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    Sheesh,they just said on the news that Uber prices are gonna go up on NYE,that's horseshit! Should be cheaper or free IMO
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      No, SoCali, your words made me realize how important the roll call was to me when first starting out. It was a tremendous help and I hated to miss a day posting there. Lately I wasn't posting there as much, maybe just once a week sometimes. I had to use a calculator to help me remember what day I was on. I also realized there wasn't much activity on the 100 day maintenance thread and that maybe would be a good way to get it moving a little.

      It is MUCH more important for you to be on that Roll Call every day. I strongly suggest you get back to posting your days there. I don't think I would have made it this far without it. Hang in there and I'll be looking for you on the Roll Call.


        SoCali - ALpro is absolutely right. It was so important to me and helped me get thru many days - knowing that I wouldn't be able to post a bigger number the next day. I hope you do use it as one of your tools. :hug:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Hi all,
          Have found your posts a huge comfort and support :hug:
          Unfortunately I reached out for help a little too late yesterday & made the wrong decision to drink last night. It was afer 6 and a half weeks of sobriety & today is day one again.
          Wishing all a safe & sober Friday xx
          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wildflower.
          Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
          And eternity in an hour.


            Hi All. Here and kicking sober. I've had some family drama, and some hurtful things - I attribute them to my husband being unhappy, and my PMS (yes, I said it); hoping for more positive times upcoming. At no time did I want to drink. I am at day 140 (?)-ish and the cravings are few and far between. The desire to escape, or numb comes and goes, but I have clearly disconnected alcohol from the options to attain those things. So I'm feeling kind of blah (and intermittently want to tear someone's head off), and I also know it will pass. We are going to see a Reggae band tonight, and music always changes my energy. I also don't do well without some alone time, and Winter break with the kids gets long. All that said, I am very glad I am not drinking - don't want it. It looks like a waste of time to me now.

            I will spend more time reading this weekend; I appreciate you all.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Morning nesters

              Well NYE here in Ausland and tonight i am spending it with the man, with his twin 4 year old grandsons and his mum. Just the NYE that i will enjoy. No drama and no drinking. I cant wait.

              LS i am sorry you drank but so glad you came back. All we can do is take this one day at a time. Stress is a major contributor for us to drink and our emotions seem to be on a roller coaster for the first few months. Realise that we have all been through this at some stage and what doesnt kill us makes us stronger.

              Where are you J?

              Welcome back Daisy. Congrats on your 2nd grand baby. 2 big reasons not to drink again.

              Well i am going to attack unpacking the mans kitchen today. He has moved into a new house and there is shite everywhere. Keeps me busy and out of trouble.

              Take care x
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Good evening, Nesters.
                I worked all day today, hot a call AT LUNCH that a customer needed us to be at a store on Tuesday morning. We are off on Monday and most people were off today. I got all the information for the customer and sent over a contract and havent gotten it back yet! UGG! Must everything be an emergency? I actually didnt work one dayvthis week out of my 5 day vacation. Im kind of bummed but grateful to have the husiness.

                So glad Im not trying to make a New Years Resolution to stop or cut down my drinking this year....that was top of my list for a lot of years. im glad I finally got it overwith.

                Lost Soul, can you tell us what happened? Can you think of a way to shore up your PLAN in the weak spots? Can you put some fail-safes in place like getting the help of someone close to you? Or someone here? That helped me. Just a thought. Glad you are back and ready to take on 2017 AF!! Maybe making a commitment to us that 2017 will be AF? Just thinking out loud. Little changes can make a big difference.
                I pledge to make 2017 AF!
                Its only Friday, New Year's Eve Eve, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Do whatever it takes to break free of AL!
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  LS - coming back straight away is a great decision thou - very well done.

                  Let's focus on 2017 and ensuring that we make it stick - someone was talking about the NY being a fresh start - let's grab it with both hands!

                  In a little funk today - for no real reason, apart from my week off is almost done, and it has totally flown by! I can't quite believe it. So NOT ready to go back to work. And need to kick myslef for being in a funk last day off....
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Good evening Nesters!

                    Friday night already? This week has flown by, oh my, ha ha!!

                    LS, we are always here if you need to talk, yell, scream, whatever. Glad you came right back & please use us as needed in the future.

                    Pav, the 'Love Your life 30 Day Project' begins Jan 1. Sign up on TUT :: Home

                    SL, moods are just moods, they come & go. I have developed the habit of switching to gratitude thinking as soon as I recognize dark thoughts approaching. Keeps me out of trouble

                    Chilly here in Lav-land with snow flurries off & on today. Grateful it's just snow flurries & nothing requiring shoveling, ha ha!

                    Byrdie, take a few days off now, you deserve them

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Hello Nesters,
                      Busy few days here but sober!
                      A few Boy Scout events and also my husband had LASIK vision surgery today. I had to grocery shop and get a hair cut (first hair cut post chemo! They made it look so pretty!)
                      Putting eye drops in hubby's eyes every hour and being his nurse lol.
                      I stopped for take out because hello, there was. I time to cook today! This guy came up to me and told me I looked like I could use a drink. (I was waiting for the take out at a booth not even at the bar). I said "no thanks I'm good". He kept trying to buy me a drink and I kept saying no. Then he kept staring at me like a creeper. Ugh.
                      Funeral plans are moving along. Waiting to hear from social services. Thank you all for your supportive words. I don't want to end up another dead drunk in my family. Mom, moms brother, my brother, dads brother, I'm sure there's more I just don't want to think about it.
                      I would like to imagine them looking down and being proud that I am sober.
                      I got stressed out today and the first thought was getting a bottle of wine. It's always the first thought. But that would have been a shit show and all my hard work for nothing!
                      Imagine- welcome!! I love your username!!

                      I love you guys. I look forward to talking to you every day. Almost 60 days!!
                      Day 1 again 11/5/19
                      Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                      Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                      Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                      11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                      12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                      One day at a time.


                        Thanks, guys, so much, for your wonderful support! So I went to the doctor and got enough xanax for 3 days. I'm on day 2 of sobriety and it's pretty awful, but I'm SO grateful to be clean! I've been eating much more regularly and drinking a TON of water. The weird thing is, I urinate very little compared to the amount of water I've been drinking, which is easily 8-10 glasses a day. I've been taking vitamins, and I have a wonderful family/friend support group as well.

                        Anyways, you guys are AWESOME!!! Thanks again! Such a warm family, I can tell!


                          Imagine - Congrats on starting your quit and getting some help from your doc. The first few days are often the hardest, and I strongly encourage you to spend a lot of time here on MWO reading through various abstinence threads - especially the toolbox, which has loads of great ideas, stories, and resources to help you stay strong with your quit.

                          Tool Box

                          Do you also know about the Newbie's Nest Roll Call thread? It's a place where newbies and not-so-newbies post daily for their number of days sober. It can be a very helpful part of maintaining your quit, and it's a fun place to just check in daily, post your own progress and help celebrate when folks reach milestones. There are also PRIZES!

                          Roll Call

                          Really proud of you! You're in the right place for sure. We're here for you and for each other. Find a cozy spot here in the Nest and tuck yourself safely in. :hug:

                          Wagmor (Jami)


                            Some great posts here. Just checking in to keep sober.
                            Tomorrow is New Years Eve and I am looking forward to bringing in the New Year sober for the 3rd New Years in a row. Amazing!

                            Good night

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              LS - Sorry to hear of your struggles, but so glad you jumped right back in the nest. Let's shore up your plan so that next time you can turn your back on that temptation. What tools usually work the best for you?

                              Byrdie - You've earned some rest and relaxation for sure, but congrats on getting so much business!

                              Nursie - Ugh, good job avoiding the creep while waiting for your food. And no, from the sound of your posts I'd say NOT drinking looks great on you!

                              Lav - Bundle up and stay warm there. And I agree - gratitude is a great way to shift moods in a positive direction! I'm gonna check out the TUT class you mentioned - sounds like just what I need for a great start to 2017

                              Ava - Enjoy your NYE - sounds mellow and sober, just the way I hope mine will be

                              Everyone - we're just hours (some more than others) away from starting a brand new year. Let's do it together and in AF style! So grateful for all of you. I hope you all have fantastic turns of the year. :heartbeat:


                                Thanks Wags. Same to you and y'all.

                                Working this weekend. Might drop in on some friends band across town NYE, but back home to get up for an early start sunday. No probs here re boozing. I ain't bought no ticket to that particular show! loving the strong run up sobriety wise into the new year, eh Kensho? How are ya Jvo?

                                Take it easy out there.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

