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    Hi all - just back from a lovely (boozy) Christmas do, at the same home where I let my guard down day after Thanksgiving. Stayed at the kids drink table and didn't venture to the other one! I kept my mettle and am happily home sober - no repeats!

    Tree is up and decorated, most gifts wrapped - should manage to get rest done in time. On call for work starting tomorrow for a week, so as ready as I will be now. Looking forward to my week off after Christmas, girls are starting to make plans with friends, so maybe a quiet week, but as long as it isn't too wet I will make it work.

    Keep it up everyone, the days are accumulating and growing - we will all have our routines in order for the next couple of weeks, and we will all be so proud when we start the new year full of resolve, and knowledge that we can do this!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      You sound great SL!! Glad you enjoyed yourself and kept your resolve!! Don't forget to message for any reason. I'll be around.

      Ann, are you going to take your antabuse when your daughter and granddaughter go? Then you know you'll be safe. Thinking of you. I'm sure you'll enjoy that quiet time, too.

      I did use an excuse after mom passed to someone and I can't remember who it was and actually forgot I did it. After mom passed, for about two weeks, I drank like a fish. The third week, after she passed, I gave up, and knew I couldn't do it any longer. When I was drinking after mom passed, I cried so much that my eyes were so swollen. It was awful. I still cry, and cry hard, but not like I did when I had alcohol in my system. Anyhow, I did use the excuse that I can't drink now because it makes me feel too emotional with mom's passing, and I just start crying and can't control it. So I'm not drinking while I'm feeling so emotional.

      Wags, I bought her book, too, and didn't get past the first few chapters. Romanticizing the drink and not being serious about the dangers for us isn't what I want to hear as well. I've read so many great memoirs and they were satisfying in that way. That's what we need to reinforce, not giving us memories that we want to chase.

      Went and got our iphones today. We were way overdue. Glad that's outa the way.

      Getting ready for bed. Lav, it's been the same here with snow, ice, warm temps, cold temps. The weather is all over the place!!

      Last edited by j-vo; December 18, 2016, 09:10 PM.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Originally posted by Marylou123 View Post
        Hi All,
        Here's the link to the reading thread:

        And because links never work for me, here's how to find it:

        Go to main page - Forum
        Scroll to the bottom - click Dis and Dat
        Click What We're Reading

        All's good here - have a wonderful, sober Sunday.
        Thanks so much!!!


          SL - Awesome job avoiding al at the shindig!! I love what you said about us all being so proud when we start the new year with our quits intact and our resove strengthened for the new year. That's a wonderful thing to picture and then make real about our futures - thanks!

          J-vo - Glad to hear your thoughts on the book. Yes, romanticizing was very much how I felt the first chapters were written. It really surprised me, because the excerpt led me to expect a much different book. I agree - I don't need to read about anyone making drinking (especially problem drinking) sound better than it actually was. Now that MaryLou provided the link for so many great reads, I might just take this back to the library and move on to something more helpful.
          Last edited by wagmor; December 19, 2016, 11:02 AM.


            Afternoon nesters

            Sounds cold in a lot of places now and we are sitting at 30 degrees today. Melbourne weather is good in that we have a few hot days then a few cool days.

            Wags, i can remember blacking out at my 21st birthday, a couple of years ago now, umm 30 maybe. i put it down to smoking bongs and drinking which never go hand in hand but it was a blackout now i think about it. its a wonder i have a brain but i did kind of control my drinking when the kids arrived. I remember tuesdays were my "get pissed" nights then of course it progressed as the kids became older and by their teens it was most nights. I dont have any thoughts of romanticising al now, al took so much of my life but not anymore.

            I have decided to go to my daughters for xmas, she has a spa and air con. not a hard decision as its going to be hot. I told my other two children that i will be the designated driver this year. They just laughed. Its a great feeling to know that i just wont drink but i always have a plan just in case.

            Two more days of work and 2 weeks off, i am so looking forward to a break and a sleep in.

            Take care x
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Good plan Ava!
              Good morning all,
              Quick check in from me. Tonight I will attend my first sober concert! However, it is for my son and I am driving, so I would not be drinking anyway...but you never know!
              I know that tonight I am definitely not drinking and it feels good.
              I am taking my son (and his best bud and the best bud's Mom) to see Lukas Graham!!!!!!
              We are so excited!
              Hope everyone has a good day in the Nest.
              I will have to check out those books Mary Lou linked us to. I am short on reading material.
              Day 1 again 11/5/19
              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

              One day at a time.


                Originally posted by scottish lass View Post
                Hi all - just back from a lovely (boozy) Christmas do, at the same home where I let my guard down day after Thanksgiving. Stayed at the kids drink table and didn't venture to the other one! I kept my mettle and am happily home sober - no repeats!

                Tree is up and decorated, most gifts wrapped - should manage to get rest done in time. On call for work starting tomorrow for a week, so as ready as I will be now. Looking forward to my week off after Christmas, girls are starting to make plans with friends, so maybe a quiet week, but as long as it isn't too wet I will make it work.

                Keep it up everyone, the days are accumulating and growing - we will all have our routines in order for the next couple of weeks, and we will all be so proud when we start the new year full of resolve, and knowledge that we can do this!
                Scottie! Bravo, well done! I know that feeling of redeeming oneself at the scene of the crime so to speak. What a wonderful feeling to make it through and keep plowing ahead. Xo
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Here he is. Listen to Mama!


                  Last edited by Guitarista; December 19, 2016, 07:56 AM.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Good morning,

                    One more week until xmas and then off until the 3rd. I'm looking foward to the time off, resting up a bit, and preparing for some difficult feelings. Dad is flying in this Thursday, sister and her family coming on Friday, so it'll be hectic for a few days, but it'll settle down after xmas. I'm not afraid of blowing my quit at all. I have my tools in place, and more than ever, I've been reaching out to my "higher power." The difference for me is huge. We all have our ways out, and this is a newer tool for me, as I've been putting more time into this. Whatever, it's giving me strength. I know this first year will be the hardest, and I'm willing to take it slowly, one day at a time, and know that someday I'll be free of most of the struggles that come with new sobriety. I have so much confidence as I listen to the oldies here (not age!!) but why not follow the successful people? They're our teachers. Don't break the teacher's rules or you'll be paying the consequences and we all know what those entail. Byrd, Lav, Pav, Ava, NS, Nora, Mario, and so many of you that stick around and help us, thank you. I know a big part of sobriety is helping others to get through this. I read something this morning..."When you're feeling low, down on yourself, do something for someone else. This will almost always improve your mood.

                    Have a good Monday all.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Just a quick hello from me, hoping everyone has a wonderful AF day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Quick check in this morning.

                        I just re-read my post and what I meant to say was that most people my age are giving up something or other in an effort to stave off the aging process. Someone off the sauce isn't that much of a weird thing...

                        I was reading through some notes I had taken in my journal as I was listening to the Bubble Hour - someone was talking about how after the first couple of months she got slammed with a bad case of anxiety for a while. I think that 100 day relapse has a lot to do with that - we feel sorry for ourselves, get anxious or nervous, and figure WTF. Those of you new in your quits - stay close to support and strengthen your resolve by taking good care of yourselves. You can get through this crazy time in tact.

                        J-Vo - thoughts to you during this difficult "first" for you and your family. I'm glad you have each other.

                        Happy Monday-


                          Hi folks,

                          Jvo thanks for your last post, excellent advice, hope you have a peaceful festive season, first of any events without loved ones are hard ((hugs))) to you.

                          I had a good meeting this morning and came away feeling more positive than I have for the past couple of days, hearing other folks stories and plans for Christmas helped me to stop my pity party about my circumstances, I have been feeling fed up about the choices my family always make for the festive season but I need to realise that they are just that - their choice - and I can't do anything about it! I am trying to take ODAT and be grateful for all that I do have instead of dwelling on negative issues!
                          One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


                            Hi All! Feeling the heat of a busy season, and demands at work. Last week sucked. This week should be better, but still busy.

                            I have to say that I planned a get together with neighbors yesterday, and it was amazing. I didn't do a thing until yesterday morning, but managed to pull together a soup to swap with 5 others, and appetizers/drinks for 26 people by 2:30. I'm not sure if its that I planned easy foods, but I was actually ready when people came, and I had a really fun time. I wasn't fogged by alcohol, and I really enjoyed talking with people. I noticed that it was easier to share the real me, and not be nervous. I know that not drinking made this a great experience.

                            Thoughts to everyone facing parties, and temptations and difficult stress or emotions. It WON'T be easier drinking, just remember that. I feel my life is finally gaining speed on the track it was supposed to be on! I didn't miss drinking one bit yesterday, and that is because I've been dealing with hard things in life without it, and I know that I can do it. TIME makes this possible, and the faith and tenacity to push through the hard times. WE CAN DO IT - and life is SO much better! Keep up the hard work!

                            G - I was off on my days... I went way back and recounted and I think I'm at 130 today.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Hi all - lovely waking on a Monday ready to face the week.

                              J-vo, hear for you too - thank you for your kindness, we can get each other through this time and be so happy to be on the other side racking up the days!!

                              Just a quick nip in as the list today is huge, trying to get a little personal stuff done alongside a full days work - we will see, but at least I stand a chance as not hungover!!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Well HAPPY MONDAY all of you FINE FOLKS!!! I am here to toot my own little horn as today is my three week mark of being sober. YAY ME!!! 21 days and counting... )

                                So! I'm going to be rather RUDE and admit right now that I haven't read anyone's post here (I'm sorry - SUPER busy at work right now!!!) but! One of you amazing, AWESOME, peeps here mentioned a blog that I have been DEVOURING and LOVING so I wanted to mention it again, in case anyone else is really "new" to the sober life (and in need of a super fun pick me up!). It's called "Tired of Thinking About Drinking" - just type that in your search engine and it'll pop up. Scroll down and read "Sobriety is like a little car". I LOVE EVERY SINGLE WORD SHE WROTE in this post and it just made my day. So! On I roll, in my little car, gaining speed as I wrack up more and more days under my little sober car's timing belt. )

                                Will try to catch up with what y'all have said but wanted to post this in case any other newbies are in need of a pick me up!

