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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sunshine, I just went ahead and bit the bullet with the download.

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      Newbies Nest

      Good, Ringing!
      You won't regret it.

      Hmm.. I get what you're saying, I think. When I first came here, going 3 days without alcohol was next to impossible. 7 Days unthinkable. 30 days was just plain ridiculous. So, I'd start out strong 'the day after' and the next day after that, too. I'm not sure how many times it went like that. I went for 3 days without.. Pfhhh.. see? No problem. That's normal. Only, it isn't and we all know that. Eventually, I made it to 4 days. Phew. Still had to take a run at 5 days a few times over.

      Then a lovely man named Renewal got in touch with me. He is who started the Newbie's Nest He invited me to a 7 day challenge. Gosh, yeah, I WANTED to.. but seriously.. 7 days? Alright, fine... I'll give it a try. Here's the first problem. There is no trying. There is doing But it may take some time to get there.

      In the end, I made the 7 days. Of course, then I blew it again. But little by little... something shifts in your thinking... little by little you look at these 'episodes' differently. You learn (here, mostly) to not beat yourself up, but pick yourself up, instead. And, at least for me, letting down someone else who was struggling was just not something I wanted to do.

      Do come and join the 30 day challenge, Rising There is no judgment here (as long as your are here and want help and are willing to do what needs to get done) - just encouragement. Even if you don't make THIS challenge... it will set you up for other successes down the road.

      I hope to see you there!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Sunshine! Many thanks! I sent this to Stirly in a pm and decided I will be brave and share with all: Thanking you for the invite to chat. I don't even know where to begin. I have gone through so many phases with alcohol. I totally abstained for 4 years 10 years ago due to a struggling marriage. The problems actually escalated and the marriage ultimately ended. The x would actually try to get me to drink so he could blame me for all the problems and make me look bad to my kids. He used every trick in his book to alienate me from my three children and it worked. I have had 10 years of hell since trying to re-connect with them and always rejected or simply ignored. I have given up all hope with that and rarely even try to contact them anymore. It just intensifies the pain. After I left my x I began drinking wine very socially and without problems. It only became a problem when involved with a man. I have had 3 significant relationships in the past 10 years. Now single again. The last one stalked me and is in jail now for that. So I have started binge drinking 2 to 3 times a week in the last 2 months. It has gotten out of hand to say the least. I run my own business and have actually just not opened the doors several times now because I was too hungover and exhausted. So I am going to try to string together as many AF days as possible in the next while to get my head on straight again. I just downloaded the book and will go from there. Thank you again for listening. It does help to share this with someone new. I feel much shame and lonliness over the loss of my kids even though I know it was not my doing.
        Sunshine, you do understand and I will give it a go. Baby steps. I just hate beating myself up over it when I fail to meet my own goals.
        I have this posted on my desk and will have to make a point of reading it everyday:
        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's impossible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.:fingers:

        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

        St. Francis of Assisi


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning All,
          And Hello to all the new members joining us.

          Thank you Lav for sticking your neck out to protect this wonderful place.

          I am back from my camping Long Weekend and delighted to report,
          my 1st AF camping trip in as long as I can remember (probably ever)

          We went to the Grampians, which for those not familiar is a Sandstone Mountain Range in Western Victoria (oz) it is popular for bush walking rock climbing and perfect combination's of the two activities. There is bird life and wildlife in abundance including hundreds of Kangaroos and Wallabies.

          We opted for a light 5 ks on Saturday and a harder 11k's on Sunday, I was just teaming with energy (probably the 'All in One' and B-50's) and positively ate the k's enjoying every second, before perching ourselves on the top of the peak and enjoying lunch and the magnificent view, the world truly does look better when the 'beer goggles' are removed.

          It is with increasing confidence that I can say the I have the 1st 20 days behind me and am finding it a little easier with each day.

          20 days mod and 14 AF.

          Happy to be back


            Newbies Nest

            Congrats and thank you for putting yourself 'out there' Ringing. It takes courage to do so. But I believe it's also an important step in the healing process. To let it out and to be able to LOOK at it yourself. Good on you. Come on over to the 30 day thread - we can do it!

            Jacqrabbit!!! Whoohooo! See? Awesome camping trip! Good for you! But... 11km walk? That's FUN? LOL That would surely kill me!

            Very VERY glad though, you made it through and enjoyed yourself

            Ok, back to my taxes now :upset:
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest


              1adam12 - hi and welcome.
              Roamer - glad to see you back. We thought that with all the talk about men in leather we had frightened you off..
              Runningwind -my daughter always tells me off for being on the computer "Again". Dont think she realises how much I need it! Hopefully she never will need MWO.
              Bustedchalk - hello. Hope you are doing OK.
              K9 - you are doing so well. Keep up the hard work.
              Nora - hi there. Wondered where you had go to. I know that feeling you get when you have had enough of being sad. It really can be a choice to be happy and I too have made that choice recently. Sick of being :upset:
              Jacq - the Grampians are a beautiful place to camp. Bet it was a bit chilly though. Your decription of the place has given me a lovely image to keep with me today.
              Ringing - glad to have you back sober. It was quite hard for me/us to see you in pain but seeing it brings it all back for us too. We genuinely want to help you but please respect us by coming here sober. Thanks and good luck with your journey. You sound like you have done it hard.
              I gotta run - late for work again. Would rather be here than work.
              Happy birthday for the weekend Coco.
              Take care.
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks for sharing RCedars,

                I am going through something similar with my ex.. he constantly used my drinking against me, and often verbally abused me so I ended up drinking more.. luckily our son is only 2 so he hasn't had chance to alienate him against me.. yet.. so now I know I need to give up before he gets older and is more aware.. though the only times I have gotten drunk lately, ive not been looking after my son(i know not to ever get drunk when he's in my care).. and my ex hasn't found out.. but i know if i carry on he may do and use it against me with custody etc.. i am here to get help.. and we can all help you too.. dont worry too much about letting yourself down, i am afraid of that too - but you will never know if you dont try! I know I can go AF.. I have done many times before.. I am determined again.. please dont give up.. lets do this together.. post on the 30 day thread often, thats what im going to do..
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for sharing RCedars,

                  I am going through something similar with my ex.. he constantly used my drinking against me, and often verbally abused me so I ended up drinking more.. luckily our son is only 2 so he hasn't had chance to alienate him against me.. yet.. so now I know I need to give up before he gets older and is more aware.. though the only times I have gotten drunk lately, ive not been looking after my son(i know not to ever get drunk when he's in my care).. and my ex hasn't found out.. but i know if i carry on he may do and use it against me with custody etc.. i am here to get help.. and we can all help you too.. dont worry too much about letting yourself down, i am afraid of that too - but you will never know if you dont try! I know I can go AF.. I have done many times before.. I am determined again.. please dont give up.. lets do this together.. post on the 30 day thread often, thats what im going to do..
                  Katie xxx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    Just Saying HI, Newbie first post

                    I've been doing a lot of reading, and this seems like it will be a good home for me. My doctor called with some blood work results today, and scheduled a follow up. I've never been completely honest with him about my level of drinking and I've been having some gastro related problems over the past few months. He first thought it was IBS, then investigated further. I was scared to death to get the other blood work done, cause I knew I would be "busted." Well, today he called has me scheduled for a follow up appointment and told me all this technical stuff about my liver numbers. I'm so scared right now, about trying not to drink and dying. Ordered the first Detox supplements from the book 7 Weeks to Sobriety, and somehow I ended up here.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello again. Didn't get to get back on here like I had planned. Will try to catch up tomorrow. Looks like the nest was busy, busy.
                      So glad to see that Hippy Chick is really back. It just wasn't the same with a different name. :l

                      I am going to look for the 30 day thread. Sounds like a good idea to me. I am going to have to get some more butt velcro but I'm going to try. I made it thru Day 1 so there we go.

                      Good night - good morning - good afternoon - good evening - wherever you may be!

                      Catch you all later. I was up at 4:30 am to take a friend to the airport so I'm heading to bed early. :l
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi NoMore - Cross Post. Just wanted to say Welcome:welcome::welcome:

                        This is a great place. Everyone is very supportive. Pull up a twig & get comfy. I myself had a little slip out of the nest and just got back on my twig. Luckily the twigs come with seatbelts and butt velcro for those of us that need a little extra help.

                        Glad to have you join us. Congrats on taking the steps to getting control of your health!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Taxes are DUN!!!! :yay:

                          Just a quick Welcome NoMore! Settle in and get comfy - lots of support here, also lots of laughter

                          K.. folks, I'm pooped. I don't know how people do this sort of thing ALL DAY LONG!?
                          Have a grand night, everyone!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Ringing, that's OK. I would be really scared if I thought seeing dead cows in broad daylight, while driving, when completely sober was due to a drinking ep. :H But I grant you it is an unlikely scenario. Such things are likely to be reported in the newspaper in our little community, so I'll have to buy a newspaper on the way home.

                            I can identify with the ex trying to use drinking against you. My ex was abusing substances too, but he will still come round with a bottle, even though I've told him I'm not to. It's awful to be sabotaged when you're trying to be good, but ultimately there will always be someone trying to pull you down, and you need to do this for you.

                            I had a good reason to step up my determination to stay off the booze today. I had a mammogram 2 days ago and they rang today to tell me there's something abnormal that they need to check out on Thursday. I'm trying not too get too worried, as I know it's fairly common to have shadows and unidentified bumps that turn out to be nothing. However, even if all is well I think I need to go for a long overdue check up for all those things like cholesterol, bone density etc. and I am too chicken to come clean with my Doc, so need to clean up the liver. Also just need to get my health in top shape to ensure I am there for my kids, and stop mucking around half-arsed.


                              Newbies Nest


                              Tranqthingy here. No chick flicks today. Been busy catching up on my workouts, golf swing, etc.

                              There've been a ton of posts since yesterday, but a little late to get caught up here.

                              But I did like this line from Chooks -

                              "In fact I had a beautiful sleep last night..almost like a massive weight has lifted off me and I know what I have to do...its me,me,me,me.....little me, I control it, not the other way around!"

                              You got it Chickster! You make the choices. You're the boss. It's your life for you to take back. Don't give your power away to al. It is all about you. I think I changed a lot when I realized that I could not depend on anyone or anything (namely al) for my own happiness. I make my own choices, and no one can really make do anything without my permission. Go for it!

                              Hi and Good Night to all the Nesters!

                              Take care all.
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone,

                                Hope everyone is ok.. i'm fine now.. Day 3 today, nearly Day 4.. I gave up cigs yesterday; im chewing Nicorette gum, so far so good!
                                Work been so busy lately.. its nearly flu season here in Oz, so its always a busy time for nurses!
                                I have been eating healthy and looking after myself.. it feels great. Had lots of energy to play with my son, and had lots of laughs with him today.. I really need to focus on him.. and looking after us both the best I can,
                                Have a great day all,
                                Katie xxx
                                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


