read. There is tons of information in the book, as well as all around this site.

                                Wow... so many posts since last night... I'll just throw out a generic "BLOODY WELL DONE" to all who have succeeded and survived the weekend unscathed. And a "It's a new week - let's make it a good one" to all who have faltered.

                                Roamer.. good to see you back! We were afraid we had forever scared you off! :boohoo:

                                Well, urchins... going to try and tackle those taxes again today. Great, now my daughter has sent me her stuff as well - guess I'll be doing hers, too. *sigh* This afternoon, we're having some crushed stone delivered, so I can finally put my business sign up again. It's a sign mounted between two boulders and of course, by the time I did the final move last fall it was too wet and too late to get it set up here. Yay! I also saw that my neighbour (oh gosh, gotta LOVE that neighbour... he has tractor, backhoe, dump truck and WILL travel!) has soil! That means, I should be getting mine, too, pretty soon! Lav.. I'll finally have black finger nails again!!! Life don't get much better than that, does it!? :H

                                Oh.. and moving date for horses is set for next Monday.. ONE more week and I'll have my monsters home! Yay again!

                                Ok... off I go. Have a fabulous AF Monday, everyone!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

