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    Hello nesters,LC,you sound really positive that attitude works out well for us,up early too as always but I feel extra tired today,wishing everyone a happy AF Thursday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      So many great posts here lately. It's fantastic to see the nest so alive and active! I'll be on again later today to go back and catch up. For now I just want to pat myself on the back for passing a kind of unofficial milestone.

      Today is my Day 166, which means I'm officially past the point where I fell off my quit the last time I was in the nest (2014). I actually don't know which day I fell before - I just know it was in the high 150s or low 160s. I've been a bit worried about this milestone, and now it has come and gone without my actually noticing and without any real struggle.

      I'm just really happy about this. Now I'll fix my sights on the next few targets: 6 months, 200/250/300 days, and one year. My real target is forever, but I'm motivated by number milestones so I'll use that to my own advantage as much as I possibly can.

      For now, getting my kicks on Day 166!


        Congratulations on getting over the barrier, Wags! When you're taking a step at a time, you don't even really know you're climbing a hill :smile:.


          well done Wags, the milestones we set for ourselves are so important arent' they?! I was so happy to get to past my first weekend as they were always my stumbling block then Christmas and New Year, it feels amazing that I have done those sober especially with everything else that has been thrown my way!

          Hope everyone is having a great day? I am muddling through, just having an early dinner then off for a soak in the bath and read something inspirational (hopefully!)
          One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


            Checking in, everyone sounds good. It's been a bad 18 hours but im hangin in!


              Hi, All:

              Hang in there, JKM! You are worth it.

              Wags - I love those milestones, too! They give me a sense of great accomplishment for sure. Congratulations on making it past 166!

              Nar - So great to see you here. Hope you're staying thawed up there.

              I remember NoSugar recommended the Bubble Hour for many months before I finally listened, and then I was hooked. There is an episode for just about every phase. Madon and JKM, if you're struggling a bit, I recommend a listen.

              Ava - the teenaged grunting! You might remember that I work with teenagers by choice - I love them. But it is an entirely different experience when I have to be with them 24/7! I am glad I have experience, though - they can't get to me the way they get to my husband who has very little patience. I just try to remember how confused they are, and how much they love/need us even though they also have to prove that they DON'T need us.

              I have a doozy of a cold - I can't believe the body can produce so much blech! Where does it all come from?? Both of my kids also had it this vacation - I feel like a big baby, but I feel like crap. I can't believe I used to have a shot of whisky as a "remedy" for this. What a crock! Now it is lots of fluids, and I made some homemade chicken soup. I'll get some work done this morning and then maybe head to bed...



                Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                Congratulations on getting over the barrier, Wags! When you're taking a step at a time, you don't even really know you're climbing a hill :smile:.
                Love this
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Wags - congrats on cruising route 166!!!!!!
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Congratulations on 166 days, Wags!


                      where do i find the bubble hour please?
                      One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering...


                        Maddie, what is the bubble hour? Perhaps I want to find it too. HA!


                          Hi everyone,
                          Once again it's hopping around here.
                          Wags, I can't believe how much you've had to overcome during your lost decade. I can just imagine feeling like you're losing the will to fight. I'm so happy you're back and you past the "bugger" 166 day. Congratulations! I like milestones too but I also tend to put the blinders on, I don't check off everyday so that I can look at the calendar at the beginning of the week and the days all over again. It's a little mind game but it makes me happy. I too,have furry friends that mean the world to me. Some times I prefer hanging with the 4 legged vs the 2 legged.

                          Belle, so glad you're back.
                          Congrats on day 60 Nursie! Your dream scared me as well. It has motivated me to stick to the program.
                          Jkm, congrats on 7 full days. I concur that you shouldn't worry about calories right now. You may find that after a couple of weeks your body and metabolism will reset itself. Try to exercise or at least go for a short walk. You'll stop feeling puffy and sluggish I promise. The urge to stuff yourself will hopefully subside as well. I Treat myself with whatever I want especially if I've made it through a difficult time/event. I figure the calories I consume pale in comparison to the calories I would have drank away AND the calories I would eat with my drunk.

                          Hi struggles, LC, ls, g-man, Byrdie, Kensho,Pav,Lav,Pauly, nora, mad,Mario.,Everybody.
                          Thank you, thank you for sharing.



                            Here you go: The Bubble Hour Online Radio | BlogTalkRadio
                            You can listen online or subscribe to the podcast.
                            I see there are many new episodes since I listened last - I think I'll listen to a few :smile:.


                              Download the podcast addict app then search bubble hour and recovery elevator they are both good. Podcast are the most awesome things ever.


                                Hi all,
                                Hope your okay this evening, I can't access my internet from my tablet - so posting from my phone! I've been riding the 'emotional rollercoaster' that is my day 7 but pleased to be celebrating my first AF full week (again...!) Many congratulations to you Jkm and LC too on your 7 days... same time next week?
                                Before coming to MWOF in November this year (or last year as it's 2017) I struggled most at day 4 so Thank you nesters, for getting me through - twice!
                                Nursie - very well done getting to 60days!
                                Wags, 166 days is amazing & Thank you for sharing this personal milestone with us d
                                G, you've really got a good attitude & it's really paying off :happy2:
                                Pauly, I hope you got a nice relaxing early night & sending get well soon thoughts to you Pav - colds are horrible.
                                Thinking of you J-Vo & Daisy
                                Wishing all a safe & sober Thursday
                                To see a world in a grain of sand
                                And a heaven in a wildflower.
                                Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                                And eternity in an hour.

