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    Hi all,
    I second that Pauly - I have really benefited from Mario's contribution to the 'Long Term Abstainers' section, Thank you x
    A new member Doveagain, was chatting about Vitamin D in their thread & it reminded me of being reccomended by the health visitor when I had my daughter to supplement her diet because of the gloomy weather - so it might be beneficial with winter blues?
    LC you sound so positive :heartbeat: sounds like your getting through changing (& what change isnt stressful?) with a really great attitude. Being honest is very brave, although sometimes the reaction isn't always positive I've found, I try to remember it's not necessarily the fruit of the reaction that is important, the importance is taking those brave first steps x
    I have thoughts about anger & resentment, in that they can come from 2 different ways in ourselves. Chat earlier in the thread about accepting bullshit when using AL, I think comes from carrying shame & low self esteem about my addiction makes me vulnerable to accepting things I wouldn't otherwise. Shame & feeling like 'I'm bad' very much can keep me trapped in a downward spiral of AL abuse. Although if I acknowledge this & treat as 'feeling guilty' for making bad choices, it puts me in a better place to take responsibility for my bad choices & take action.
    I'm angry at myself for making bad choices & how they affect me & my loved ones. I think this is healthy self anger as it tells me something is wrong & I need to take action.
    I think if someone hurts me, again, I think it's a normal healthy reaction to be angry because it's unacceptable as I (or anyone) doesn't deserve to be hurt. Accepting less bullshit because someone has a better sense of self worth are positive steps & think in this way, anger is healthy x
    I think resentment is tied up in feelings of shame & low self esteem whereby I've experienced healthy anger towards self or others for making bad choices myself or others hurting me. Instead of acknowledging my anger & taking action, feelings of shame & low self worth get the better of me & I don't think I'm worth taking action & deserving of these feelings. I think when this happens we don't feel strong enough to take action or sometimes we don't know what action to take. For myself, I think this is kind of where healthy anger ends and where resentment begins.
    I think choosing to go AF is just the start of the above process I've gone through before & now face ahead. It takes me time for healthy choices to reflect in my feelings but just have to trust that they will.

    Neo, sorry to hear of your slip, although contratulations on 40 days x I had a slip on the 29th too, so in early days again too. Glad to have you here & even better when so quickly after a slip x

    Thank you all for helping me do what I know I can but don't really believe yet x Your support is saving my life xx
    Wishing all a safe and sober Tuesday
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.


      Hi again Nesters!

      My number one Tool of coming here if I'm feeling in anyway vulnerable/anxious/depressed/in danger of thinking about using alcohol as an escape is working well and becoming a bit of a habit.. This morning, directly after having such a nice visit with you all, and after having such a good day yesterday with communication, I went into the kitchen to make breakfast and flipped and freaked out at (yet another) thoughtless action done by my ex.. it was such an automatic, gut reaction and I was so rude to him that I caused his almost 16 year old son to break down and cry/sob. was awful. I apologized all around because I know that I shouldn't say mean things no matter what.. it made me feel terrible, too. On my walk to work it came to me, how I could have handled the situation much differently and how much more effective it would have been to make my point.. I obviously still have a lot of anger and sadness towards him.
      I am just in the second week of my LAFQ, though, so I'm giving myself SLACK... I am finding it much more difficult short-term to deal with everything. But I know and remind myself constantly of what Kensho so perfectly wrote up above, ""alcohol is a fake solution. It doesn't actually solve or make any of that better - it just masks the pain and saves it for a later day"".
      One big thing I have to get rid of is the stupid need to have to "prove" something to him.. or to "I'll show him".. at this point, who gives a flying you know what? It helps me a lot to have you all here to come to, to have my sobriety as my number one main focus/goal/work. It's almost a blessing that I have something so big and important to concentrate on.. and it definitely is a blessing that I finally see it's the only way to my really being able to change my life.
      I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired!

      I love all of the posts from today.. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You people rock!

      Congrats on 5 months, G-man!!! That is some big stuff, I say! Kensho, you must be right there, too!

      Maddy, :hug:

      Off to bed soon.. looking forward to a good night's sleep. Wishing you all the same..xx


        Hello everyone, glad you are ok JVo, I was worried about you.

        I posted yesterday but my post is not there? hmmm. not sure what happened.

        Anyway, I will check back soon!

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Originally posted by KENSHO View Post

          For me, I finally realized that ALCOHOL IS NOT AN ANSWER. Life is still stressful, I still feel empty and sad at times, or very anxious or angry, but I know to my core that alcohol is a fake solution. It doesn't actually solve or make any of that better - it just masks the pain and saves it for a later day. breathe and know that "everything passes" and our job is to experience it, no matter how uncomfortable. Then we get through it and hopefully learn from it and move on to sunnier days.
          Brilliant post friend Kensho! And congrats on 150 smokin' AF days the other day. Keep it going good buddy.

          Congrats to any other milestoners we have round the joint. Bravo pilgrims.

          Safe travels Byrdy. Big waves to all!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            I guess on Day 3 I'm not supposed to be feeling so great? I have no cravings, but am extremely tired as I'm not sleeping much. Son is doing a tiny bit better and that's all we can expect one day at a time, right? I feel that is how every difficult change is in our lives, but as I've fallen and fallen over the years, I don't give myself enough time or seem to have the patience needed to get over these difficult moments. I really liked what you said, Kensho. We've will experience all the bad with the good, but getting through the uncomfortable moments is possible. I'm going to ask any of you who've taken antabuse a you think if I bought this three years ago that it would still be ok to take when needed? I want to put some in my purse, just like Pauly and Nursie. I think Nora, you said you took it as well. I'm not too focused tonight, so I'm going to sign off, check in on son, and veg out in front of tv. Thank you nest.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Evening nesters. Just needing to check in to keep myself accountable today. One more false start, another lesson. Time to make it an early night and get the sleep I didn't get last night.
              “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

              "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

              Newbies Nest
              Newbies Nest Roll Call
              Cattleman Cafe


                Good evening Nesters,

                Great posts today, thanks everyone!
                We never know when we may actually be helping someone simply by logging on & 'talking'!

                Neo, stay close & let us know how you are doing!
                Orimus, same with you.

                Safe travel wishes for Byrdie

                Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Quickie accountability fly by for me this morning..
                  Be back after work!


                    Good morning nesters, how she cutting ...

                    Just thinking when I was drinking, I never really thought about helping others, yea sure I liked to buy drinks for everyone in the bar, but that was for my own ego as much as anything else, It probably was for my own pleasure to be really honest, To really go out & try & help never occurred to me, Its only since I got sober & clean have I really began to share & help in a positive way, Its not about me, But I do find sharing my opinions & story's in what I went through does help me to stay on the right track.

                    Have a good day folks.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Hi all,
                      Quick fly by this morning, hope your all doing okay. Weather here is getting 'cold' finally (for us anyway)! No snow yet, but when we do get it - it's a disaster! We're very unprepared for It!
                      Orimus, well done for coming on & posting. It's easier to let things slide & not do that so being honest & accountable for yourself is great, come here as often as you need :hug:
                      LC, I get the 'I'll show him' feeling. The irony is that when I was really over said bloke, I no longer felt that way anymore!
                      JVo, I actually found day 4 my hardest to get over, sending warm & positive thoughts to you x
                      I've never tried Antabuse, I wasn't allowed Antabuse because I used to drink alot, too fast & end up in hospital so it would have been dangerous :egad: but I thought I'd mention I'd used a different drug called Campral for cravings. It was very effective (like a nicotine patch) but less so if you drink whilst using It.
                      Thoughts to you all & get well wishes to anyone still under the weather x
                      Wishing all a safe and sober Wednesday
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wildflower.
                      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                      And eternity in an hour.


                        Hello nesters,Orimus, only thing I can say is that I think you should try and be here daily no matter what, when I first came here I was still drinking a lot but I still posted and read,eventually something sticks out and I was able to cut back,then cut back more,then stop,then relapse numerous times but I always came back,I felt a sense of comittment to MWO and the people here,posting helps keep me on the track I want to be on,just stick around are you still doing your martial arts stuff? LS,cold here too for us anyways, I can't remember the last time we've had such a cold winter,brrr! Feel less bloated this morning but still sticking to leggings just to be safe wishing everyone a positive, productive AF day
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Hi Nesters!
                          I have read quite a few times recently that anger/upset of other peoples actions are triggers. Well, that is mine too! Only the people that trigger and anger me are the very people I chose to live near. Now, you say, just move. However, I can't, because their actions have forced me to stay and made my property unsaleable. So I have to be here, I have no-where to go. I have to interract. I have no choice! My partner is here. My cats are here and I wanted this life here, but the Spanish locally took all the fight from me! So I drink to forget. Sorry Nesters, but this is a circle I find difficult to straighten out, so ideas are forever welcome!!
                          So, again trying to gain a day one after failing again.
                          Everything on here has helped and so I will hang on in here........I WANT to win!!!!!!
                          A x


                            ADP - If I'm understanding your post correctly, it sounds like you're drinking "at" other people - is that correct? I've definitely done that too, and such situations have been my biggest temptations that have broken or almost broken my quits. I finally got it through my thick skull what Byrdie likes to say: I've stopped drinking AT other people because doing so simply gives those people control over MY life. If they make me upset or angry, my best "revenge" so to speak is to snatch control back from them and live my life for ME and for my health and well-being.

                            I've found it most helpful to use the "wait 30 minutes" approach to triggers like this - wait 30 mins and see if I'm still angry/upset before drinking. Then wait another 30. Add up 30-min chunks until the trigger passes (usually within an hour or two) and then feel awash in gratitude that my quit is intact.

                            FWIW, similar to what you mentioned, I had drunk myself into a deep pit health-wise before starting my current and final quit. That hole was so deep I couldn't imagine ever climbing my way back out of it - truly a place of despair. And yet, dad by day, climb I did. It wasn't as hard as I imagined, and it didn't take as long as I thought. You can do this too!

                            Sorry if I've misunderstood. Sending you hugs and strength either way.
                            Last edited by wagmor; January 11, 2017, 11:11 AM.


                              GMAE all.

                              Pauly - I do plan on making this a daily habit. I know I've said that before and that just comes down to staying motivated - which is definitely helped by being reminded. ) As for the martial arts stuff .... been a bit of a while. An embarrassingly long bit of a while.
                              ADP - There is always a choice my friend. The choice may suck but you are not trapped. Something that I still wrestle with is if I'm doing something because I think I need to then there is a reason, somewhere I'm looking to get to or something I'm looking to get. If I don't do it then I will never get to where I desire to be or get that which I desire. And I won't become the person who I need to be to realize that result. Therefore there is nothing that I need to do, only what I want to do. Just musing here. Perhaps I need to read back but what did your neighbors do?

                              Day 2 and I did not get the sleep I wanted. Laid down with 10 hours to sleep and I think I got about half of that. Should've remembered to pick up the zzzzQuill. (even when I'm drinking I pick up the alcohol free version.) Anyway other than being tired and a little foggy it's all right. Supplements have shipped though I was a bit worried because after I finished checking out I went to set up the auto refill and the Kudzu was already on back order. Again. Back to work for now.
                              “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                              "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                              Newbies Nest
                              Newbies Nest Roll Call
                              Cattleman Cafe


                                LC - Sorry things are rough with your ex. I truly admire your commitment to being open and honest with him and with yourself about how you’re feeling. You aren’t stuffing it down and pretending, and you aren’t drinking at the situation or at him. Stay strong with your decisions and continue to take care of yourself and your girls. Hugs

                                Pauly & Lav - I hope you’re feeling better!

                                LS - thanks for the dry drunk thread link

                                Byrdie - Safe travels!

                                Neo & Orimus - hop back in and hang on tight!

